
Chapter 61

Chapter 61

Yu Can frowned: "Huai Ling, hurry up and take him back! Don\'t wait for her to wake up again! And erase their surveillance footage, don\'t leave any traces."

Huai Ling shot a fierce glare at Weisheng Lin, untied Qiao Chuchu\'s ropes, and carried her away.

Weisheng Lin laughed gleefully: "Look at him, acting like such a sourpuss. Teasing him is as fun as teasing a dog."

Yu Can looked disgusted: "Stop picking on Little Five all the time."

Weisheng Lin shrugged nonchalantly: "He\'s the youngest in our family, and a boy at that. Who else am I supposed to pick on?"

The fourth brother spoke with a knowing tone: "You claim to bully your younger brother on the surface, but in reality, you\'ll avenge us after we\'re gone. Weisheng Lin, you\'re quite the decent guy, huh?"

The eldest brother smirked.

Weisheng Lin blushed, mumbling in embarrassment: "Well, that\'s because I\'m tougher than any of you. What do you know?"

Yu Can, hearing this, couldn\'t help but laugh: "After hearing Qiao Chuchu\'s account of our endings, I suddenly realized that as long as we\'re together, we\'re happy."

Everyone looked at her.

Yu Can mused: "If it weren\'t for Qiao Chuchu, I would have died today, and you all would have in the future. But it was Qiao Chuchu, and she was willing to help me, which is why we have this chance to turn things around. I need to thank her, so I won\'t harm her family or friends, and neither should you."

The other three lowered their eyes, lost in thought.

Weisheng Lin was the first to speak up: "Don\'t worry, Third Sister. I\'ll treat her well too. The next time I see her, I\'ll get to know her properly and never be harsh with her again."

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

The fourth brother was the most astonished: "Wow, I never thought Weisheng Lin\'s dog mouth could spit out ivory."

Weisheng Lin: "?"


Huai Ling placed Qiao Chuchu on the bed and applied some blood-activating and bruise-healing ointment to her wrists.Nôv(el)B\\\\jnn

He turned on the bedside lamp and gestured toward her.

"Hello, I\'m Weisheng Huailing. It\'s a pleasure to meet you."

He smirked, confident: "I look forward to seeing you again."

Qiao Chuchu snuggled under the blankets and fell into a deep sleep.

When she woke up with a start and sat up in bed, it was already morning.

Qiao Chuchu sat dazedly, looking around the room and examining her hands.

There were no signs of being bound, and the room was empty.

Had last night\'s ordeal been a dream?

Qiao Chuchu picked up her phone and checked the outdoor surveillance from last night.

No one had entered or left, and she hadn\'t been kidnapped.


It really was a dream.

Qiao Chuchu let out a long sigh of relief, feeling much better.

Thank goodness it wasn\'t real; otherwise, she\'d be utterly disgusted, especially since there was a creep getting up close and personal with her.

"Knock knock knock." The door was gently knocked, and Little Xie\'s voice followed: "Miss Qiao, are you up?"

Qiao Chuchu responded, then rolled back into bed: "Come in."

Little Xie pushed the door open, followed by a stream of well-dressed salespeople wheeling in several clothing racks.

Qiao Chuchu sat up in bed, bewildered, as they filed in.

The racks were filled with the latest seasonal collections from top brands.

Each salesperson smiled at her: "Excuse us, Miss Qiao, we\'re here to deliver the latest season\'s collection on behalf of Madame Weisheng."

Qiao Chuchu was stunned: "Madame Weisheng?"

The salesperson smiled: "Yes, we\'ve brought models with similar body types and skin tones to try on the clothes for you."

Qiao Chuchu clutched the blanket, flustered, as several girls of the same height as her walked in, dressed in the outfits, and lined up in front of her.

The salesperson smiled like a flower: "Please choose, Miss Qiao."

Qiao Chuchu: "I don\'t need—"

"Madame Weisheng said that if you can\'t decide, we\'ll just give them all to you. If you don\'t like them, you can give them away or throw them out. But you must choose at least four, for good luck and good fortune."

Qiao Chuchu: "?????"

So forceful?!

She looked at the models and hesitated: "Then I\'ll take this one, this one, this one, and this one."

The salesperson smiled: "Very well."

She clapped her hands, and another batch of models walked in.

Qiao Chuchu: "?"

How many people are waiting in my house for me to look at?!

After selecting a pile of clothes, the salespeople finally left.

But another group arrived, this time with bags.

"Miss Qiao, these are the bags selected by Mr. Weisheng Huailing. Please take a look."

Qiao Chuchu\'s eyes widened.

All of them were made of crocodile leather.

And there were several colors of the LV Sahara.

She noticed the key detail: "Wait, did Weisheng Huailing send these bags?"

The staff smiled: "Yes, if there\'s no problem, we\'ll place these bags in your wardrobe."

Little Xie led them into the wardrobe, where they arranged the bags before leaving.

Left alone, Qiao Chuchu sat on the bed, utterly bewildered: "..."

She first went to wash up, then walked into the wardrobe, where her already full room was now filled with beautiful crocodile leather bags.

Under the natural light of the cabinet, they all sparkled.

Little Xie knocked on her door again: "Miss Qiao, someone sent you flowers."

Qiao Chuchu stepped out of the wardrobe to see Little Xie approaching with a bouquet of black and white flowers.

The bouquet, besides the full and delicate white roses, also included several Chanel perfume boxes interspersed, all in black and yellow, exuding a high-end vibe.

She unfolded the card to find elegant running script.

[Wishing you a new day where you forget all the unpleasantness and have a happy day every day! — Lou Yuejue, always supporting you.]

Qiao Chuchu was surprised: "Lou Yuejue sent these flowers?"

He was such a gentle child?

Little Xie suddenly remembered something: "Oh, right!"

She placed the bouquet aside and picked up a stack of shoeboxes from the door, piling them high like a small mountain, wobbling as she brought them to Qiao Chuchu: "These are from Miss Lin Qing and Mr. Lin Shen."

Qiao Chuchu was even more shocked: "…And shoes?"

Clothes, bags, flowers weren\'t enough.

There were even shoes?

Little Xie nodded: "All in your size! Miss Lin Qing and Mr. Lin Shen picked them out for you early this morning."

Little ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​​‌​​​‌‌‌​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​​‌​‍Xie giggled: "But Miss Lin Qing said that Mr. Lin Shen picked out flats, while she chose heels, so they\'re easy to tell apart."

Qiao Chuchu took the boxes and opened one to reveal a pair of Valentino\'s nude pink high heels.

Little Xie exclaimed: "So beautiful! You\'ll look stunning in them!~"

Qiao Chuchu liked them too, quickly opening the second box.

It was a pair of Gucci\'s chunky loafers!

Little Xie was delighted: "These must be from Mr. Lin Shen! They said they\'ll be busy with work and might not have much time to hang out with you, so they sent you these gifts to make you happy!"

Little Xie was genuinely happy for her: "Are you happy?"

Qiao Chuchu: "…"

Looking at the overflowing gifts, a strange fear crept over her: "Can I say I\'m scared?"

Little Xie: "?"

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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