
Chapter 24 - How To Train A Duke (1)

Chapter 24 - How To Train A Duke (1)

I pass another two days plotting during the night and slumbering under the last sun rays during the day.

The maids leave me some space, seeing that I\'m doing literally nothing all the time. I\'ll have to make something about them, and I\'m starting to see a way to deal with my disloyal servants.

Last night, I chose a few jewels, and I hid them with the wine. I\'ve prepared a bag and a dark mantle. It was the most I could do, for now. I can\'t keep food, since I don\'t know if and when I\'ll escape, but I\'m ready for every scenario.

I already expect the Duke to see through my actions, as he did several times in the past. Still, I can\'t let this stop me. I have at least to try and reap any benefit.

When Patricia walks to me, I lift my eyebrow confused. I\'ve just finished undressing, so she should be getting out.

?His grace, the Duke, is asking to see you,? she informs me.


She nods, and I wonder what could that man want at this time of the evening. I wear one of the light dresses in Polis\' style, not to be strolling around in a nightgown.

I knock at the Duke\'s door, and he opens immediately.

?Come here,? he whispers, and he pushes me in lightly.

He closes the door and grabs my wrist, dragging me to the table. He forces me to sit down, in front of a plate of soup.

?Eat!? he orders, and I feel the urge to glare at him.

What is the meaning of this? I don\'t like having dinner because I can\'t sleep well after. I eat more at tea time, so there hasn\'t ever been any problem.

?What is the meaning of this, your grace?? I inquire with a cold tone. He can\'t control me to such a degree, he better get used to it.

?When is the last time you ate something??

?At lunch,? I utter. I didn\'t have any appetite, so I just nibbled some bread and peas. I wasn\'t in the mood to chew the beef. So, Patricia reported my actions again.

?And yesterday??

?I had lunch yesterday too!? I exclaim, but then I remember that it\'s not true. I preferred to warm up under the sun instead of eating. I have been so focused on my night explorations and schemes that I forgot to eat. Will the Duke stop glaring at me if I tell him that I\'ve actually had a glass of wine in the evening?

?Theodora, you can\'t skip meals!? he replies with a somehow exasperated tone as if I\'m a child used to being picky. It\'s the first time, though, and it has happened only these two days. He\'s exaggerating.

?I\'m not skipping meals. And you don\'t have any right to tell me when to eat, what and at which pace. I\'m my own person, and you better stop controlling me so closely, or I\'ll stop eating for good!? I shout, getting up from the table and almost spilling the soup.

?Just try!? he replies, walking to me and stopping an inch away. ?Just try, and you\'ll see!?

?See what? What will you do, ah?? I challenge him, and a thrill passes through my spine. Once again, it\'s not fear.

I step back, trying not to think about it.

?I will eat,? I mutter, annoyed. In the end, I just forgot to. I wasn\'t striking or anything.

The Duke stretches out his hand, and he caresses my face tenderly. If only I could forget what his sister told me. Maybe, I could be moved by his kindness.

I finish the soup under his strict gaze, and then I\'m forced to eat meat as well. At least, it smells nice. I don\'t know the names of the spices they used, but this piece is scented and easy to chew. The food delivered to the Duke is a bit better than the one I\'m used to. Is it a coincidence, or is this an ordinary occurrence?

?Don\'t stare at me and eat your portion,? I say, and he sits down like a trained dog.

He\'s smiling happily while cutting the food.

This reminds me of Duchess Prim\'s words. I should use this chance to make the Duke fall for me. It really looks easier, now that he\'s relaxed and grinning.

However, how can I proceed? Shall I charm him and then walk away, or just throw myself at him and hope it will work?

?I had tea with Duchess Prim, two days ago,? I start the conversation.

?Oh, right. I waited for your letter for the whole day, and it turned out it was for another person. I almost came looking for you, but then I realised that you were doing it on purpose,? he confesses. He looks at me with his black eyes, and I understand what the words \'double-edged weapon\' means when referring to tricks in relationships.

I will get burned myself if I don\'t pay attention.

?How was your day, Alexander??

He startles, surprised.

?I have been thinking about my Duchess for most of the time. I was looking for a way to make peace, but I couldn\'t find it,? he says, in the end.

?Is that so? Am I that difficult??

?Rather than difficult, you have high standards.?

?Is there anyone better than you in the entire Empire, to marry?? I inquire. ?I\'ve heard that you refused all your engagement proposals during the years. Duchess Prim told me that letters were flocking to you after you obtained the first achievements.?

?That\'s true,? he nods. ?Your husband was a promising catch, as a bachelor.?

?You still are,? I notice. ?The fact that you\'re married doesn\'t mean that women won\'t try to attract your attention. Shall I worry about competition??

?My Duchess is the only one in this Duke\'s heart,? he sentences, mimicking my old way of addressing myself.

?This Duchess hopes your words are not void,? I reply. My grin is in between amusement and direness.

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