
Chapter Volume 3, 12 - The Attention from A Stalker (Advanced)

Chapter 12: The Attention from A Stalker (Advanced)

Translator: Night Fury

Proofread by DragonRider

“Gosh, this one looks cute~” This photo had been taken when Jun Cheng had been in the hospital. He had been yawning with tears coming out from the corner of his eyes and sitting on the toilet due to his diarrhea in the picture. His hair looked so messy. That was so adorable~ I checked on the serial number of this photo, LJC43709… All right, I would classify this one into the high-quality photos. Next time I would print it and attach it to my ceiling.

After I had copied and pasted this photo to a folder which named ‘Love Jun Cheng (High Quality)’, I started to search for other photos of him. It took me almost the whole afternoon to put all those photos in order. After that, I stood up to stretch myself while exercising my fingers.

Then I opened the fridge and took out a box of half-eaten matcha ice-cream.

“Ah~~~Yum.” I put a mouthful of match ice-cream when I sat cross-legged in front of the screen.

“That’s so delicious~” Well, I meant for the ice-cream, not the spoon.

Well, the one who had eaten half of the ice-cream was Jun Cheng so the spoon must have been used by him. Ho ho~ Hello everyone, this is Lan Hua.

This was my daily routine, sorting out the ‘Jun Cheng Images’ which had been recorded yesterday~ And I would still keep updating my precious ‘Love Jun Cheng’ collection. Normally I would look through around a thousand photos a day. Lots of days had passed, and the serial numbers had already reached to five digits.

I was aiming to fill in this hard disk with all of Jun Cheng’s photos.

Ah~ I had to say that the technology today was super efficient.

I had been so stupid before by doing something so risky and inefficient like stalking. Thanks to the wiretaps from Xiaoying and the cameras from Xiaoliang, now I could stay in my home and be able to follow Jun Cheng at the same time~ Moreover, those devices allowed me to see Jun Cheng’s face and hear his voice 24/7. I could even edit the pictures and videos I had got… I loved the high-tech!

Though I didn’t know how to use these kinds of things at the beginning, I still managed to make myself master of all the devices at the thought of being able to see Jun Cheng anywhere at any time.

And today I got something big. Yesterday, I had taken Jun Cheng’s… I entered the password for the folder ‘Love Jun Cheng (At night)’. Then I opened that video… I hadn’t got the chance to take a photo of the scene of Jun Cheng taking shower in the private inpatient ward. Luckily, I had made up for my regrets yesterday.

Ah~He had taken off his clothes! Taken off his clothes! His clothes!

I saw everything… eh… ehhhhh. It really was worth taking the risk to install the water-proof pinhole camera in his bathroom… Hahaha… Here came this feeling. I couldn’t help closing my legs tightly and putting my hands in my pants… Wait, wait, wait… I felt like I was about to have a nosebleed.

As I raised my head, I reached out a hand to look for the tissue which was supposed to be on the table.

“Hey, where’s the tissue?” Ah, shoot, it was about to drop… I really need to wipe my nose, as well as the lower part of my body… “Hmm~~~~Ha, hmm…” Before I could find the tissue, all the liquid of my body squirted out. The blood from my nose dropped on my chest and my underpants became so wet.

Now even if I had the paper, I was not able to wipe up all of that… Forget about it, I would just take a shower.

After I had washed myself with water, I started to brush my teeth.

Then I pulled out a towel to wipe my body. And at that moment, I almost lost control of myself again.

And that was because this towel also belonged to Jun Cheng. And he also used it to wipe his body! Before he cleaned this towel, I decided to take possession of it! And it was the most valuable one in my collection~ Now come to think about it, I did have worked hard on this.

I had thought that it had not been enough to install the wiretaps and cameras in every corner of Jun Cheng’s home. In order to see him at any time, I had to make the installation in other places.

I wouldn’t let go of his school seat, his desk, the pavilion behind his classroom building that he always went, the vending machine in the North Mountain Park… Every place, every place, every place that Jun Cheng went frequently!

That was perfect~ Ho ho ho~ Ah, it seemed that I was a perfectionist, just like that necrophilia lady. This discovery really made me feel uncomfortable… Of course, seeing him every day was enough for me.

So, from time to time, I would come over and collect some ‘good stuff’, like that box of ice-cream, half of which had been eaten by Jun Cheng and the spoon which was used to dig out the ice-cream, the towel I had just used to wipe my body, his bed sheet, his quilt, his pillow, his cups… Also, Jun Cheng’s sports wear which I had coveted for a long time and now already became my pajama~ I almost slept in it every night. I just adored anything that belonged to Jun Cheng.

Everything, everything, everything… Everything! Everything! Everything! Everything! Everything! Everything! Everything! Everything! Everything!

I loved everything… I desired everything!!!

“Alas~ I am such, a pervert… Ho ho ho… so shameless~” ‘Everything’ I used right now was ‘borrowed’ from Jun Cheng’s room.

As a matter of fact, I had plenty of time and chances to finish my collection when Jun Cheng had been in the hospital.

Hey, don’t get me wrong. I didn’t steal those things from him~ I had bought the exact same things to replace them!

Therefore, Jun Cheng would never find out about me~ Although it had taken me lots of money and I had already used up all the money I had saved from the New Year, I managed to earn enough money in time by selling some information and taking some cases.

I was still following Jun Cheng’s tracks until now and updating my devices in time.

I considered the money necessary expenses since I wanted to know about Jun Cheng’s information as soon as possible.

For example, this morning, I had known another secret of Jun Cheng.

So, what had I heard?

At present, Jun Cheng couldn’t restrain himself from making carnal moves, which meant that as long as I could seize the chance, I would easily…

Push him over, push him over, push him over!

I could do everything I wanted!

According to the information I had just tapped, Jun Cheng would wander around for a long time before he came home at night.

Perfect chance!

Now I could go to meet him!

As soon as I found him, we could enjoy our time together.

Come on, come on, come on. Wait for me, Jun Cheng.

I spent around ten minutes on blowing my hair, getting dressed and doing the make-up. Then, having run out of my house straightly, I arrived at the Tianfu Square right away. However, he was not there anymore.

“Jun Cheng, where are you…” I took out my phone from my pocket and tried to open the tracking APP which was designed by me to confirm Jun Cheng’s location, but only found that the signal label on the map had already disappeared.

That tracer I had attached on Jun Cheng’s collar was destroyed… Hmm, which despicable little one had done that? That was so unlikable!

Huh, giving up now was not something I would do. Don’t underestimate me!

Judging from Jun Cheng’s habit, I guessed he might have turned left. Also, he didn’t like taking the vehicles, so he must have walked. Then I could deduct the possible route he was on according to his walking distance and range of activity… However, I might still miss him by using such simple deductions. And by no means would I lost a precious opportunity like this… I must meet Jun Cheng!

Then I pulled up the security camera footage from everywhere in this city with my phone while leaving from the left of the Tianfu Square.

Where would Jun Cheng go… I looked for almost an hour but still didn’t catch any sign of him.

However, I saw some strange things on the road.

→A white hair Lolita was hunting down someone.

→A black hair little girl was eating the dead body which had been killed by that white hair Lolita.

→An ugly woman was driving the passengers away in case the murder scene would be found.

→A young girl was herding the corpse while eating a kabob.

I knew those girls were all somehow related to Jun Cheng, so I paid attention to them for a moment… However, the most important thing was that I still couldn’t find Jun Cheng. “Purr… I can’t find him… He’s really good at hiding… He’s still defensive towards me now. If he sees me on the street and decides to avoid me on purpose, I will never be able to find him.”

Although I had already installed cameras in the places where Jun Cheng usually went, I still couldn’t get a precise data of the places he tended to go when he wandered.

After all, in most of the cases, Jun Cheng just stayed at home. So going for a stroll alone was very rare for him.

“Hey, what are you doing…” I got pricked on my back.

My heart suddenly beat very fast. A very familiar voice came through from my back!

Ahhhhh, the man I had been eager to see was behind me right now… Ho ho ho~ I turned around immediately and hugged him at once!

However, I only caught the empty air.

“Awe!” Jun Cheng screamed and dodged me.

“Hmm, how can you reject my passionate hug! That’s so ruthless of you, Jun Cheng~”

“If I really was hugged by you, I would be rubbed by you like last time… I will never be sexually harassed by you again! You pervert!”

“Purr, how can you call me a pervert! I just have some special interests, that’s all. Don’t you think that necrophilia lady is more disgusted than me?”

“You are the one who sent me naked photo every day, how dare you say that about others…”

“Ho ho, do you enjoy the photos? Or have a boner out of courtesy? Or, even use my photo to give loose to your lust?”

“No way! I already deleted them all!”

“Oh~~~ What a shame. It doesn’t matter. Next time I’ll send you some wilder ones~” Ho ho ho ho, I was so happy. Finally, I could see Jun Cheng in the flesh.

Ever since he had rejected my love, I had never got a chance to see him in person. I had thought I might be sad, upset or nervous when I met him again… But now I only felt full of joy.

After Jun Cheng had fallen in silence with his eye closed for a while, he finally opened his eyes and sighed, “That’s enough…”

“Ho ho, by the way, what a surprise you would come to see me voluntarily! Have you finally changed your mind about our relationship? Ah~”

“Don’t just hug me so abruptly! I only said hello to you because I want you to take off all those cameras!”

“What~~~? You want me to take them off… No way~ Please, I’m begging you, I don’t want to do that~ If you force me to take those cameras off, I would lose the meaning of living in this world. And I could only… hold you in captivity.” Well, that sounded like another thing I would enjoy.

Because I could also see Jun Cheng all the time in that way… I could also live with Jun Cheng. It would be like living in a paradise~

“Puff… Why are you becoming like this…” Jun Cheng clutched his forehead, seeming quite annoyed. Then he muttered, “She’s completely sick…”

Sick? By no means~ “I’m not an insane stalker girl who always has a chopping knife in her hand!” “Huh?” He opened his eyes wildly and looked at me surprisingly as if he couldn’t believe what he had just heard.

“So I won’t say something like, ‘Classmate Jun Cheng~ You can only look at me, only at me forever! Also, it’s so meaningless to repeat those lines over and over again…”

“No, I think you are a very suitable person to say those words. I almost believe it when you said it…” Really?

“If you like, I can be like that kind of girl.”

“No no no, I’m begging you not to!”

“Ha ha ha~ You are so cute. How I wish I could take you home and pet you… Ah, it looks like I am a bit sick indeed.”

In that case, I would just say something a sick girl would say.

“Speaking of this… This morning, you have touched yourself, right?”

“Ah? Ahhhhh? You, what are you talking about? I have no idea what you are talking about…”

I could tell that he was shaken.

“Well, I am a very tolerate person. So even if you have a bunch of lovers, I’m totally OK with it…However, I’m still so jealous! Those girls can kiss you and make love with you from early in the morning. I envy them, I begrudge them, I…” At that moment, I suddenly stopped with my eyes widely open and stared at Jun Cheng with passionate expression in my eyes.

Jun Cheng swallowed his saliva loudly and asked me with a trembling voice,

“Hate… them?”

“No, I don’t hate them.”

“It’s so obvious that you have wanted to say the word hate. I could see you swallow that word!”

“No~ I only felt a little jealousy. So… if only I can cover you with my body again…”

“Come touch me, Jun Cheng. Use your fingers to feel my hands, I want your fingerprints be left on every part of my body…” Come on~ Jun Cheng~ Let us attach to each other tightly~ As I was about to hug Jun Cheng who already went stiff, there was a knife being held to my neck all of a sudden.

A girl who looked a bit smaller than me said in a cold voice,

“Leave Master Jun Cheng alone, you bitch.”

“Ah ha… Where did you come from? Why the cameras haven’t captured your actions? It’s like you just came out from nowhere…” This girl’s name was Yu Hui.

She and I had a lot in common.

Although I knew almost all of Jun Cheng’s whereabouts, I would still neglect something. For example, I hadn’t been able to find Jun Cheng just now. That kind of situation was unavoidable.

However, Yu Hui was like a ghost who followed Jun Cheng everywhere. I was completely defeated by her regarding the ability of searching Jun Cheng’s location. It was like she had some superpower.

Purr~~~~ I’m so not willing to admit that!

I also wanted to be first one to learn about what happened to Jun Cheng.

If only I could have a future diary which reported Jun Cheng’s affair…

“You consider yourself a tolerate person? Stop it, you are just a lustful pig! You have already troubled Master Jun Cheng! Back off now!”


“That’s harsh! How can you call me a pig… And hold a dangerous knife is so not adorable!”

However, Yu Hui still had no intention to take away the knife. Since she was here, I had to cut off my plan of approaching to Jun Cheng. Why did she have to stand in my way! Maybe I should make a plan to kill her… I stepped back while thinking of that. Then I saw Jun Cheng touching her head and praising her,

“I’m fine, well done.” Then Yu Hui was stunned there.

She looked at the air without blinking with both of her eyes losing focus.

“… What happened to you?” [Jun Cheng]

“You seemed overjoyed being praised! That’s just so cute! Ho Ho Ho~” I teased her. So she must have taken that bold move out of jealousy. She had nearly blushed scarlet when she took off her bras!

“No, I’m not!” [Yu Hui]

She really looked lovely right now. Why couldn’t she stay in this way?

“So~ You know, girls do get jealous, Jun Cheng-Kun~”

“Don’t call me like that! Do you want to be beaten?”

“What I want to say is that you can always have multiple lovers, Jun Cheng. But you have to treat your girls fairly! Otherwise something scary might happen…”

“… Bye.” Having showed a thoughtful look on his face, Jun Cheng turned around and left. Yu Hui also turned invisible without making any sound.

“Hey, wait for me~ Jun Cheng~ We haven’t said any loving words to each other~” I followed him instantly.

“Don’t follow me!”

“No~ I love you so much~” For me, Jun Cheng was the most important person whom no one could replace.

I would always put Jun Cheng in my heart no matter at the present or in the future.

Until forever.

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