
Chapter 973: Savage And Unreasonable

Chapter 973: Savage And Unreasonable

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The great hall was strangely quiet. Princess Zhang Le looked at Yu Qingcheng’s group with a sneering smile, wondering why such a bunch of wimps would dare to seek her husband’s fortune. Qixia, on the other hand, was holding Wu Qi’s arm in her hands and squinting at the crowd that surrounded Ji Dai—a fat flock of sheep, eight Supreme Oracles and eight Third Pangu Heaven generals who would certainly taste good if they were refined into fiend energy crystals.

Ji Dai did not see the sneering smile on Princess Zhang Le’s face or feel the predatory menace that came from Qixia. He glanced coldly at the Long Bo men who were walking toward him from all sides and sneered, “What do you want to do, King of Dong Hai? Do you dare to touch me?”

The Long Bo men were stretching their strong bodies. As soon as Wu Qi gave the order, they would pounce on Ji Dai and the crowd around him and tear them to pieces. These guards were all descendants of the group of Long Bo men whom Wu Qi had saved from Myriad Immortals Planet, and he was the most sacred and inviolable Great Divine Magus in their minds, their only faith.

Wu Qi sat down slowly on the throne, then crossed his legs as he looked at Ji Dai. He cocked his head and pointed toward the scroll in Yu Qingcheng’s hand.

A crisp ripping noise rang out as the miniature Supreme Towers suspended above the two Supreme Oracles gave a jolt. Their defenses were pierced by Wu Qi, then the scroll flew up and soared through the void, landing in his hand. The two old men turned pale with fright while Yu Qingcheng staggered back a few steps, screaming with horror.

Several other Supreme Oracles and generals rushed in and surrounded Ji Dai and Yu Qingcheng, lest Wu Qi should kill them. That was a terrifying finger just now. They could not believe he had just pierced the defense laid down by two Supreme Oracles with only the pointing of a finger. How strong was he?

Ji Dai’s face flickered between blue and pale. He suddenly realized that he had underestimated Wu Qi’s strength. However, Wu Qi had only become a Supreme Oracle for a few years. How much improvement could he make in such a short time? Even if he had used the Supreme Tower’s time-accelerating function to improve his cultivation base, he should have been as old as the Supreme Oracles around Ji Dai!

The human Supreme Oracles could use all kinds of precious materials to prolong their lives, but few things could keep them young forever. The vigorous aura emanating from Wu Qi’s body clearly showed that he was still as strong as a young man, and his appearance was not old and withered like that of the other Supreme Oracles.

Ignoring the thoughts that were buzzing around in Ji Dai and Yu Qingcheng’s minds, Wu Qi unrolled the scroll and took a casual look at the contents. What he read made him so angry that he almost burst out laughing and summoned the group of cannibals, including Catfish, Gold Horn, and Silver Horn, to devour this group of unwelcomed visitors.

Inside the scroll was a fetid and wordy official document, recounting Wu Qi’s achievements over the years and praising him for his outstanding service, for being the greatest pillar of Great Yu—the so-called genius with great abilities. But the latter part of the document changed its tone, saying that because he had contributed so much, it was time for him to succeed the title of King of Bai Shan, and it was time for him to have his place among the eighteen kings of the imperial council.

For that reason, Great Yu asked him to take his family, confidants, and bodyguards to Liangzhu to report to his duties, and leave all matters here in Dong Hai—including the war with Ling Dynasty—to King Qing Qiu. The document also mentioned that Great Yu had prepared dozens of palaces and gardens for him near Liangzhu, including nearly a million miles wide fertile land, and numerous precious treasures.

Wu Qi paid no attention to these things. He patted the scroll in his hand and asked Yu Qingcheng with a smile, “I believe this is your idea, right? You’ve waited patiently until I’ve secured Dong Hai, quelled the eastern region, stationed soldiers everywhere, trained the armies, and even strengthened the Directorate of Celestials here...And now, you have come to reap the fruits of my labor. Am I right?”

He cleared his throat, then sighed and said, “What a plan! A while ago, Ling Dynasty was attacking Dong Hai, and it wasn’t very peaceful. If you were here to take Dong Hai, they might have killed you. So, you waited. Now, as they have moved their armies to the south and north, and as there are signs that they are going to have a war with Jin Dynasty, you came at once.”

Yu Qingcheng smiled as he stroked his long beard and said faintly, “I don’t understand what you’re talking about. It is all arranged for the purposes of state affairs.”

Wu Qi drummed his fingers against the armrest of the throne. After pondering for a long time, he nodded slowly and said, “I’ve read the official document. The strange thing is, I have such a vast fief here, but why do you only give me a piece of land a million miles wide? Why? That is only the size of a county. How could you do this to me?”

“The things in Dong Hai that belong to you are still yours,” Ji Dai said coldly. “It is a great honor for you to be promoted to King of Bai Shan and become one of the eighteen kings of the imperial council. Why are you still haggling over every ounce?”

Wu Qi almost burst out laughing. He was haggling over every ounce?

Looking coldly at Ji Dai, he said in a deep voice, “Well, even if I accept the promotion, what is my duty? I know every king of the imperial council is responsible for a lot of things like state affairs and military affairs, but why isn’t my duty mentioned int his document?”

His eyes flickering, Ji Dai said darkly, “After you are promoted, your duties will be discussed by the rest of the kings of the imperial council.”

Wu Qi spread his hands and sighed. “So, you are going to turn me into a mere figurehead? Take away my foundation and send me to Liangzhu for retirement? What do you mean? Casting me aside once I have served your purpose? What is wrong with you? Was this King Yang Shan’s idea, or was it some other king? Does His Majesty know about this?”

Yu Qingcheng said firmly, “King of Dong Hai, what is done is done! There is no turning back now!”

Suddenly, the eight Third Pangu Heaven generals around Yu Qingcheng shouted, word by word, “King of Dong Hai, please go to Liangzhu at once and be promoted to King of Bai Shan!” Their thunderous voice shook the hundreds of Long Bo men who had surrounded Ji Dai and Yu Qingcheng, causing blood to run down the corners of their mouths. Roaring in unison, the burly bodies of these guards abruptly grew to a height of about a mile, their heads nearly breaking the ceiling. Fortunately, the interior of this great hall was large enough to accommodate them.

At about the same time there came a sudden storm-like roar from outside the city, “King of Dong Hai, please go to Liangzhu at once and be promoted to King of Dong Hai!”

The roar was let out in unison by at least hundreds of thousands of Second Pangu Heaven soldiers, so loud that it shook all the houses in the city. Meanwhile, twelve very powerful divine senses enveloped the city, and then rudely slammed toward Wu Qi. They made it clear that they wanted to overwhelm Wu Qi with numbers.

Suddenly, Qixia looked up and asked Wu Qi with a sweet smile, “Can I eat them?”

As he sensed the twelve divine senses that came crushing at him from the outside, Wu Qi nodded slowly.

While laughing, Qixia stretched out a hand and made a grasping gesture. All of a sudden, twelve black ripples shaped like fishnets appeared in the void while flashing rapidly, and then a miserable howl was heard coming through them. She waved the hand, and the ripples turned into a plume of black smoke, rushing into her palm like an endless river. Meanwhile, the howl of horror rang incessantly over the city. It was a full quarter of an hour before the eerie howl came to a halt and the black smoke stopped pouring out of the void.

Soon afterward, from the entrance of the hall came a series of thuds. The mummified bodies of twelve old men in black robes fell there; the dried corpses crumbled as they touched the ground, filling the air with clouds of dust. It was a dreadful sight to behold.

The eight Supreme Oracles protecting Ji Dai in the hall swallowed hard. The twelve dead old men, who had all their energy essence sucked away by Qixia, were companions who had come with them, and had remained outside the city to command the army, preparing to intimidate Dong Hai. They had never dreamed that Qixia’s attack was so frightening; not only was she able to kill twelve Supreme Oracles through the void, but she had also teleported their bodies directly over the great hall, and then thrown them to the ground.

Ji Dai and Yu Qingcheng, who had been haughty and overbearing a moment ago, turned pale with fear. They fixed their eyes at Qixia in horror, and then suddenly perceived the aura emanating from her—the dangerous aura that belonged to the predators from the upper food chain!

Qixia burped with satisfaction. She patted her belly gently and said softly to Wu Qi, “They are very satisfied! If only I could have a few more...”

Wu Qi could not help shivering at her words and felt his scalp turn numb. The ‘they’ she mentioned were the 360,000 children in her belly! Whenever he thought of the children, Wu Qi’s hair stood on their ends. He still could not believe that he had produced a group of Shapeless Heavenly Fiends with Qixia!

Princess Zhang Le looked admiringly at Qixia’s belly, and then rubbed her own belly gently; there was only one child in it, and it would take three eons to be born. She knew that pregnancy was not something that could be accelerated over time. She must gather enough natural energy essence from the outside world to allow her child to grow up healthily; the baby would be immature when born if she accelerated time.

While the two women focused all their attention on the children they were carrying, Wu Qi smashed the scroll with a slap. Staring coldly at Ji Dai, he said, “I don’t agree with what’s mentioned in it. I want the title though. From today on, I’m the King of Bai Shan of Great Yu, one of the eighteen kings in the imperial council. As for Dong Hai, I will not give it to you!”

Ji Dai’s face twitched as he gritted his teeth and said, “King of Dong Hai, you...”

Wu Qi waved his hand, smashing the defense laid down by the eight Supreme Oracles, and slapped Ji Dai in the face, throwing him to the ground.

“Call me King of Bai Shan!” he said coldly. “Now, all of you...crawl out of Dong Hai! Whoever dares to walk on two legs...Somebody, summon Catfish!”

Before he had finished, the group of cannibals, including Ao Buzun, Immortal Jadebone, and Catfish, had already rushed into the great hall. A terrible aura filled the hall as everyone fixed their eyes at Ji Dai and his men.

Yu Qingcheng’s legs gave way and he dropped to his knees first.

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