
Chapter 1143 Meaning 3


Frightful screams of tortured souls interrupted him, erupting from a spot that felt as if it was right beside him.

Looking up from his meditation, Daneel saw that except for the patch of grass he was sitting on, the rest of his consciousness was a blackened wasteland. The ghosts flew about freely, but even in their victory, they found no pleasure. And indeed, their victory was near, as he could see that his search for a pathway had been so all-engrossing that his defenses had weakened.

Only...despite standing face to face with his doom, Daneel felt no fear.

Odd. What’s giving me so much confidence?

He didn’t need to look long for the answer.

The answer lies in that epiphany. That whisper from before...was a clue. The method to find one’s path has always been to ask questions...so the question I asked then was important.

With growing excitement, Daneel began to follow the line of thought...but the screams of the ghosts were too insistent. There was also the tiny problem where they would soon make him rot...so he realized that he needed to do something.

All I need is one quiet, crisp moment. Yes...I need to stake everything on it.

It might seem extremely foolhardy to anyone who was watching his situation, but Daneel believed in himself. Taking a deep breath, he said, "System, divert all resources being used to defend me to attack."

[Warning: host’s command will lead to host’s death in 2 seconds.]

Dance around the edge of death, and build the bridge to salvation.

"That’s all right. Do it on my mark."

The system gave no answer, but he knew that it was ready. Taking a second, he prepared himself to use the time he was going to gain well.

Holding the question in his mind, he said, "Now."


With a loud sound, a wave of wind blew from where he sat, pushing back the ghosts. They were so surprised that they stopped giving voice to their pain, and sitting in front of them with no protection at all, Daneel saw that this was his moment.

Right away, he put the same question to himself, again.

I made the Will of the World my own when I broke through...what else can I even ask of Angaria?

The whisper returned, but this time, Daneel caught it as if it was a fish trying to wiggle through his fingers. He dissected it, studying what it was using the epiphany he had just had, and just as the ghosts began to wheel around and see that it was finally time for them to have their revenge, he figured it out.

The question feels...wrong. That’s what my innermost feelings were trying to tell me. It’s as if I’m thinking about it all in the wrong way...

The ghosts screamed again, but Daneel was too engrossed to hear them. They launched into flight, their mouths opening impossibly wide to swallow him whole, and in a second, he would be no more.

That...was when it hit him.

Yes! I was looking at it from the opposite direction! Angaria has given me everything! What right do I have to ask anything else of it? No, instead of that...isn’t it time to give back? Isn’t it time to let even my path echo my will to fight for my land? For my people?

Everything inside him screamed that he had found the answer, but in front of him, the ghosts kept flying, relentless.

Well...only one way to see if I’m right.

Calmly, he raised one hand and drew on this newfound meaning of power.

With my Champion Path, I was able to empower myself by using the support of people around me. My own thoughts didn’t matter. With their support, I could do what I wished. Now, instead...I tie my power to my will. When my will aligns with something I believe in, all the power in the world will be mine to use. On Angaria, my will is to save my home and my people. For them, I raise my hand...so Angaria, stand with me. So far, I commanded you...but now, I beseech you. Your son prays for aid. Will you answer?

All of a sudden, two things happened.

First, Daneel felt as if a dam had burst within him. He hadn’t even known of its existence, but with its destruction...sweet, strong, savage power flowed into him, eager to fill up each and every part of his body.

Second...the ghosts slowed, then stopped.

This second development shocked Daneel, too. Amazed, he watched as the dark haze that had clung to each Axelorian to make them look like ghosts fade away. In its wake, it started to leave behind feeble, broken men and women who were all staring at the hand he had raised.

"W-why does his power make me feel...that it cares for me?"

"Y-yes! W-what are these feelings?"

"Con-concern. L-l-love, maybe? I thought I had forgotten them..."

Muttering, they walked closer. With each step, the darkness disappeared more and more until there was naught but a smidgen left.

By then, they had come close enough to touch him. Crowding in front of him, they all had their hands raised to the glowing orb of light he had created to destroy them all.

Daneel felt ashamed. On one hand, he had been feeling elated due to his success...but at the same time, how could he have not recognized that his will was to save the people in front of him, too?

That was why they had stopped. As he had joined his will with power, they had felt his honest intentions and had been reminded of the things they had forcefully been made to forget.

Lowering his hand, Daneel made the power engulf his body...and stepped forward.

He embraced them all, one by one. Each one cried tears of relief as the pain finally left them.

"You’re home."

"Don’t worry, it’ll all be all right."

"Welcome back."

Speaking reassuringly, he healed them all. Their faces that showed a hint of revival brought him more joy than the happiness he had felt after his breakthrough.

When he was done, he raised his hand and the farmland healed, too. It also grew until it was four times the size of what it had been, and everywhere he could see, power brimmed and vibrated in the air.

"Rest here. You came to destroy it, but I ask that you make it your home until I can find a more suitable one."

As soon as he said so, the Axelorians plopped to the ground, exhausted. They all began to fall into a deep sleep, and seeing their peaceful faces, Daneel couldn’t help but smile.

Finally, after ensuring that they would be all right, he turned to the horizon. He knew that all he needed to do to return to reality was fly into the sky, as with his breakthrough, his body had healed completely and was waiting to be used to end this war, once and for all.

Your wish is my command, my Queen, he thought, before taking a deep breath...and stepping into the air.

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