
Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Vol.1 – Episode 23

Few dozens of tangled and broke the ground

That was the torrent that erased a mountain out of the map.

Every single steam contained the destructive power of a flood

One movement dented the ground, another movement broke the rock.

The human’s body was nothing but a flash.

Those streams gathered to make a whirlpool of the ocean.

Even a battleship would be ground by its power.

Incomparable power that slew the three knights with one blow.

But Ereka blocked her with her shield and shouted out.


Her golden shield shone like rightful rulership as an answer to the abusive tyrant to protect her people.

According to the legend, the blessing of light was impenetrable.

“This stupid shield!”

The blood torrent of the blood ruler clashed with the shield.

Which one would be stronger.

An awaken the ultimate skill of level 8 versus a regular ultimate skill of level 6.

Level 8 would be stronger.

If it was a normal shield.

But the Aegis that the princess was holding was not a normal shield. That was an artifact given by Athena, goddess of protection, war and wisdom, to her royal household after making an oath to protect the people.

It was a power of god beyond artifacts of saint or heroes.

It was beyond the level of a Divine Weapon that god made for humans, but was God’s Dignity that God created for himself.

That also meant the absolute protection blocked the power of level 8 enemy.

“That is just a gimmick made with a weak heart. Someone who sacrifices herself for th w lives is not suitable to become a king! Die!”

The blood ruler was left with only one choice.

Bloody torrent swallowed Ereka. Holding the shield to protect everyone, her body torn apart.

When a savior is protecting her enemy, eliminate the protector was the blood ruler’s rule, but Sungjin had already understood that. Ereka’s sacrifice was not in vain.


Sungjin shouted at the perfect timing.

Jenna and Rittier were ready to attack.

Thor’s hammer shook the sky.

While the old knight rapidly ran toward the blood ruler.

That short amount of time after she used the ultimate skill. They didn’t miss that chance to attack her with their best skills.

They had more head counts, so even though they lost one, but still, they could win. They worked hard eliminating the three knights to get this advantage.

The victory was in front of them.

But at that moment that bloody magical sword roared again.

“I will show you the real color of my sword.”

Another blood torrent spurt from the magical sword.

The red body of the sword spurt blood and showed its real shape.

That was...

A sword made of a bone.

Not steel, not meteor but a bone. Not even a bone of a monster or magical creature but a bone of a lamb.

It was not a bone of a regular lamb.

“The First Blood! The curse that contains all the bloody sins after you. Bring out your blood!”

An artifact. The First Blood.

It was a weapon that contained the original sin of Cain who killed his brother Abel at the beginning of the world.

That was screaming in the hand of a girl who was trying to kill her sister.

The magical sword; an artifact made of a bone of holy sacrifice, covered with the sin of murder.

That was the cause of murder committed by humans.

The absolute power of the blood torrent from the sword came from the blood containing the weight of the sin.

So the power as an artifact,

It was as strong as the ultimate skill of the blood ruler.

“The...second attack?”

Sungjin froze. The blood ocean swallowed Thor’s hammer.

At the end of the day, the blood ruler was level 8. While Jenna was in level 5.

Jenna didn’t have a chance.


The blood torrent easily stopped the attack and crushed Jenna into pieces. And headed to Sungjin to tear him up in million pieces.

“Iron Faith!”

That moment of danger, Rittier threw Sungjin to his back and blocked the power with his whole body.

“You can’t! Break my faith!”

The old knight shouted out his iron faith, but the bloody power was way too strong.

“Cute. There’s no faith broke by power. It’s only the question of which one first, spirit or body.”


Rittier swept away by the blood wave while the blood ruler laughed at him.

The blood torrent did stop. The tsunami of blood came back to take Sungjin.

His cold mind calculated that he couldn’t run away from that tsunami with his speed.

Despair swept him before the tsunami.

But then, a little shape in light came out from the blood ocean, it was Jenna.

She became running energy by using her skill, her body was grounded by the bloody ocean and almost invisible. But still, she used her last force to push Sungjin’s body out.

The blood gnawed him from behind, but Jenna pushed Sungjin out. She wanted to save him.


With a shout mixed with her scream, Jenna pushed Sungjin out of the blood. The tsunami died down behind them.

“Hehehe... Sungjin oppa, you are ok, right...?”

When she became herself from the shape of the energy, she had only her upper body. She was shivering with pain but tried to smile for him. But the next moment, her body scattered and disappeared.

Sungjin couldn’t do anything but watch.

That was the best position using all their forces.

He used all the information he gathered, studies them and prepared.

He already thought that there was something more than just the ultimate skill of the blood ruler that she showed to the princess on the mountain.

He predicted there would be more skills.

He studied various cases of the ultimate skill in various battles in numerous locations to understand the possibilities.

And he was sure that he would defeat her when he looked at the ultimate skill alone.

Another variable was a counterattack by an artifact.

And he was prepared.

He checked all the existing artifacts and planned the solution for each case.

That was why he was 99% sure.

But he was in the 1% situation now.

An artifact that could duplicate the ultimate skill.

His team had not enough force to return that.

He did everything he could.

The remaining 1% of possibilities, the rarest artifact that could make everything powerless in the hand of the blood ruler.

[Man proposes and God disposes.]

Sungjin felt the same regret that of Zhuge Liang when he succeeded in his fire attack yet failed to catch Sima Yi.

If there was only the blood ruler, he should have won, but fate was not on his side

Fate protected level 8 blood ruler from the level 0 extra.

An artifact that duplicates of...the... ultimate kill?

Sungjin had to accept his failure in front of the absolute power

He saved all his team from any damage.

And attacked her with their optimal tactic.

Only to be defeated.

“Hahaha. How you understand what you are facing.”

Riad laughed arrogantly, but Sungjin couldn’t argue.

He was alone.

His team was annihilated.

He couldn’t even kind the trace of their body.

All of them.

No, that was not it. His promise to take out the tyrant, the blood ruler, to free this world and the hope of people swept away with them.

Now the blood ruler would take over the kingdom to sacrifice everyone for herself. Countless people would be abused and die miserably.

The oppression of the Ministry of Gender Equality was smaller than a needle in a haystack.

What should I do?

Sungjin’s brain calculated his situation and all the possible possibilities in this desperate situation. The answer was clear.

There was no answer.

There was no way to make it work.

The game was over. He was defeated.

“Now, you know how stupid you are.”

Riad put her sword on his neck.

“Using the power you have is not the only way to set up a strategy, but having power itself is always one. Your weakness that didn’t kill the princess to obtain power is the reason for your misery.”

To fight against the tyrant who killed everyone to accumulate her power, his choice not to sacrifice a girl that he liked was a sign of his weakness.


He couldn’t argue, knowing she was right.

Is it... over?

Was I someone who couldn’t defeat the blood ruler, far from becoming an Arc Master?

Heroes were chanting in the waiting room.

“Our blood ruler!”

They were stupid to fear Sungjin.

He had the intelligence of a devil?


But the absolute power of the blood ruler was of the great devil.

Sungjin’s military intelligence multiplied what they had,

While the blood ruler’s absolute power crashed more than what they could imagine.

The winner was the power of level 8 not the creative mind of level 0.

Not a gimmick of an extra but the absolute power of a hero.

Level was the only measure of power and privilege.

The people fell into despair again.

“Ahah... your highness....”

“We... are done....”

“Your Highness... Sungjin....”

Nania was among people who lost their spirit and fell down on the ground. Their hope was killed by the blood ruler’s absolute power with the princess.

Ereka, back in the waiting room, put her hands together.

“Not yet. Sungjin is still out there.”

She told herself that she wouldn’t let him lose because she protected not only her rightful rulership but also her life.

She wouldn’t let the blood ruler abuse people with tyranny

She had her final method.

She pulled out her dagger.

The sword made of gold with an ominous red ruby decorating it looked like bad news.

“Your Highness...”

Rittier’s face became dark because he knew that the dagger was to kill herself to finish the ritual and give Sungjin all her power.

“My princess!”

Jenna cried, but none of them could stop her.

That was the only way to stop the blood ruler


Shouted Sungjin from the faraway battlefield.

He couldn’t see the waiting room but he knew.

“Sungjin. But you know this is the only way.”

Ereka answered, knowing there was no way he could hear her.

“Don’t! I... I will...”

Sungjin couldn’t promise that he would win. He couldn’t finish his sentence. His brain knew that there was no way.

He couldn’t stop Ereka, while he couldn’t even lie to himself.

“Don’t blame yourself. You’ve been great. Just the blood ruler’s power was too great to fight.”

They had to sacrifice something to fight back.

The princess smiled sadly looking at the sharp dagger.

She thought she was ready, but her hands were shaking.

She remembered her promise she made with Sungjin to go on another picnic.

Ah... yes... I always dreamed of a romance with a prince charming.

She tried her best to get approved by her father who taught her knighthood and martial arts to make her strong, but she couldn’t meet his expectations.

Playing with dolls and talking about romance with princes or heroes always made her heart pounding.

She dreamed of falling in love with a prince charming, cooking for him, dancing with him and made her happy.

That’s why she ran away from home saying she didn’t want to become a king and hated martial art when her father stopped her going to a dancing party to greet a foreign guest.

After her father passed away, she stood against the blood ruler while other heroes stayed in silence. And she had to give up her dreams as a girl to become a knight...

But her childhood dream was still there.

Maybe that was why.

She was so happy when she met Sungjin and fell in love with Sungjin.

It was short but I was really happy.

She was happy just imagining the picnic with him.

She was shy but she daydreamed of being his lover.

She wished their life together.

Ah... Sungjin...

She sadly smiled looking at Sungjin.

She didn’t regret her decision to become a king.

She was not regretting her oath to choose the kingship over love.

It was worth the try to protect everyone.

But... but...

She didn’t know she had to abandon something that made her so happy and that she wanted to badly.

Only if I could fall asleep in his arms once more...

She wished and wished

If I had one more day, I would spend it in his arms.

If I had one more day, I would tell him how I felt.

But now it was the moment of choice.

No, she had already made her choice when she was holding her shield.

She had a million wishes but that didn’t change her mind.

Bye. I give my everything to you.

She could trust him and give her everything to him.

Because she loved him.

She pushed the dagger into her heart.

There was no blood.

But the ruby sucked up her blood. The ominous red shined brightly and started to pound like a real heart.

The princess protected everyone again.

Although nobody protected her.

A flame of darkness spurt from Sungjin’s body.

It was not burning or melting but simply annihilating everything and swallowed the ground around him.


The massive power made the blood ruler step back.

Dark flame evaporated the blood ocean.

It looked like a gigantic dragon coiling up.

If the blood ocean of the magical sword was made of human sin.

The dragon of dark flame was evil itself came out from the deepest hell.

“Hahaha, so this is your power?”

The blood ruler laughed pretending she was cool, but she couldn’t hold her sword still.

Even if the princess sacrifice herself to give her power to Sungjin, she was only level 6. She thought that shouldn’t be threatening, but the dark flame with unimaginable power pressed her down.

She understood if she fought this being, her, her level and her everything would become ashes in a heartbeat.

The real magical creature from another world.

A power beyond any measurement.

It was impossible to measure him with level, now the ritual has been completed, his power was next level.

The princess was just a catalyst, was not a power given to him.

The princess Ereka’s spirit whispered Sungjin.

She was reaching coma, her spirit was dragged to the battlefield by the power and saw the burning flame of darkness.

So this is your true power, Sungjin?

As her life faded away, the evil dark flame started to show its shape.

I’m glad. With this power, you could fight the blood ruler.

Her sacrifice was not in vain.

It must be difficult but take my life.

Sungjin understood her.

Realistically, that was the best way.

He meant it when he said he wanted to protect her. But it was what he wanted, the reality didn’t allow him.

The reason for power ruled the world. It didn’t matter who was right. The Strongest was to be the winner.

Took everyone as her sacrifices or not didn’t matter. As long as she got the power, the blood ruler was the strong winner.

What they needed was the power to fight back.

Not a justice. Justice was the last thing they needed.

This was an irony that a girl became unhappy to make everyone happy, but that was how it worked in this world.

When fighting against a weak enemy, he could talk about a perfect victory, following his dream kind of bullshit to look cool.

But when he had to fight against a strong enemy, there was no place for vanity.

To become strong enough to fight back, a sudden level of sacrifice was a necessary evil.

He had to take the power from the princess

This was the only way to win.

He came up with his conclusion.

That was the best way for the princess as well. Although she lost her life and her happiness she would keep what she wanted to protect as a king.

The dragon of dark flame coiled around him to become united.

A dragon brand started to appear on his chest around his heart.

[The person who followed the forbidden ritual to join the battle watched by gods. I was fallen from the light. I was light but became darkness.]

The deep and dark voice echoed.

[The king of those who fights against God. The great king of kings who rules hell.]

Sungjin was full of power.

The blood ruler in front of him was nothing to fear.

He was sure. Once he took this power, there was no need to even fight.

[My name is the morning star abandoned the light. The despair that abandoned the hope.]

The dark flame dragon roared. The air heated up and all the clouds in the battlefield evaporated.


When he revealed his name, a circle of pact appeared under Sungjin’s feet.

The name and the weight of the name agitated the battlefield and the waiting room.

Heroes succeeded only in the name of spirits.

A superhuman who overcame the limit of human.

They were successors of various spirits from different worlds beyond Valhalla Superhuman was still the name of a human

But the king of hell.

Not a wizard who serve the king but the king himself.

The king of the king.

An extra, no... a magical creature from elsewhere will succeed the great name of the king of hell?

Now people understood why the power was to be beyond levels and was above any existing measurement.

[Now. Answer. Just one word. You give me your first encounter to be my successor. With your answer, I will become your power.]

On the moment of defeat, the king of hell offered the victory. It was a great offer.

[Answer. You shall rule this world.]

He wasn’t promising one victory.

[There will be no human who could fight against you. You will be beyond them.]

It was a glory beyond humans. He had to accept it.

Sungjin answered.

“I don’t need it!”

The black flame disappeared. The imprint disappeared with the flame.

The power of the princess went back.

He didn’t need it.

He didn’t need a cheap victory using her as a sacrifice.

I will fight without that shit.

His head understood the impossible reality and accepted it, while his heart couldn’t.

Sungjin drew his sword with his pounding heart.

He ran toward the blood ruler with his rushing blood.

He ran toward level 8 that was like a wall of despair.

It was not an act of courage with no fear.

It was a step with a bone-crushing fear on his shoulder.

It was a clear reality that Ereka had to sacrifice herself in order to fight back the evil.

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