
Chapter 326 - The Sadness Of The Sky?

Chapter 326 The Sadness of the Sky?

Author: M_W Cancer

Grammar checker: M_W Nomral

While Leo was cultivating, Ethan has finally begun taking over a small part of the west wall using the same strategy as Leo. With the cooperation of Jeffrey, Matt, and Venice, everything flows smoothly. Though there were mistakes at times, especially in killing the Captains, it wasn\'t a big deal anymore because almost everyone has experienced or seen the process of this strategy.

Unlike at the south wall, the process in the west wall only took 2 hours to complete.

Ethan returned back to the relocation area and gave Ash and the others the supply they have stolen from the west wall.

And with that, Ash finally began her planned operation to not only expand the relocation area but also to improve the place. She aims to improve the defense so that even if the Silver royal family indeed finds this place, they wouldn\'t be able to easily and quickly defeat them. Though they would definitely be defeated in the end, but at that time they should have long relocated again the ordinary civilians outside the wall, of course not everyone.

The rainy weather yesterday was finally cleared, and when the first ray of sunlight hits the wall of the Silver City, the relocation area was finally expanded to more or less 2 kilometers square. This area was at the very corner of the southwest, and with both the corner part of the south wall and west wall nearby in the hands of Leo\'s control, it would be difficult for the Silver royal family to notice anything wrong here.

At this moment, there were already 3,000 civilians relocated here, and with the management of Ash, Cassandra, Elizabeth, and Angel, along with the help of 500 men, nothing big has yet to happen.

Veronica, Charlotte, Princess Elaine, Sele, and old man Torre has also already decided to stop relocating more civilians as they believed that it would be too much for them to handle any more than the current amount right now.

To be honest, there were already a few minor problems appearing every now and then, and almost all of the problems were caused by the civilians. Each of those problems could possibly cause this entire operation to be found out by the Silver royal family. It was really fortunate that Charlotte, Sele, and old man Torre along with a few of their men were fast enough to stop those causing troubles. It even reached to the point that they killed them.

They all agreed that it was now time to stop and focus on maintaining order and stability, rather than save as many as possible.

Enough civilians have already been saved, and this was obviously the limit of how many they can save with their current ability right now.

Although it is indeed a really sad thought to leave tens of thousands of civilians to the hands of Fate, but what can they do? In their current situation right now, aside from the fact that they lack enough manpower, the most important thing was to win this war. In fact, if all of these civilians would ever threaten the chances of the Mischievous Blue Sword Alliance winning this battle against the Silver royal family, Leo would definitely not hesitate to throw them all away like throwing a bunch of trash. After all, what value can civilians give to him if they don\'t win this war? Obviously, nothing, aside from problems and more problems!

The shed that Leo was sleeping at right now doesn\'t have any door, and because of that sunlight hits his face and woke him up right after.

Leo stretched his body before leaving the tiny shed. Last night, it only took him less than 20 minutes to finish his cultivation. He now has a newfound cultivation technique, which was to simply put a little wisp of his own Mana inside any item with Mana and then turn the Mana into his own before easily absorbing the Mana inside. With this new cultivation technique, he doesn\'t need to use Mana stones anymore just to absorb Magical resources.

Arriving outside, Leo soon after saw from the distance the new relocation area. This time, the entire 2 kilometers square street in this part of Silver City has now been covered in the dark due to the expanded roofs of the hundreds of houses in this place.

He walked around hoping to find Ash to ask something, only to find her currently sleeping with Charlotte, Sele, and old man Torre who was in a different bed. The new Leader at this moment was shockingly Cassandra, Elizabeth, and Angel.

"Is Ash really sure about letting those 3 inexperienced people manage this operation?" Leo can\'t help feeling worried inside. Cassandra, Elizabeth, and Angel might be promising people, but it is still a fact that they lack the experience of leading and managing people. In his opinion, aside from Cassandra, the two others were better suited for fighting instead.

Moments later, Leo found the three of them really busy sending orders from one man to another. Veronica, Charlotte, and Princess Elaine were also assisting them at the side.

"Carry the supply to the temporary warehouse..." Cassandra ordered before turning to looked at the other man, "Carry food in Zone B." Then she turned to look at Elizabeth and Angel, "Both of you, assist them at Zone B, in case of any trouble." She right after turned to look at Veronica and Princess Elaine, and said, "Try to calm the people at Zone C, so that they won\'t cause any trouble like the last time." And then at Charlotte, "Assist Veronica and Princess Elaine, they won\'t be able to handle all of those people alone."


"Just like what I\'ve expected..." Leo shook his head helplessly. It was really obvious to see that Cassandra was the only one really handling everything in this place right now. Elizabeth, Angel, Veronica, Charlotte, and Princess Elaine were all nothing but just a bunch of assistants.

Still, it was good enough to see all of them trying their best to handle everything here. Such an effort wasn\'t something that should be left unnoticed.

Leo approached Cassandra and the others, intending to help them.

Noticing Leo approaching them, Cassandra, Elizabeth, Angel, Veronica, and Charlotte immediately jumped forward to hug him as they all expressed how tired they were already, that they want to rest, that they can\'t handle this anymore, and on and so forth.

Princess Elaine at the side was left speechless at all of their reaction. Truth be told, before Ash has handed this responsibility to them, they have sworn that they would be able to handle it and hence Ash felt assured as she then decided to rest. But yet, at this moment, the moment they all saw Leo, they actually said that they can\'t do it anymore? Just where was that determination she had seen from back then go?

Leo also felt the same way as Princess Elaine. He understood Ash\'s style of leading. She won\'t just carelessly leave anything to others if they didn\'t say that they can handle the responsibility. So, if she gave this responsibility to Cassandra and the others, it simply meant that they have expressed their determination.

Even if he knew about that though, but what can he do aside from consoling all of them and taking over.

Leo patted each of their heads and said, "Okay, all of you can leave to rest, I\'ll handle everything here."

Hearing Leo\'s words, Cassandra and the others immediately smiled before they one by one kissed Leo\'s cheeks and quickly left, in fear that Leo might just change his mind.

Leo was momentarily stunned, but he soon formed a smile on his face, feeling bliss.

"You can also rest," Leo said to Princess Elaine.

"Don\'t expect me to also kiss you, hahaha!" Princess Elaine teased Leo.

"I don\'t flirt with my men\'s woman." Leo replied.

"Good! Though even if you were indeed such a person, I will still not allow myself to be flirted by you because I will only love Ethan." Princess Elaine said before leaving Leo to handle the rest.

Leo could only shake his head after hearing Princess Elaine\'s words. Was he even such a kind of person?

A second later, Leo shook his head to forget about such thoughts before focusing on the main thing to do right now.

With Cassandra and the others gone, every assigned Captain present could only look at Leo, waiting for his new command.

"Tell me the current situation of the relocation area right now." Leo ordered the Captains. Obviously, he can\'t begin sending out orders without understanding the current situation first.

One of the Captain\'s steps forward and replied, "The relocation area right now is separated into six zones, from Zone A to Zone F. Zone A, B, and D, are considered the most stable Zone, while Zone C is the most troublesome one because all of those people came from the poor area of the Silver city. They like to cause trouble by pointing every small mistake we have done, such example is the late distribution of food, not enough supply or enough space for sleeping, and other more stuff. On the other hand, Zone E and F are still being silent right now, causing us to be wary about what they are planning on doing. The people over that place are also the same as Zone C, so we are being on high-alert on what they would do."

Hearing that Captain\'s words, Leo quickly understood the current situation of the relocation area right this very moment.

Because they were only thinking of saving as many civilians as possible, they didn\'t bother on thinking about whom to save. As a result, the management of the relocation area became a mess because different types of people require different management.

"All Captains, form all the men present here into a group of 10 men each, which should be a total of 50 groups. The 1st to 5th group would handle the management of Zone C, the 6th to 10th group would manage Zone E, and the 11th to 15th group would manage Zone F. The 16th group would handle Zone A, the 17th group would handle Zone B, and the 18th Group would handle the Zone D. The 19th to 30th group would spread out to the perimeter to guard the relocation area against the Silver royal family\'s soldiers patrolling nearby and also from the civilians inside. The 31st and 35th group would go outside the perimeter to scout the nearby location of the relocation area. The 36th to the 45th group would send assistance to any group in need of help. While the 46th to 50th group would take a rest. Every group would exchange responsibility every hour. The management of this place would entirely be left to all of you Captains to handle on your own, which includes the possible problems. Don\'t bother me unless there is a major problem." Leo quickly sent out his order before turning around to leave.

All of the Captains were stunned at Leo\'s order, but a second later they quickly snapped out of it before they one by one left to begin. With how detailed Leo\'s command was already, everything went by smoothly.

While Leo was walking, the bright sky suddenly darkens, and rain soon after followed.

Seeing this, Leo can\'t help looking at the sky as he silently whispered to himself, "Is the sky perhaps sad for the upcoming battle?"

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