
Chapter 127

Chapter 127 [Episode 65] Reverse One 2

Sang Hyuk intended to keep tanking until this monster’s health dropped to five percent.

“Nonsensical tanking + Nonsensical dealing.”

When these two are combined, Sang Hyuk is able to make it work contrary to common sense. The official points that are achieved by Sang Hyuk, who pretty much threw common sense out the window, can not be followed even when all the points of the other users are combined.

But this was not the end.

Out of the 900,000 users who died while fighting with Krakon in Sang Hyuk’s previous life, about 500,000 people died after Krakon’s health fell below five percent.

No matter how strong Krakon was, there were patterns and phases because he was a ‘programmed’ monster.

As soon as its health dropped below 5%, he literally started to go ‘Berserk’ and that last-ditch rampage was powerful enough to erase hundreds of thousands of users.

Because Sang Hyuk knew this, he was ready.

Tanker, Healer, Dealer.

This could be said to be the three elements of raid team.

Basically, all users belonged to one of these three roles.

In order to successfully finish the massive joint content called the raid, these three roles had to do their part, and there was a clear order for all three elements

To start a raid, the boss had to be ‘tanked’ stably. If tanking cannot be done properly then you could not even start the raid.

No matter how many tanks were mobilized, they had to build a tanker formation which is able to hold the boss’s aggro and then complete the tanking mechanism. *

So when the tanker formation was constructed, the next thing to do was ‘ healing’.

The healers, like tankers, had to complete a healing formation after mobilizing, built well enough to cover the whole team without allowing the main tanker to die. *

The dealers were those left after the tankers and healers completed all their formations. They needed to be careful while dealing damage because of ‘aggro’, the very important mechanism that the game used to determine monster aggression.

Because of this, at first glance, things like formation for dealers seem useless, but in a real raid, the dealers’ senses was most important. Dealing was purely most affected by the individual senses, so dealers were the occupations that was inevitable for those with a high VRA and good senses.

And in conclusion, the dealer was the most fun.

So, 80% of all of the people who gathered at this event were dealers.

This meant that at least they would not be short of damage dealt.

When Sang Hyuk succeeded in tanking while enduring the Krakon’s attacks, then the position of the main tank, which had the first place among the three elements of a Raid, was occupied.

Let’s say it was organized like that then naturally, the second element, ‘healing’, was also present and the requirements for dealers was met because Sang Hyuk has locked the aggro tight. *

The tankers, healers, and dealers for Krakon were fully assembled. For now the framework of the attack was established, the only thing remained was to maintain the framework.

Since Sang hyuk has already been tanking for more than 30 minutes, healing and dealing has has been maintained.

Of course, there were a lot of people dying from Krakon’s wide-area attacks, but at least those with enough common sense and skill managed to avoid the embarrassing mass wipes.

During that time, the health of Krakon was also reduced by four percent. He still had a lot of its health, but because the dealers were still involved in this event with the help of stable tanking and healing, it seemed that the pace of reducing the monster’s health was continuing to accelerate.

The most surprising thing was Sang Hyuk, who was standing and enduring while tanking for 30 minutes.

The healers were focused on the user wearing black Magic Armor who did not seem ordinary at all and they were busily avoiding or dodging the Krakon’s attack here and there while pouring heals to the users who were tanking.

Healers were aware that the most obvious way to get official points was to treat the user with the black Magic Armor as the only tanker and the main tanker.

It was important for the dealers to deal damage well.

At least until this moment it felt like everything was going well.

It was a matter of time to catch Krakon, which seemed to be an event monster without any precedent at all, because everything was so stable.

Most users like this situation

Anyway they only needed to do their jobs to  participate in this event and win points. Most of the users knew that they can not be the protagonist in an event this huge anyway.

However…. Not everyone thought so.

[You must flip the plate over.]

The meeting was called urgently and the seven delegates, who could be considered the organizers of this meeting, gathered in the secret meeting room of the DN that they had prepared.

When they gathered, a man, who sat in the chair carved with a black dragon, spoke first.

[If it is confirmed that the user who is tanking Krakon is the Immortal, then it is right we should be the one to turn over the plate.]

The man sitting on a chair with the red star nodded and agreed.

This meeting was started about half a year ago.

The name of the meeting was ‘Reverse One’.

In short, it was a super-alliance that was created to prevent the Ascendency of the One Guild.

[Analysis shows that it is almost certainly Immortal. The different thing is that he is wearing a Magic Armor… Actually, it is true that everyone here knows that the Immortal has created Magic Armor, right?]

The man who was sitting on the black dragon carved chair was already convinced. No one has raised any objections because it was a convincing conclusion.

[Of course I know that. I bought a huge item called ‘Lion King’s fury’ from the One Guild and to sell such a great thing would mean that there is a better Magic Armor than that. But at the last meeting, I think we said that we at least should not bid on the auction and raise the price…. Did you all keep your promise?]

The man sitting on a chair with black hand engraved, said with a voice of dissatisfaction. This room was where the best multi-language translation options were available, so you could speak naturally with different languages.

However, there were many cases in which the expression of fine emotions was omitted in the translation process. In this case, it was recognized that the man was angry because of his emotionless face.

[Hmmm, everyone would have kept the promise. We are not gathered here to talk about it now and we don’t have much time, so let’s talk about it on another time.

A man sitting on a chair with the red star responded effortlessly, but in fact, the people sitting here were bound to let this matter stick in their mind.

[It is true that there is no time. The sooner we make our decisions here, the bigger the pie we can get.]

The words of the man who sat on the chair with the carved black dragon were right, they could not afford to talk about it anymore.

[But what is there to see? Don’t we just need to turn over the plate? This is the simplest way to go. Let’s stab the Immortal’s back and take what we want.]

A man sitting on a chair with the red star, as usual, tried to solve the problem simply and brutishly. But others gathered here knew that this was not going to be a simple matter.

[If you do that, you may be able to get the benefits of this event, but eventually you may end up with mass condemnations. It’s true that we have to take down the Immortal, but we can not do it openly.]

[Then we should use the knife in the dark that we all have? Honestly, everybody has prepared a hidden sword by now, right?]

A man sitting on a chair with blue hammer, who had been quiet until now, opened his mouth.

His words were correct. Each of the seven delegations gathered here held a weapon that could be called the sword in the dark, though the type might be slightly different to each delegate.

[That’s probably the cleanest way.]

To be honest, it was a waste to bring out the sword in the dark, which was a secret power, but now was not the time to be picky.

They were planning to stop the event from being handed over to the ‘One’ Guild.

The reason why they made this gathering, despite the intricate intertwining of their respective interests, was to prevent the Ascendency of the One Guild.

While blocking the One Guild, the seven guilds planned to take the share that the One Guild was about to take. This was why ‘Reverse One’ was created.

[There is not much time, so let’s go ahead and proceed like that and let’s keep talking about the rest of the game. There are no exceptions. Everyone who comes here should at least put out more than one sword. I will stab the Immortal with that knife and pull that monster down, after that we will take over the event and seize the prize.]

The confident Reverse One’s move.

They believed that they could take down Immortal and if the Immortal is removed then they could take over the Krakon hunting.

After investing a huge amount of money in the real world and in the game, it was Reverse One who understood the reality of the One Guild more than anyone, but still they missed the most important thing.

The Immortal’s skills which is irreplaceable…. Immortal’s ability that transcended the limits of the ‘user’, that cut apart the common sense of the ‘user’.

So it was impossible for them to comprehend the being known as the Immortal.

* * * *

“Kill the user who is tanking Krakon!”

This was a command sent to many malefactors.

Because all of them were commanded from high up their Line, the malefactors began to move to Tune, headed for the open event as soon as they heard the command.

Anyway, since they were not able to participate in the event, they had to think that if they were attacking the Immortal, someone was trying to manipulate the event.

It was hard to imagine who was behind the malefactors.

This command was not very difficult for the malefactors anyway.

Because the opponent was hardly able to deal with his present difficulties, so in this situation, even if he is slightly distracted, things would collapse rapidly.

This was easier than snapping fingers for users who are evil to the core.

Because this was what they always do.

A total of 58 malefactors were sent from the seven forces.

At first glance, it looks like there aren’t that many, but the 58 of them are almost top-level users with levels over 50.

Moreover, they knew each other’s existence. They even agreed to cooperate to a certain extent.

58 malefactors concealed their identity and moved to Tune secretly. Not only was the whole city of Tune shattered and a lot of users dying, but all the users in Tune were completely focused on the event, so nobody has noticed the movement of the malefactors.

Thanks to it, the malefactors were able to approach their goal easily.

All of the malefactors basically have the ability to hide themselves. Even a malefactor is troubled by people when it’s discovered that they’re an evil person, so they had no choice but develop the ability to hide it.

Anyway, the malefactors approached the place where Immortal, their ultimate goal, was while using the confusion as cover.

In the meantime, in a nonsensical wide attack of Krakon, seven malefactors disappeared with a scattering of white light, but things like that happen in a war zone.

The remaining 51 malefactors intend to attack Immortal at the same time.

They believed that if they strike the Immortal’s back at the same time, then even the Immortal would not be able to endure it.

Even if he stopped or avoided their attacks, he was forced to break Krakon’s tanking, which has been stable.

That was enough.

Breaking he tanking meant that the Immortal would be killed by Krakon.

If the tanking was broken in anyway, the raid would collapse. Then it would be Reverse One who flips the plate, as that was what they wanted.

The malefactors checked each other with the signal that they had agreed on. And they were able to adjust the timing with that signal.

••5, 4, 3, 2, 1, now!

At the moment when the malefactor’s countdown reached one, 51 malefactors ran towards the Immortal.

Chapter 127 [Episode 65] Reverse One 2 – End

Editor’s Notes: The tanking mechanism, for an example of that, we have to look to…SAO.  I know, a lot of people have a huge amount of hate for Sword Art Online.  However, it is the best example of Tanker Mechanism/Formation I can think of.  Having a front rank, switching so that someone low on health can move to the rear to heal, and use of shield walls, that can be seen in SAO first season.

Editor’s Notes: This time, I’m not going to use a SAO reference.  Healer formations (according to novels of the VRMMORPG genre) usually consists of assigning healers (main tank, sub tank, etc) and a rotating schedule so some are healing, others are drinking mana potions, and so forth.  Logically, the main purpose of healer formations is to make sure that the tanks are covered at all times.  The priority is of course the Main Tank.

Editor’s Notes: It may seem obvious, but neither healers or dealers can do their job without the tank. By keeping the monsters from attacking the healers or dealers, they can do their job, and they can only do their job when the tank is keeping aggro.  Otherwise, since they don’t have significant defences, they’d be slaughtered.

Editor: Userunfriendly

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