
Chapter 551. Maintenance (1)

Usually, working in a boutique with only a pathetically small number of clients would be like a constant battle against boredom. Dazedly staring at the clock until a new client arrives should be a daily routine for the beauty care specialists working in such establishments.

Unfortunately, the employees of Niveo were not allowed to enjoy such luxury. Even as the gentle aromas wafted around the store\'s interior filled with carefully arranged classical music playing in the background, there was no client. Not even one! However, all the employees remained tense.

No one knew when those doors would open. And they needed to give off an impression that they had always been on standby for the arrival of their valued clients... Regardless of who they were! This was because... Niveo was not your average skincare specialist boutique.

No, it was one of the most exclusive, members-only establishments in the entire country! Only the most affluent or the best of the best celebrities knew of its existence.

Unsurprisingly, such people were at the height of pickiness and fastidiousness. Even the most trivial things would set them off, and they would vehemently demand to see the manager right away or else!

As an example, there was an event involving a madam married to a high-ranking official showing up totally out of the blue one day. And, just because she didn\'t find anyone at the counter, a whole heap of trouble landed on the manager\'s shoulders!

There was only one reason for this nonsensical level of ego trip among the clients. The annual membership fee for Niveo was, simply put, astronomical.

The wealthy only utilized the services of the absolute best? That might be a common misconception among the general public, but the reality was a bit different.

The rich people who made a pretty penny overnight through investments tended to not think deeply about the importance of money. However, those who crawled up from the bottom to reach the top were fully aware of money\'s preciousness.

Lots of wealthy people loathed spending a small amount of money, even if it should be nothing more than a bucket of water pulled up from a vast ocean in their perspective. What these wealthy people obsessed over weren\'t top-tier luxury goods. No, it was... exclusivity.

People capable of throwing money around without a care in the world wouldn\'t feel much pleasure or stimulation from buying stuff like everyone else. What gave them pleasure was the privilege of doing something others couldn\'t.

Niveo was a skincare specialist brand that specifically targeted that exact inclination of the rich and famous. Only those with enough clout in society or arresting looks that everyone had to acknowledge as world-class had the qualifications to become Niveo\'s members. Of course, that was only a qualification. To become an actual member, one had to be referred by a current member first.

The best service meant for the highest echelons of society—that was Niveo\'s unique selling point, its sales pitch! This meant it frequently experienced all kinds of rudeness and Karen-ness that other stores wouldn\'t even dream of experiencing. And Niveo\'s employees suffered under an unimaginable level of stress.

However, Niveo\'s manager, Yi Mi-Yeon, was experiencing a rare moment of relaxation today.

“Ladies, you can relax a little more,” said Yi Mi-Yeon.

“Yes, Miss Yi.”

“We don\'t have any bookings today, so just keep your eyes on the CCTV monitors, okay? However, do try to keep your voices down.”

“Yes, ma\'am.”

Employees heeded their manager\'s orders and began relaxing a little more. While watching Yi Mi-Yeon head to the manager\'s office, the employees began whispering to each other.

\'Do you know why our manager is like that today?\'

\'Dunno. Maybe something good happened to her recently?\'

Their confusion wasn\'t groundless since something like today usually never happened. Due to the unique nature of its business, Niveo had to do everything in its power to provide the best customer service. That meant an extraordinary person was required to run it efficiently. And the person managing Niveo, Yi Mi-Yeon, was often referred to as a witch or germophobe by her own subordinates.

She was the type to lose her cool from a tiny speck of dust. If the employees\' welcoming stance was even one centimeter off, Yi Mi-Yeon would nag her subordinates for one hour straight. If it hadn\'t been for the sweet carrots of sky-high wages and a four-days-per-week work schedule, quite a few employees would\'ve already yanked and pulled at Yi Mi-Yeon\'s hair by now!

But now, such a manager was telling her employees to loosen up? This was the same as the sun rising from the west! As a result, the employees couldn\'t help but be slightly concerned while staring at Yi Mi-Yeon\'s back. The noticeable spring in their manager\'s steps indicated that Yi Mi-Yeon was really in a good mood. But... why?

“What a nice day.”

Yi Mi-Yeon entered the manager\'s office and settled down on the comfy chair. The chronic migraine that had been tormenting her for so long was gone. And she was subconsciously humming away in happiness from this fantastic change in her life.

\'What\'s gotten into me, I wonder?\'

Of course, she already knew the reason. It was simple enough to guess, anyway.

Stress. That was the source of her migraine. Even her doctor said there was no cure, and the best remedy was to get enough rest. That was how serious Yi Mi-Yeon\'s chronic migraine had been.

Which was all understandable, really. Trying to manage a store where even the smallest mistake could balloon into a massive crisis was no mean feat. The level of stress Yi Mi-Yeon was under was unimaginable, to say the least. Even though her work didn\'t involve any intense manual labor, her whole body would always feel like a wet, soggy sponge at the end of the day, and she didn\'t want to lift a finger anymore other than lie down on her bed.

But now... It felt like the horrifying stress level had fallen off a cliff lately.

“Did I get used to it, I wonder?”

For now, Yi Mi-Yeon decided to believe that explanation. After all, nothing notable had happened or changed in her life recently. Even so, she wasn\'t getting as stressed as before. That could mean she was beginning to feel settled and at peace with her job.

Even a subtle shift in one\'s mentality was enough to significantly change one\'s life. Yi Mi-Yeon swore to never forget this precious epiphany for the rest of her life... Only for a lightning bolt to fall out of nowhere and hit her in the back of her head!


Her phone vibrated noisily in her pocket. Yi Mi-Yeon reflexively took out her phone and checked its screen. Almost at the same time, her eyelashes began trembling to match the phone\'s vibration.

The name appearing on the screen said... Choi. Yeon. Ha.

Choi Yeon-Ha\'s name was saved with substantial spacing between each syllable to denote how much Yi Mi-Yeon wanted to distance herself from this so-called top actress in the country!

\'Ah... So, this was why.\'

When Yi Mi-Yeon confirmed that name, the excruciating migraine returned with vengeance and began kicking her head.

So, this was the reason for Yi Mi-Yeon\'s peace. The entire reason for her feeling settled in her job despite no significant changes to her life...!

That was all because the Witch was stuck in China! Yi Mi-Yeon was cruelly, mercilessly hit in the face with this realization. Not just her migraine but even her stomach began hurting the moment she saw Choi Yeon-Ha\'s name on the phone.

Choi Yeon-Ha, the customer with the Code Red level of extreme short fuse!

One of Niveo\'s VVIPs, who boasted the absolute worst fastidiousness but also possessed gobsmacking influence on society... had decided to grace Yi Mi-Yeon\'s phone with her voice today!

\'But... Why are you calling me?!\'

Choi Yeon-Ha wouldn\'t usually spare a moment\'s glance at a mere manager of a store like this, so why was she calling Yi Mi-Yeon, of all people!

If it was someone else calling her, Yi Mi-Yeon would\'ve gladly welcomed it with wide-open arms. It meant the customer had acknowledged her as a capable individual, after all! However, Choi Yeon-Ha was the sole exception. Everyone else was fine, but not that woman!

Choi Yeon-Ha was certifiably a witch! And that nickname didn\'t just fall off a tree one day. She definitely was a witch... in many aspects!

This one time, Choi Yeon-Ha discovered that the massage oil\'s ingredient had been changed through nothing but her olfactory senses, then threw an almighty fuss trying to flip the store on its head all the while yelling out, \'Does your store not bother to inform your valuable customers about changes to your oil?!\'

That crisis was only resolved after the store director went down to her knees and begged for Choi Yeon-Ha\'s forgiveness. Since the memories from that day were still fresh in Yi Mi-Yeon\'s mind, she\'d love to reject the opportunity to deal with the rudest of all rude customers!

However, did she have a choice in this matter? After all, Choi Yeon-Ha was directly calling Yi Mi-Yeon on the phone. Unwisely not answering the call would only lead to Choi Yeon-Ha throwing another hissy fit later on about how terrible this store\'s customer service was.

Yi Mi-Yeon\'s trembling finger tapped on the answer icon. “H-hello?”

-Is that how you answer your phone?

Yi Mi-Yeon\'s complexion paled instantly. “M-my apologies, ma\'am. I was a little flustered, you see...!”

-What is there to get flustered about? Really now...

As befitting a professional, Yi Mi-Yeon instantly figured out that Choi Yeon-Ha\'s mood was “pretty good” from that brief exchange. Other people might say those harsh-sounding words when their moods were in the pits, but not Choi Yeon-Ha. That was what Choi Yeon-Ha was like every day, after all! No, scratch that; Choi Yeon-Ha actually sounded a little mellower than usual today!

That was the sole source of comfort for Yi Mi-Yeon. “Ma\'am, I heard that you\'ve signed up for a role in China. So, when you suddenly called me like this... Have you returned home already?”

-Of course not.

Yi Mi-Yeon was instantly relieved to hear that. Didn\'t that mean this witch wouldn\'t suddenly barge into Niveo any time soon? Yi Mi-Yeon made sure to sigh in such a way that her phone\'s receiver wouldn\'t pick up the sound.


-Oh? What\'s the matter? Aren\'t I allowed to phone you without a reason?

“N-no, of course not, ma\'am!”

Why did you call me on the phone if you don\'t have any business with me, you crazy witch!

Yi Mi-Yeon\'s cheeks twitched while she screamed those words in her head. This was what Choi Yeon-Ha\'s attitude was like. All. The. Freaking time! She used her devil-like forked tongue to fluster her conversation partners or mercilessly dress down people around her by latching on to even the smallest, most trivial things she could find.

Countless people had already suffered a mental breakdown from Choi Yeon-Ha\'s cursed gift of gab by now!

\'I must remember this is what Miss Choi is like!\'

That was Yi Mi-Yeon\'s problem—Choi Yeon-Ha\'s attitude didn\'t come from a place of hostility. No, this woman was simply wired this way! Right down to her DNA!

“You are one of our most important clients, ma\'am. Of course we need to swiftly offer our best services if you have an important business with us. Ohohoho~...” Yi Mi-Yeon expertly navigated through Choi Yeon-Ha\'s verbal assault. This was why she got paid handsomely every month, wasn\'t it!

-Hmm, really...?

Choi Yeon-Ha backed off ever so slightly after failing to find further avenues of attack. However, that didn\'t give Yi Mi-Yeon any sense of victory or pride. All she could do was sigh several times in relief.

-Very well. Your doors are open today, yes?

“Of course, ma\'am. But, you\'re in China, so...”

-I won\'t be utilizing your services today.

“Oh...” Yi Mi-Yeon slightly nodded, her brain already kicking into high gear.

Niveo was an exclusive members-only store. New members could only join through the recommendation of the current members. However, Choi Yeon-Ha had never recommended anyone until now.

\'That\'s because she has no friends...\'

That certainly was true, but Choi Yeon-Ha\'s arrogance didn\'t exactly help her cause, either. Her fundamental mindset went something like, \'Those who are deemed worthy of using the same facilities as I must be on my level, at least. However, no one around me is on my level!\'

But now, that Choi Yeon-Ha wanted to recommend a new member? Fresh sweat drops began soaking Yi Mi-Yeon\'s forehead.

No matter how she interpreted this news, it didn\'t sound good. From her perspective, it meant the store now needed to deal with one more high-strung client! Even so...

\'Yes, it is good news, isn\'t it?\'

After all, this was the whole reason for this store\'s existence, now wasn\'t it?

“Will this person be our new member?”

-No, I don\'t think he\'d want to become a new member. Today will be more like a trial run. Who knows if he\'ll want to come again.

“But, ma\'am. Our store is members-only, so...”


The chilling voice coming from the phone\'s speaker automatically flipped the switch on Yi Mi-Yeon\'s business smile. “T-that is our policy, but we will make an exception this one time as our valued client has made the recommendation.”

Policy? Such a thing depended on the individual in question. If Yi Mi-Yeon insisted on adhering to the store\'s policy, that witch might jump on a plane, come back here, then throw one of the store\'s potted plants directly at the counter in anger!

If the gossip of Choi Yeon-Ha losing her sh*t and rampaging around in the store spread around... People would avoid coming here for good!

The old adage said that one didn\'t avoid crap out of fear but because of how dirty it was!

\'Sure, I\'m a bit scared of this crap, but...!\'

-Well, no need to be so on guard, Manager Yi. Because you\'re going to like where this is going, anyway.

“I... don\'t follow?”

Choi Yeon-Ha\'s words containing hidden meanings came out of the phone\'s speaker.

-You can take only one photo, okay? And no, you mustn\'t use it to advertise yourself externally.

“Sorry?” Yi Mi-Yeon frowned deeply, still unable to comprehend what Choi Yeon-Ha was yapping on about.

Until the moment of the mysterious guest\'s arrival, that was!

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