
Chapter 82

Chapter 82

Just a heads up that there’s kind of some incest this chapter if you tilt your head... But they aren’t really related!

Editor: SimoB

Because the little mermaid was in danger, the golden dragon had been directly exposed to the sunlight for longer than he ever was before. And so, for the first time in his long dragon life, he ended up using his human body.

As the golden dragon’s body limply sank back into the sea, a beautiful blond man emerged from the dragon pearl held in its paws.

He had the features of a westerner with deep golden eyes, a high nose, slightly thin lips, and beautiful blond curls that fell to his shoulders.

The golden dragon looked down at his paws– no, hands.

When he tried to move his claws, his fingers twitched instead.

Shaking his head from side to side, he discovered that his dragon whiskers seemed to be missing as well.

The golden dragon was in a bit of a panic.

After all, his baby absolutely adored his whiskers and claws...

While he was in a daze, the little mermaid swam over.

With joy on his porcelain face, Shi Qing immediately dove into his arms and nuzzled the blonde human’s face with his nose affectionately.

The golden dragon instantly forgot about the loss of his paws. A brilliant smile appeared on his handsome face as he mimicked the little mermaid’s actions and nuzzled him back.

Eventually, the little mermaid’s white and tender cheeks became slightly flushed.

As expected of a race that ruled the seas for tens of thousands of years, even the spare human bodies of the dragons were quite powerful.

Not only could they still breathe underwater, it seemed like even their strength had been transferred.

More importantly, they were just way too handsome!!

What would’ve been a silly expression on the golden dragon’s giant face became charming on this blonde human. As Shi Qing took in the slight quirk of his lips and his beautiful golden eyes glittering like stars, his siren nature began to stir.

After laying eyes on a human that they liked, sirens would use various manipulative and seductive tactics to earn their trust. They would then violently drag their prey to the bottom of the sea, drowning them.

Sirens did this despite knowing that humans couldn’t survive underwater.

Very few knew the criteria sirens used to select the victims that they brutally murder.

Every siren would fall in love with a human.

Perhaps it was because of how different they were from all the other fishes in the sea, perhaps it was because humans shared the same upper body structure as them.

Or maybe it was because only sirens and humans had the ability to speak and feel various emotions.

Anyways, the sirens’ affinity for humans dated back thousands of years.

But their way of showing affection was very different.

They would do everything in their power to lure humans in before dragging them into the deep sea.

At this point, the suffocating humans would struggle desperately. However, their struggles were useless because the sirens would hold onto the humans tightly by their tails and continue to drag them towards the dark depths.

There was just enough time for an adult female siren’s eggs to become fertilized.

And now, the little mermaid waved his beautiful long silver-white tail. Slowly, a smile blossomed on his face as he extended a hand to the blonde human.

As if he was compelled by an unknown force, the blond human subconsciously swam in the mermaid’s direction and grabbed his hand.

The mermaid’s long tail wrapped around the human’s waist in a split second as they began their descent into the sea.

The mermaid’s grip only tightened as time went on, He wrapped a pale arm around the blonde human’s neck as his cheek rested flush against the other’s shoulder. His little face tilted up so that his pretty eyes could meet the blond human’s gaze.

The mermaid’s tail shivered and twitched like it was afraid. It settled into a rhythm of movement and stillness.

Shi Qing’s ruddy lips opened, letting out a string of bubbles that rose to the surface as he exhaled.

The blond human’s eyes were completely clear and focused on Shi Qing. He didn’t struggle and let the little mermaid carry him deeper into the sea.

He didn’t know why he had become a human all of a sudden, or even if he could return to his former self someday.

All that was driving him now was a subconscious need to guard his treasures.

The blond human felt the fishtail wrapped around him exert even greater amounts of force, rubbing and twisting against him.

The little mermaid exposed his slender neck as he leaned back, before the tender arms wrapped around his neck tightened all at once.

“Daddy ......”

His soft voice was trembling.

By now, the little mermaid had brought him to the lowest and darkest depths of the sea.

The little mermaid’s tail trembled before he weakly let go of the blond human’s hand. His tail also gradually unravelled from his body.

The blond human continued to sink, but he didn’t die like all the other humans past sirens had dragged into the depths.

Instead, he swam until he was below the little mermaid and caught him in his strong arms.

The little mermaid was also not surprised at all. He was content to rest against the other’s chest.

The golden dragon didn’t lose his fundamental skills after turning into a human.

His nose twitched slightly as he sensed something mixed in with the surrounding seawater.

Before he could think about it some more, the little mermaid that was resting peacefully in his arms had already recovered thanks to his strong constitution as a siren.

He exerted a great amount of force and continued to pull the other person down.


The more the System, that had locked itself in a little dark room, thought about it, the more it felt like it should come out and remind its Host to be safe.

Pleasure was good and all, but living was more important.

Size was a very important factor when it comes to compatibility!

The System saw another mosaic as soon as it popped out.

It could also faintly make out the Host’s hand on the mosaic.

Don’t ask how it knew what was happening...

Sometimes, sirens would reveal their hidden claws at this moment to make sure that their prey didn’t escape.

Shi Qing didn’t even have to do that because his prey wouldn’t run away.

The System silently contemplated its system life as it retreated once again.

My host really is all powerful.jpg

Just lie down and win, never mind science and logic.jpg

Science and logic doesn’t exist in the Host’s vocabulary.jpg

The system kept waiting and waiting.

It came out for a look after three hours when it thought they were done.

Then the mosaic scared it back into its hiding place.

It came out for a look after eight hours when it thought they were surely done.

Then it went back in silence.

The next day, the third day, the fourth day...

System: [......]

What a frightening world this was.

It really shouldn’t have chosen a non-human body for its Host.

Oh wait, when did the System ever have a choice when it came to that?

On the seventh day, the System was at the point where it could expressionlessly poke its head out before calmly heading back in the face of the mosaics.

On the eighth day, the system had finally given up its struggle.

After all, it had gone over all the available data and come to its own conclusions about what was currently happening.

The sirens were a very promiscuous race.

Therefore, their bodies had adaptations to suit that.

And dragons were, well, dragons.

Together, these two were a mess– no, a perfect match.

Especially since both of them were able to go long periods of time without eating. This, coupled with the fearsome aura they gave off, ensured that no one was around to disturb their mosaics.

Shi Qing was finally satisfied on the tenth day.

He was nestled comfortably in the blond human’s arms, and his siren nature made his tail stay tightly wrapped around the other even though they had reached the sea floor.

He had to wrap the blonde human up even if he had no intentions of escaping.

The blonde human didn’t mind the force that would crush any other lifeform to a pulp. He actually thought this was his little mermaid being petulant.

How cute.

The nature of a dragon made him also hold the little mermaid close to him. He asked warmly, “Are you hungry?”

Shi Qing wasn’t really hungry– in either sense of the word.

But cuddling for a bit before resuming their previous activities didn’t sound too bad.

The spoiled little mermaid’s upper half leaned bonelessly against the blonde human while his lower half clenched him in a death grip.

“I want to eat some human food.”

The gentle affection on the blonde human’s face was immediately mixed with shades of reluctance.

“Humans will bully you. Let’s not go up there, okay? I can grab whatever you want down here.”

His confidence was not unwarranted.

After all, there was nothing in the entire ocean that could escape his grasp.

Shi Qing: “I want to eat rice.”

The blonde human: “......”

An hour later, he and the little mermaid emerged from the surface of the sea, hand in hand.

They had passed the body of the golden dragon that was curled up in a deep sleep on the seafloor along the way.

There wasn’t a thing around for miles, not even a shrimp or crab.

The blonde human had refused to go back to that body when Shi Qing brought it up. He stuttered for quite a while while holding the little mermaid’s hand before he managed to say, “We can’t f**k if I go back.”

Even vulgar words sounded better when they came from a first rate beauty.

So Zeng Nan heard a familiar voice call out to her as she dried some seafood on the shore.

“I wanna eat rice.”

It was dainty and cute with an air of innocence.

Zeng Nan was delighted. She looked up in a hurry, and indeed spotted the little mermaid resting his silver-white tail on a nearby rock in the ocean. His chin was slightly raised, and he looked quite self righteous.

If it had been before, Zeng Nan would still have doubts in her heart.

But now...

“Sure! I’ll get some for you right away!”

Then she noticed that there was actually someone else next to the little mermaid. A stranger with blonde hair, golden eyes and a sturdy build. She could only see the top half of his body, but he seemed quite imposing.

Curious, she asked, “Who’s that next to you?”

The little mermaid chin rose even more. Wagging his pretty fishtail slightly, he smirked and bragged, “This is my partner.”


Zeng Nan looked up and down at the rather human-looking person in front of her.

Then she thought about the mermaid’s dad. The dragon whose eyes were already the size of two humans. The dragon who could turn several people into ground meat with a single swipe of his claws.

And this guy actually had the guts to get together with that dragon’s son...

Zeng Nan: “......”

She gave the blonde human a thumbs up, exclaiming with admiration: “You’re a real badass!”

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