
Chapter 136.1

Chapter 136.1

Editor: Casey

Time passed, and it was autumn once again.

Early in the morning, city guards opened the gates of Crane City. The peddlers who had been waiting outside immediately crowded them. They rushed into the city after paying the toll as if their livelihoods depended on it.

The city guards stationed there were not surprised to see the peddlers practically fly inside.

After all, Crane City had become quite famous in the last couple of years. Everyone knew that the Jiangnan Shi family who settled here often produced novel products that merchants bought and then distributed to the rest of the country.

It was why Crane City had become a popular destination for merchants in the past few years.

Some of them had been here many times before and were not surprised by the remarkable hustle of these small peddlers. They paid the toll and strolled into the city at a leisurely pace.

But the new faces had a different reaction. They stared after those peddlers with strange expressions, wondering why those people were running so fast.

One young merchant handed an extra tael of silver to the guard along with the toll. “Here, big brother. It’s been quite windy lately. Take this to buy some wine.”

The guard’s professional attitude almost immediately warmed. He tucked the money into his lapels and smiled gratefully. “Thank you very much.”

Seeing that he had accepted the money, the merchant asked, “May I ask why these people are running so fast? Is there a specific reason?”

He didn’t ask out of curiosity alone. The world was in chaos right now so one had to be cautious when going to new places. After all, different cities pledged allegiance to different kings, and bandits were everywhere. If merchants were unlucky enough to offend one of those kings, their lives were almost certainly forfeit.

The young merchant had just arrived at Crane City. Although he’s heard that this city was very safe, he had to make sure for his own sake.

It was not the first time the guard had someone ask him this. Because this merchant had given him some money, he kindly explained:

“It’s nothing really. The Shi family opened up something called an oversized market on a large plot of land in the city. As long as they pay the fee, any peddlers, whether they sell vegetables, candied hawthorns, or wood, can set up a stall there.”

“You can get a well-protected spot to sell your goods for just one copper. Plus, the people of Crane City often go there to shop because that market sells everything you could need for a fair price. The peddlers there can make quite a profit, so the spots sell out like hotcakes. Those people earlier were running just to make sure they got a spot.”

The young merchant understood now. “I see.”

He couldn’t help but look puzzled. “A copper is quite a low price. I can’t see them making much money even if they rent to hundreds of people, especially since the Shi family isn’t lacking for funds. Why would they do this then?”

“Ah, let me explain.” The city guard beamed with pride. “Young Master Shi is in charge of the Shi family now. He’s a very good person that always cares about the people. He built this oversized market so those peddlers won’t have to stand under the harsh sun in the summer or freeze their fingers off in the winter. Now all they have to do is pay a copper for shelter and protection. This arrangement also makes it more convenient for the people of the city to shop than before.”

The city guard sang Shi Qing’s praises for a long time. It was physically impossible for him to be more proud. “Only someone extraordinary could do something so kind.”

The young merchant nodded in agreement.

Yes, a few hundred copper coins would usually be an insignificant sum for the wealthy Shi family.

But their involvement made more sense if it was for the people’s sake.

The young merchant instantly developed a favourable impression of the Shi family’s little master. He couldn’t help but exclaim: “I’ve heard much about Young Master Shi even back in River City. I’ve had the fortune of purchasing the beauty porcelain and thousand-year wine he developed as well. They were both of exceptional quality.”

The city guard puffed up even more. “Naturally, everything the Shi family produces is exceptional!”

The young merchant added: “I also heard that he invited famous teachers and scholars to teach at the academy he set up in this city. Apparently, anyone that passes the entrance exams would be able to study there for free. The Shi family would even keep them fed and clothed.”

As soon as word of this got out, almost all of the poor people in every city who had a thirst for knowledge rushed to Crane City.

Luckily, the Shi family had plenty of money to spare. The school they had built could accommodate enough people so that no one was turned away.

But they would be responsible for all the expenses of any admitted students.

And they accepted new students every year.

He even heard that there was a library in the school, its books all collected by the Shi family.

Apparently, there were more than 10,000 books there. Any student could borrow books for free just by showing their placards.

It was almost unimaginable.

In Crane City, no, even in the entire country, who else but the Shi family could do something so kind and benevolent?

After hearing about this, this young merchant’s impression of Shi Qing improved even more. He thought that this young master must be a kind-hearted and caring person.

“But of course.”

The city guard perked up. “All of these projects were spearheaded by Young Master Shi. He said he was covering all the expenses of the students so that they could pass down their knowledge to others in the future. I’m not educated enough to understand things like that, but I know that Young Master Shi must be a good person to do something like this!”

The young merchant nodded. Seeing how much this guard admired Shi Qing, he asked, “Big brother, may I ask if you’re related to the Shi family?”

Why else would he be so proud when praising Shi Qing?

“Aiyo, you have sharp eyes brother. That’s right, my third aunt’s second cousin’s old mother-in-law’s nephew from her maternal family works for the Shi family. He takes home five whole taels of silver a month! Plus, the Shi family even gives out rice and meat around New Year’s!”

After he finished bragging, the guard asked the young merchant, “You’ve been asking about the Shi family a lot. Are you planning on partnering with the Shi family and joining Young Master Shi’s Chamber of Commerce like the others?”

“Chamber of Commerce?”

“You don’t know about it? Guess that’s understandable. I doubt word has gotten out yet since it was only established two months ago.”

Because he could be considered related to the Shi family, the guard who was in a good mood explained patiently, “That relative of mine told me that this Chamber of Commerce is led by the Shi family but other merchants are free to join. Members would then help each other resolve problems and trade amongst themselves.”

“Many merchants would do anything to get in, but Young Master Shi said that he only wanted people who are honest and fair when doing business. Sigh, our Young Master Shi is such a principled person.”

The young merchant nodded, the approval in his eyes deepening.

“Very principled. As expected of someone like him.”

The city guard: “Young sir, if you want to join the Chamber of Commerce but don’t know the way, then just wait here. I’ve been here for six hours already, so my shift’s about to end. I can lead you there in a bit.”

His offer was not entirely out of the goodness of his heart.

The city guard noticed how cultured and well-dressed this young gentleman was. And if he was willing to give a tael of silver just for asking a few questions, he would definitely give the guard even more money for leading the way.

The guard’s home was near the Chamber of Commerce anyway, so this was practically free money.

But the young merchant shook his head. “No, no, no. I don’t want to join the Chamber of Commerce. I’m just a relative of the Shi family here to pay a visit.”

“A relative?”

The guard immediately had a knowing expression on his face. “If it’s something like your great-grandma and the Shi family’s great-grandma being best friends or you sharing a surname with them, then I suggest you save yourself the trouble. Ever since Young Master Shi made a name for himself, there have been people knocking at his door almost everyday. But I’ve never seen any of them being let in.”

The young merchant chuckled but didn’t elaborate.

He only asked, “This big brother, would you guide me to the front door of the Shi family manor? I’ll give you five taels of silver for your troubles.”

The guard’s eyes lit up. He nodded with renewed enthusiasm. “Yes, yes! Of course I can!”

Five taels of silver, ah!

He would agree in a heartbeat even if he was asked to fly there!

After a short while, the guard was finally relieved of his post. He led the young merchant in the direction of the Shi family manor.

He only noticed the sizable retinue that accompanied this young merchant once they ventured deeper into the city. There were at least two dozen people leading carriages filled with what might be goods.

Once inside, the young merchant realized that Crane City was different from any other city he had seen. The thing that stood out most were the large trees neatly planted on both sides of the road.

Emphasis on neatly because every tree was pencil straight. Each was nearly perfectly in line with its neighbours.

The young merchant had never seen anything like this before, but something about it appealed to him. These orderly trees inspired a sense of calm in him.

The autumn breeze blew, scattering a flurry of leaves to the ground.

Immediately, some commoners collected the leaves in baskets, intending to dry them to use as kindling.

So despite these trees shedding a lot of leaves, the ground was still clean of debris.

He asked, “What are these trees for?”

“Oh, these? Young Master Shi had his people plant them here.” The city guard casually replied, “Crane City is prone to sandstorms. I don’t know where he got this information, but Young Master Shi said that planting more trees could help with that.”

He ended off with a sentence he’s said numerous times before, “Young Master Shi really is a good person.”

The Shi family manor was almost in the centre of Crane City.

Its walls were also the tallest amongst the nearby courtyards.

Although the front gate was open, some people dressed as servants could vaguely be seen walking around inside.

Despite being a merchant’s residence, security was even tighter than in the homes of officials.

The young merchant was a bit taken aback. He looked at the city guard: “Who are these people?”

“Oh...don’t worry about them. Although Crane City is safer than most places, some unscrupulous people have been trying to make trouble for the Shi family since they’ve built a reputation for themselves. That’s why the Shi family employs the most guards amongst all the major clans.”

During their trip here, the guard ‘did the job he was paid for’ and provided a crash course of the various major clans in the city.

After all, normal merchants would have to pay them all a visit when they first arrive. Or at least send them a gift.

That way, if they accidentally cut into these families’ margins while doing business, they wouldn’t be driven into bankruptcy.

After a few brief introductions, the guard finally mentioned the Jiang family.

“Young sir, in Crane City you should be careful not to offend the Shi family. Just look at what happened to the Jiangs. They were a famous major clan in this city a few years ago, but their second master’s eldest legitimate son was a fool. He married Young Master Shi’s blood-related sister but mistreated her and angered the Shi family. And just like that, a prestigious clan was brought to ruin by them.”

The guard seemed to feel a sense of schadenfreude. “Now the Jiang family is a shadow of their former selves. They can’t even be considered a minor clan anymore..”

The young merchant had also heard of this incident. He didn’t feel that the Shi family had done anything wrong.

Wasn’t it only natural to seek justice for your children when they were humiliated?

What’s more, the Jiang family were the ones who were dragging their feet and refusing to sign the divorce papers. They were practically asking for the Shi family to retaliate.

If they had just been amicable and understanding, things wouldn’t have ended up like this.

The young merchant handed the silver taels to the guard along with a word of thanks. As the other called out, “You’ll definitely be turned away”, he led his men forward and handed over the invitation.

The Shi family manservant who was currently guarding the gate took the invitation. His face immediately showed a respectful look. “So the young master’s cousin has come to visit. This one will take you to see Laoye straight away.”

The guard hadn’t yet left after receiving the money. He was hoping to earn some more by taking the young merchant to an inn after he was rejected. However, the exchange at the front gate made his jaw drop.

The young master’s cousin?!!

So this person’s an actual relative of the Shi family?!

He froze in place for half a second before becoming ecstatic.

This is great! He actually got to guide the cousin of the Shi family’s young master!

Everyone’s going to be so jealous when I tell them all about it!

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