
Chapter 782: Treated as prisoners to prey

Chapter 782: Treated as prisoners to prey

Translator: Translation Nation Editor: Translation Nation

Sheyan\'s mood was far from calm upon realizing his next venture was the Lord of the Rings world.

How could he forget the innocent and naive maiden Melody? How could he forget the colossus Ocean-freak Moria and its scene of epic tragedy.

That was the first time since entering the nightmare realm he had fallen into such perilous state, being oppressed by such overwhelming difficulty and terrors all around!

Unwilling to succumb to death, Sheyan surpassed his potential and accumulated sufficient experience in the world. Only with such foundations, did he manage to exploit the \'Resident Evil Origins\' world and acquire the ability of \'Pestilence Monarch\'…

As time trickled away, Sheyan and Reef prepared to enter the world transportation portals.

While observing the rippling undulations of the radiating portal, many thoughts flooded Sheyan\'s mind. Has Zi entered that nightmare world? How are Mogensha\'s preparations going? Which world is the casualty inflicted Glory Party venturing into………

While lost in his thoughts, Reef finally tugged him back to reality. The transportation portals had initiated for a long while, and the duo hastily trudged into the mid blue radiance of the portal.

[ Commencing entry into nightmare world… ]

[ Initializing data…… ]

[ Matching…… ]

[ World selected. Initializing characters and world assimilation… ]

[ World begins…… ]

[ Valinor, the undying lands, beckon the elves to return ]

[ The hesitation of a twilight elf ]

[ Sauron\'s might encroaches towards Middle-earth ]

[ Magical rings enticing the souls of all ]

[ The peace in imminent danger as weakness abounds ]

[ Righteousness or evil ]

[ Protection or destruction! ]

[ It is your decision…]


"Ahh what the hell, what\'s with this treatment even in this low difficulty?"

Sheyan and Reef awoke with a grievance.

They soon discovered, they were pathetically tied to a cross.

The cross was crudely chopped out with a hatchet and splinters pricked against Sheyan\'s back. Any slight frictional movement released a throbbing pain. This cross was cumbersome, enduring and issued a distinct impression of filthiness.

The surface of the cross was smeared with dried stains of black or red, and it emitted a foul smelling stench; the stench of an accumulation of blood, inducing a nauseating sensation to all.

Judging from its characteristics, Sheyan quickly determined that this wasn\'t link to any religious faction. After all, christians would never profane their sacred object.

In truth, the first invention of the cross was to nail sinners to death……

Reef wasn\'t spared of this pathetic fate and his cross seemed to be much heavier.

He was in a far more miserable state. A crude wooden bowl was placed atop a rock right beneath him, which was brimming with maggot infested organs…the stench fumigated into Reef\'s nose. It was no wonder he looked incredibly vexxed.

Behind Reef, was a wooden fence that was crafted in a style that was familiar to Sheyan.

Crude wooden fences surrounded them with gruff branches constituting as a roof. This was essentially a spacious wooden canopy. The crude craftsmanship of this wooden canopy indeed left a distinct impression on viewers.

By their sides, were five other identical cross. Two were empty while three had individuals tied to them.

Sheyan noticed that those three individuals were still unconscious while Reef and himself had awoken first. This was probably related to one\'s physique. Without a doubt, this indicated that Reef\'s resistive capabilities led his own by quite a distance.

Reef angrily fumed when he noticed Sheyan waking.

"What a surprise from the realm! An unprecedented surprise, I\'ve never experienced such a crappy beginning before."

Sheyan couldn\'t help but chuckle.

"Oh hoh, god\'s servant shouldn\'t say such filthy words."

Reef angrily scoffed.

"Boss, our priority now is escaping this terrible place. Ahhhh! I\'ve had enough of this stench. Ahhhh how infuriating!"

Sheyan attempted to wrestle free but quickly realized he couldn\'t. After a careful examination, he realized the vines and branches used to constrict him weren\'t special at all. Evidently, they were being restricted by the realm and the official storyline hadn\'t yet commenced.

Sadly, the nauseous Reef could only accept the harsh reality…and endure in despair.

"My buddy, do you still remember events the previous time we were here?" Sheyan asked Reef.

Reef raised his brows and replied.

"Being pursued, then imprisoned, and pursued again."

Sheyan sighed.

"I\'m afraid our predicament is worse this time. Lower your head and look at that bowl in front of you."

"Yes I\'ve been looking at this sheet for the longest time." Reef sulked. "The next world we enter, do remind me to bring a bottle of cologne in my personal storage."

Sheyan laughed and replied.

"That sheet isn\'t the main point but its intended use. Think about it, if a knife were to carve down from your chest, that bowl is in a perfect spot to collect your dripping organs. Every droplet of your steamy blood juice will leak into that bowl, preventing any wastage."

"So our worse treatment has been downgraded from being a prisoner, to a mere prey for the slaughter?" Reef muttered with displeasure. "But whatever, even if those fools releases me at once and kneel for forgiveness, I will never cancel my notion of killing."

"Gentlemen, your discussion has granted me great insights."

All of a sudden, a calm voice drifted in. The person who spoke was another individual tied to a cross. He was wearing black frame spectacles and had a moustache shaped like \'八\'. He seemed rather cultured.

"However, I don\'t get who exactly intends to treat us as food?"

"Orcs." Sheyan confirmed. "Orcs from the Misty Mountains."

In this instant, a woman\'s voice interrupted. She sounded rather gloomy and carried a hint of disdain. Her countenance was gloomy, pale and sinister looking, like a witch from the medieval age. She was tied to a cross nearest to the exit of the wooden canopy.

"How do you know?"

Sheyan glanced at her and chuckled.

"Do you see that heap of wheat there? To the orcs, that wheat known as Shamisi will turn into an exceptional delicacy, after rotting for half a day on moist ground. In terms of orc cuisine, that is akin to our black pepper sauce on steak."

Reef immediately protested sternly.

"Damned, you\'ve succeeded in fuelling my intention to fast from beef for a year."

At this moment, the last individual tied to a cross woke up. After surveying his surroundings, he directly yelled out with a hoarse voice.

"Fool of a took! This the lair of mad wraiths, yea I must be dreaming. A fierce slap to me and I shall awake with a yawn in Mister Wright\'s carriage. A light smack of my horse whip, a little later all, and the majestic Rivendell we reach!"

Very evidently, this was a storyline character. Yet even though the storyline character had woken up, the contestants found themselves still constricted to the cross.

Ten seconds later, a diabolical freak cautiously crept in. As it tiptoed in, it glanced around anxiously as though it was a little thief. It had some human features but its skin was contaminated with warts. A fresh wound could be seen on its shoulder where black blood trickled down its light grey skin. The way it hobbled in indicated that this orc wasn\'t very strong.

The freak approached Reef and stealthily took a glance outside. Then, it stretched forth its hand towards Reef………no, the bowl in front of him and begun wolfing down the decomposing, maggot-infestation organs.

This orc\'s conduct immediately thickened the foul stench of rot in the air.

Reef\'s expression instantly turned ashen as he summoned his humongous willpower to suppress the urge of vomiting.

Soon after, a crowd of orcs came shoving in. They roared abuses at the food thief and begun beating him up. After a vicious round of beating, they glared maliciously at the storyline character.

By now, the storyline character was releasing shrilling screams. Under the pressure of immense fear, nobody could hear what he was yelling.

The orcs then proceeded to light a bonfire in the wooden canopy. Then, they carried a shockingly massive pot that was filled with water.

Indeed, like what Sheyan mentioned, they threw the shasimi seasoning wheat into the pan, before issuing evil sneers while salivating as they approached the storyline character.

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