
Chapter 227 - The Abyss World

Chapter 227: The Abyss World

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The painting world was a two-dimensional space. It was the first world that Lu Zhiyu had created.

Compared to Maria’s World, it only had length and width, but lacked the third dimension of height. After the downfall of that dimension, Lu Zhiyu had cast away the map of the world in a far-flung corner.

At the moment, Lu Zhiyu was looking at the pile of scrolls within the flying castle. Finally, he had found the map amid this pile of papers. Now, this broken and rotted world had, after all this time, once again been taken out by Lu Zhiyu!

Everything in that world was currently broken. Even the sun had ceased to shine! There was no light or warmth, and without gravity and order being present to regulate everything, the world was a total mess.

Ah! This feels like it was so long ago!

Looking at the first world that he created was making Lu Zhiyu emotional. As Lu Zhiyu reached out his hand, it was as if an unseen power pressed it into the painting world. The rules inside it started turning and changing immediately!

Reset world!

Back to zero!


The strange dimensional world in the astral was changing massively, as it was being controlled by an unseen power. The world quickly transformed from a mere flat piece of paper into a three-dimensional world!

However, unlike Maria’s World, the interior of the world was composed of countless bubbles. Each bubble was insulated from the other, like a beehive’s honeycomb.

It was all chaos inside, as the gravities were random and haphazardly arrayed. Therefore, there was no official up or down directions.

There was no light or sun either, only rocks and floating islands, which were colliding with each other. Those rocks went through the gaps between the bubbles, then went up or down haphazardly.

As Lu Zhiyu reached out his hand again, it was as if there was an unseen force that dragged the painting world from the edge of the bitwall to the center of the bitwall, depositing it right next to Maria’s world.- .c om

However, this “right next to” only was a relevant description of distance in terms of bitwalls. In reality, it was still a distance that would take a level seven mythical wizard more than ten thousand years to fly across!

“Confirming time flow speed!” Lu Zhiyu called out, carefully confirming the time flow in that world.

Since the astral was pretty stable, it had a time flow that was similar to Maria’s World’s. When compared to Earth, this time flow speed was about a hundred to one. However, for this newly created world, Lu Zhiyu could control the speed of time flow inside easily, like it was on autopilot mode almost.

Regarding different worlds, because the rules within them were different, time within each would naturally flow differently. In other words, the more complete the rules were within a world, the closer the time flow would be to the astral.

“Create magical network!” Lu Zhiyu yelled, while he connected to the zero dimension world.

He opened the Source Form channel and sat up the whole magical network to cover the whole world. All of the Source Form that Lu Zhiyu had saved during the last decade had decreased drastically due to those series of actions.

The whole bitwall world was now sitting on Lu Zhiyu’s hand like a toy. He could play with it and manipulate it however he liked it. Whether it be resetting, modifying, solidifying or adding new rules, with enough Source Form, Lu Zhiyu could do all of these things effortlessly.

Lu Zhiyu had finally stabilized the whole bitwall world! Now, the time flow, when compared to Earth, was one to eight thousand! When it was compared to Maria’s World, it was one to twenty-two! In other worlds, one year in Maria’s World was twenty-two years in this world!

One step to go!

Up to this last step, the world embryo that Lu Zhiyu had imagined was pretty much finished. Feeling pretty satisfied with the success of this latest project, Lu Zhiyu then returned to the flying castle. While he was leaving, he took the scrolls that were hanging on the demi-bitwall in the dimensional castle.

After returning to the flying castle, he noticed that the top of the castle was covered in a layer of special glass. At this moment, the inside of the flying castle was completely insulated from the outside. Even normal people could live in this environment now!

Now, the air pressure, air composition, gravity, temperature and other survival variables were controlled effortlessly by the flying castle system! Inside the botanic gardens, there were even artificial sunplates that enabled the vessel to mimic real sunlight and warmth! The entire flying castle was now enclosed, creating a small world of its own!

However, mobility and acceleration were still major problems, as it was currently still too much of a dream for the world to travel in the astral. However, it was not a big problem for Lu Zhiyu.

At the moment, Verthandi and Delmede were busy bullying a little lion. It was Verthandi’s pet lion. Delmedi had picked her own pet as well, which was a parrot that actually could carry a conversation with people!

However, after they had each picked their pets, Delmedi felt that Verthandi’s pet was better than her pet parrot. Therefore, she kept trying to take the lion away from Verthandi!

The poor lion was now being drug around by the two little kids, their immense strengths almost tearing it in half. After the lion saw Lu Zhiyu, it cried out sadly for help, which scared the two girls enough that they finally let it go. The lion quickly ran into the nearby bushes in the botanic garden and disappeared.

“Alright, let’s not bully the little lion. Papa will take you to see something more fun,” Verthandi said.

“I didn’t bully the little lion! My older sister was just not allowing me to touch it!” Delmedi pouted.

“The little lion is mine! Your parrot is at the top!” Verthandi shouted.

“I don’t want my parrot! I want the little lion!” Delmedi protested.

After they finished arguing, the two sisters looked at Lu Zhiyu. Verthandi then asked, “Papa, papa, what are we going to see today?”

“Are we going to see big fish, like the big fish that we saw in the ocean the other time?” Delmedi asked.- .c om

Lu Zhiyu quickly answered. “No. We have seen all of those things already. This time, we are going to see the outside world!”

Eva had already set up the programs in the control room. She had also prepared more seats for the girls. Upon entering, Lu Zhiyu sat in the main seat, while everyone else sat in their own seats.

Lu Zhiyu’s mind instantly connected to the flying castle control system as he got into the levitating chair in the middle of the room. “Sit tight! I’m going to go faster now!”

As the flying castle was booting up, the projection of the views from around the flying castle appeared. The sun in the sky, the ground below, and the clouds around the castle all appeared on the screen.

Then, the flying castle was quickly launched into the sky, the continent underneath it becoming smaller and smaller. As the speed got faster, they went over the bitwalls. After traversing the layers of the astral world, they finally reached the outside of Maria’s World!

“That was so fast!”

“The world is smaller and smaller!”

“Wow! We are really outside of our world!”

“It’s so pretty!”

As the girls were exclaiming back and forth to one another, even Eva opened her mouth wide in surprise. This was her first time leaving Maria’s World. What’s more, no one besides Lu Zhiyu had ever seen the full map of Maria’s World, not to mention observing the world as a whole from the outside!

Maria’s World was like a giant sphere, and a light source on the bitwall was orbiting around the world to provide it with light and warmth. Then, as the flying castle accelerated again, they passed a surreal barrier and a dimensional gate. As they passed the endless distance of the astral, they came out on the edge of another bitwall.

The world was pitch dark, and its interior was a mess. It seemed very dark and scary.

Verthandi and Delmedi looked at the dark bitwall world from their levitating chairs, both exclaiming at once...

“This world is so scary!”

“It’s pitch black! There is nothing here!”

Lu Zhiyu put the flying castle in cruise mode, then flew around the bitwall and observed it for a while. He then said, “This is our target! Verthandi, Delmedi, and Eva, welcome to the Abyss World!”

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Chapter 228: Species of the Abyss World

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Eva suddenly felt like everything in Maria’s world seemed to be passing away. She and Lu Zhiyu had seen countless people sacrifice everything for just a piece of land, for the sovereignty of a country, or for beliefs.

Was it that important?

People didn’t even know how big the world was outside their own country, much less outside the Alan Continent! They only saw the narrow world that surrounded them only as far as their naked eyes could see. But, Eva had found that the whole world was only a drop in the ocean when compared to the astral.

Eva suddenly felt that her vision had expanded. As the floating city left Maria’s World, it seemed to have also taken the shackles away from her.

“Let’s go in!” Lu Zhiyu said. After observing the external situation of the Abyss World, he immediately started the engine and went directly into it.

The newly formed Abyss World was much smaller than Maria’s World and was very barren. When Lu Zhiyu controlled the floating castle to penetrate the bitwall and enter the Abyss World, he saw that Eva, Verthandi, and Delmedi all appeared quite numb and were very quiet.

“This is... the Abyss World? How could this be?” Lu Zhiyu asked.

The speed of time had accelerated in an instant, but the three people who crossed the bitwall did not adapt to the change well at all. The speed of the castle rapidly changed, and they seemed to be controlled by an inexplicable force. It was only when they all had entered the Abyss World that all of this slowly returned to normal.

“That was so weird, but also fun!” Eva didn’t quite understand what had just happened, so she looked at Lu Zhiyu for some explanation.

Lu Zhiyu explained, “The instability in the Abyss World causes the speed inside the world to be different from within the astral. When external objects enter the Abyss World, they become subject to the adjustments and assimilations of the internal rules of the world.”

The Abyss World had a honeycomb-like structure, which was made up of layers of space bubbles. Countless meteorites and floating islands floated in its darkness, some of which spun rapidly against each other. Some space bubbles were rich in substance, while others were completely empty.

Lu Zhiyu reached out, and a small fireball appeared in his hands. The fireball kept growing until it finally became hugel. After that, Lu Zhiyu compressed it, forming it into a highly unstable black spot.

When Lu Zhiyu threw the black spot out of the floating castle, he immediately took control of the floating castle and drove it out of the Abyss World. As the black spot drifted into the Abyss World, the forces emanating from it distorted the surrounding meteorites and floating islands.

The strong erosive forces even began to interfere with the real world, making everything seem to transform into a half-soul and half-material state, like a soul worm. After the black spot passed through more layers of space bubbles and reached the center of the Abyss World, it stopped, spun violently, then exploded.

Suddenly, a great energy burst forth from the core of the Abyss World and radiated through numerous space bubbles, then spread out into the whole abyss world. This caused the whole Abyss World to undergo some dramatic changes. Everything became radiant and flooded with light, and countless soul worms began to emerge everywhere!

The whole world began to show signs of life. A large number of floating islands and meteorites were transformed into bases for worm cultivation to accommodate the vast number of worms that were being born. After their births, the worms began to absorb the energy, which allowed them to strengthen themselves and continue to grow.

Some of the worms would eat the other worms, and the remnants of a large number of dead soul worms would then be integrated into the floating islands and the meteorites. The meteorites would then continue to grow and eventual became floating islands, which would then slowly expand and become continents!

Meanwhile, within the numerous space bubbles, different changes were taking place. Each space bubble was like an isolated small world, where the innumerable soul worms that devoured each other would actually become advanced creatures!

Lu Zhiyu drove the floating castle out of the Abyss World, so that he could observe the changes inside of it from the outside via projection. He saw that the advanced creatures didn’t have a common form. Some were muddy monsters, some were giant one-eyed monsters, some were innumerable ugly vines entangled together, and some were like tree stumps and roots!

There were also monsters with wings and bodies, like flesh bugs! They were flying around the world, constantly spraying venom that could decay souls. Their fluttering wings even had disgusting, twisted muscles on them.

Moreover, some of them even had countless eyes. When they opened them eyes, their eyes could radiate lights that would destroy the souls and all of the materials that were in front of them!

There were so many strange creatures like these, too many to count and describe! All kinds of these creatures had been born in the Abyss World within the last few years. They were indeed strange and terrible!

“Wow, that’s terrible! So many bugs! No, they are even more disgusting than bugs.” Eva said.

Having parked the floating castle outside the Abyss World, Lu Zhiyu began to record the changes and new species that he observed. Looking from outside the Abyss World, the internal speed of time was more than twenty times faster than it was on the outside, so everything seemed to be moving really fast.

As such, a few years had passed inside, but only a few months had passed on the outside. Hence, the species of the Abyss World had grown and evolved at a rate that was far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Eva and the two others soon grew bored with simply observing, so they went to the botanical garden to play with the poor lion.

“Is the evolution disordered?” Eva asked.

“Well, it certainly is not just going in one direction!” Lu Zhiyu said.

The previous Zerg World and Maria’s World had both been influenced by the real world and by Lu Zhiyu’s knowledge. As Lu Zhiyu had received a modern education, he suffered from some constraints. As such, the shape and ability of the creatures that he created and transformed were only able to be within the imagination of human beings.

In the Abyss World, the creation of a species was not affected by cell and gene templates, like in humans, so there was no influence garnered from Lu Zhiyu. Hence, these species’ evolutions were not controlled by Lu Zhiyu, so the shape and ability of many of the species in the Abyss World were beyond even his imagination!

For example, some of their shapes were distorted and exaggerated, and their evolution was disorderly and filled with unknown variables. For Lu Zhiyu, it was like opening up a door to a whole new world!

Countless creatures, born from a large number of soul worms, whistled through the Abyss World. Although there was no warmth in the silent Abyss World, countless creatures were still being born. Clearly, the energy in the whole Abyss World was slowly changing.

Later, these creatures would travel to the edges of the space bubbles, enter other space bubbles, then come into contact with more advanced species. The Abyss World would then use their energy to evolve into a special Divine Kingdom, just as Lu Zhiyu had expected all along!

However, creatures in the Abyss World were still relatively weak at the moment, and their evolution was still full of defects.

For example, after the creatures were born, they would die quickly. As such, Lu Zhiyu knew that it would take a long time to turn this world into a Divine Kingdom and expand it into a world that was larger than Maria’s World.

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