
Chapter 122 - You’re Looking Over There (1)

Ch. 122 You’re Looking Over There?(1)

Carlisle wanted to purchase the rest of the designs including the concepts, but Elena managed to stop him from doing so. However, the five dresses were already bought. Elena had mixed feelings as she observed Madame Mitchell’s overjoyed face.

“Please visit again.”

She left them with a hospitable farewell, and the three finally emerged from Anco’s Tailors. Mirabelle had a far-off look, as if she still hadn’t recovered from her experience in the shop.

“So you’ll choose one of those five dresses for your wedding day?”

“Yes, I will.”

Elena nodded. They had already bought this much, and there was no need for further purchases. Carlisle interjected, however.

“There’s no need to be hasty with your decision. Let’s take a look at everything else and so you can choose what you like.”

Elena was bewildered to see Carlisle talk so idly even after this massive purchase.

“Are you really going to buy just as much from the rest of the shops?”

“If you think it suits you. It doesn’t necessarily have to be for the wedding day either. Consider it a personal gift from me to you.”

Wedding dresses were far more expensive than other dresses, and more likely to be worn on the day of marriage rather than a ball or party. Although all aristocratic women dreamed of a bespoke wedding dress, prices were high as only a limited number of shops could make them.

And yet Carlisle so casually invited her to look at more after buying five of them. No matter how much Elena grew up as the daughter of a count, this degree of wealth was alien to her. Elena pressed her hand on her forehead.

“…There’s only one wedding, but there are too many wedding dresses.”

“We can hold a few encore weddings if you wish.”

“It’s not like that. “

“I want to buy my bride anything. Do you not like that?”


For a moment, Elena couldn’t find her words. She never expected this kind of sweet remark from him. Mirabelle, who was standing with the two of them, looked at them with envy as the surrounding atmosphere turned warm and a flush crept up Elena’s cheeks.

“I appreciate your words, but this is too much. I’ll be seen as a crown princess that spends extravagantly.”

It wasn’t a matter of frugality, as excessive extravagance could cause problems. In fact, refusing Carlisle was her way to protect her family. If possible, she was determined to contribute to the Ruford Empire, not drain it. Carlisle smiled.

“First, it doesn’t matter what gifts I give you because they are purchased with my personal fortune. Second, the Empire’s finances are not so strained to cause collapse under this kind of luxury. And third…”

That strange heat deepened in Carlisle’s blue eyes.

“I don’t want you to leave me because you got used to this luxury.”

Elena’s eyes widened. It sounded like if he could buy her heart, he would pay any price. For a moment, the pair stared at each other in silence. Mirabelle cleared her throat.


Elena came to her senses and stared at her sister, who was wearing a slightly embarrassed look.

“I apologize for interrupting, but I think five dresses are enough. In some situations, simply replacing the jewelry or the lace with a more valuable material is enough to change the appearance. I can discuss it more with Madame Mitchell.”

Elena nodded. She was not particularly interested in dresses or jewelry and didn’t have much knowledge in the field, and she did not want to interfere with Mirabelle. And so far, her sister had done such an excellent job that there was no reason to interfere.

“I’ll do as you say.”

Carlisle finally relented.

“Then if you need anything, please contact me.”

“Yes, brother-in-law.”

Mirabelle didn’t have any intention of rejecting Carlisle’s offer. When Elena glared at her, she stuck out her tongue.

“And I’ll take the opportunity to make an exclusive contract with Anco’s to see if we can buy more dresses for a lower price.”

Elena looked surprised at the proposal.

“What do you mean?”

“When you become crown princess, your wardrobe will become the discussion of high society. I’ll talk to Madame Mitchell about that exact thing.”

“Yes, in that case, I am happy.”

Mirabelle turned to Carlisle this time.

“When the wedding dress is decided upon, you’ll have to be fitted for your suit too.”

“Of course.”

She finally finished speaking with the both of them and stepped back.

“Then I’ll return to Blaise mansion first.”

She was going to leave the two of them. Elena was reluctant to send Mirabelle home alone.

“No, you don’t have to–”

“You’ve been so busy preparing for the wedding, you haven’t been able to spend time with the Prince. You two should have a good time on a day like this!”

Mirabelle smiled and moved away, and Carlisle responded pleasantly.

“I’ll see you next time.”

“Yes, brother-in-law! I’ll contact you again! “

Before Elena could say anything more, Mirabelle quickly moved to the Blaise carriage. Elena stared at Mirabelle’s retreating back, knowing it was useless to stop her. Carlisle then turned to Elena and spoke in a soft voice.

“Your sister is unexpectedly business-minded.”

She never thought of Mirabelle that way, and Carlisle’s assessment caught her by surprise.

“Is that so?”

“If she runs a business, I will invest in it. I feel like I will never lose.”

Elena worried constantly about Mirabelle managing the Blaise household, but it was true that Mirabelle exceeded her expectations in handling the wedding planning. Yet in Elena’s eyes, her sister still seemed such a delicate thing that a gust of wind could take her.

“But a business is tough. I don’t want Mirabelle to do that. I want her to have a lovely life.”

Even if there was the blood of thousands or tens of thousands on Elena’s hands, she wanted to make Mirabelle happy without her knowing anything. Elena considered her whole family to be precious, but she was the most protective over Mirabelle. If Mirabelle could walk along a bright and warm path in the sun, Elena was satisfied to stay in the shadows of night. She would never let Mirabelle die before her in this life.

Elena was gazing mournfully at the direction of Mirabelle’s appearance when–


Carlisle’s hand turned Elena’s chin towards him. She stared questioningly at the look of dissatisfaction he wore.

“You’re looking over there.”


“I’m so jealous that I can barely see straight.”

Elena tried to ask him what he meant, but before she could do so, Carlisle took her hand and pulled her elsewhere.

“What are you doing? Where are we going all of a sudden?”

Carlisle glanced backwards.

“Anywhere. Where you can focus on me.”

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