
Chapter 94: Introduction

Chapter 94: Introduction

The sphere of blood transformed into a two-headed cat with bat wings. One of its heads had two horns while the other head had two fluffy ears like a rabbit. The two cat heads contrasted quite a bit with their distinctly colored eyes. 

The head with horns in it had white eyes while the fluffy eared head had black eyes. The body of the cat was pitch black with dark red glows from its stripes.

“This is one of my blood summon, in fact, this is my first summon I tamed during my academy days. It is a viscount level blood summon and doesn’t take too much blood-qi to project.

“You might be thinking what kind of animal is this? This right here is just a normal crimson cat found in the outskirts of the academy. When I first tamed her, she wasn’t that powerful. I did it merely for practice, I had no intention to make it my primary summon.

“When you first tame an animal of your choice, you send your blood-qi through their blood and try to enter their mind. If you can successfully integrate your blood-qi with their mind without killing them. You pass the first phase.” 

Miss. Cryel changed the cat’s appearance to a normal cat that didn’t look intimidating. Its size also decreased by half. 

“When you go through this process, the animal who you bonded with will be intelligent to te foreign blood-qi. You have to slowly permeate the blood qi in small intervals. When the entire body of the animal is filled with your blood-qi, then you can proceed with the second phase.

“The completion of blood-qi permeation will make the animal significantly powerful and it will be ready for entire integration into your blood core. This phase is extremely difficult and dangerous, not just for the summon, but for the summoner as well. One wrong step, you will lose a lot of blood-qi and as much time to re-accumulate it.

“That’s why summoners take a lot of time to prepare for the second phase of the integration. You need to be absolutely sure that you can succeed, or you will have to wait for another decade or so to re-accumulate the same amount of blood-qi.

“This step will take the blood-qi that is inside the blood summon and exchange it with your own blood-qi. Do it until the summon’s mind gets firmly planted in your blood core. Then you have to condense a layer of blood-qi on top of that. This is a little complicated for you to understand so we will stop here.” 

She turned her summon into a cloud of red smoke and sucked the blood-qi back to her body.

“The summon should be able to leave behind its physical body and reside within your blood core like this. That is the completion of the second phase.”

“How were you able to evolve your summon?” 

As she was explaining, a young girl asked.

“That is the third phase of the blood summoning technique. You have to be patient with the process. Reaching this stage will take you decades. I will be impressed if any of you manage to reach the second stage in five years. Most students only reach the second stage by the end of their seventh year.” Miss. Cryel said with a smirk.

“After your second phase, you will take out your summon only a few times because your blood-qi projection hasn’t been perfected yet. We are no blod espers. We need an external source to project out blood-qi, like a summon.”

“When you get stronger and increase the level of your blood core, you will get more opportunities to tame more animals and integrate their traits into your existing summon. In my case, I added another cat of the same species and a Terrier bat that had very impressive flight capabilities. In the end, you get this hybrid to summon that can do much more than the previous one. The other minds don’t take over and get absorbed by the first mind as it is the most powerful. Does that answer your question?” 

Miss. Cryel looked at the young girl.

“Yes, I think I somewhat understand the gist of it.” The young girl replied.

“Good, This is all you need to get started with your first summon. Now over the years, the blood summoning department gathered many animals from the blood forest for the first years, and you will start the first phase with them.”

She flicked her rune card and a door opened behind them.

“Everyone step aside, the wild animals tend to be a little violent.” She looked at the door.

“What is she talking about? These animals can’t be as strong as us. What is there to be afraid of?” One vampire scoffed.

When the door opens a herd of angry beasts flooded the open space. None of the beasts looked cute as the majority of them were big beasts twice the size of the students.

“What did you call them again?” 

Another vampire mocked the first one.

The horde of wild animals attacked the students in groups. Even if they looked very ferocious, they weren’t that powerful. Their life force was only at the first stage baron level.

Seeing the group of animals attacking the students Keith analyzed their life force and smirked.

He swung his arm and two animals who jumped on him blasted away to the other end.

‘They are not that strong. I wonder how we will send our blood-qi to them. We haven’t learned the technique yet.’

“Just try to tame the beasts with your own power. If they submit to you before the procedure, the first phase will be much smoother.” Miss. Cryel said.

Keith picked an animal that looked like a tiger and grabbed his tail. Seeing the grip on its tail, the animal immediately tried to flee but in the face of Keith’s strength, it couldn’t budge.

“Just sit here. Don’t make a scene.” Keith glared at the animal and it immediately shut up.

Meanwhile, the others were having a hard time containing the animals. Most of the students were at the middle stage or early stages of baron so subjugating a similar level animal was hard.

The beasts suddenly realized they couldn’t match the students so they tried to flee.

Deryn was running behind a wolf-like animal trying to capture it. But the beast was faster than him.

“Stop there you little! I will roast if you don’t stop.” He shouted at the beast.

The beast couldn’t understand a thing Deryn was saying and kept on running.

After ten minutes, Miss. Cryel used his rune card to activate a rune and a strong aura stopped all the beasts on their tracks.

“Time’s up. I can see most of you haven’t even touched a single beast let alone tame them. Here I was thinking you could tame them easily. 

” The beasts that you tamed will be your first summon, and whoever successfully tamed their beasts will get a chance to learn the blood-qi technique first.” She looked at Keith and a bunch of others who already tamed their own beast.

Deryn had managed to tame the beast he was chasing. He was panting heavily, but the beast was well within his grasps.

“The rest of you, keep working hard until you tame an animal. The faster you tame them, the faster you will learn about the blood-qi technique.” 

Miss. Cryel looked at the remaining students who couldn’t tame a beast.

“The ones who tamed their beast, follow me”

Miss. Cryel headed to the classroom that was in front of the open space. 

Keith and four other students followed her to the room.

Entering the room, the first thing they noticed was a big chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It was huge reaching half of the height of the classroom.

Miss. Cryel walked to the front and sat on the long table that was semi-circular around the chair.

“Sit. Introduce yourself properly and we will start the lesson.” She said.

After sitting down, the student at the first introduced himself.

“Mark Heelloy from Croeafelt, Argania. I am honored to learn the blood summoning technique from you.”

The others also quickly introduced themselves and it was Deryn’s turn.

“The great Deryn Arji, the next king of Argania.” He proudly declared.

Miss. Cryel’s eyebrows fluttered with amusement as she tried to contain her laugh.

The others including Keith looked at him strangely as if he was mad. It was one thing to dream or speculate over it on your mind, but to say it like that was very brave.

Keith was also very open optimistic about his growth and he was guilty of this kind of boasting too. He only said it to his grandpa.

“You really think you can become the next king of Argania?” Miss. Cryel asked.

“Without a doubt. I have the talent to reach that level and reign supreme over the entire continent.”

Keith was calm, unlike the others who were almost bursting out in laughter. But he was bad-tempered and heir to a powerful family so they didn’t want to upset him. 

“Let’s see how long you can maintain that attitude. I have seen many heirs like you who delude themselves into thinking that they can reach the king stage, but it takes more than talent and resources to advance to the Duke stage, let alone King.

“Ask your father this, how much did it take for him to reach the duke stage?” She didn’t say anything more to him and moved on to the next student.

Keith stood up and proceeded to introduce himself.

“Keith Ennes, from the bergzen territory, Kelgard. I come from a count family that specializes in blood warrior frame. I chose the blood summoning department to further increase my strength using two blood-qi techniques. I am in your care, Miss. Cryel.” Keith bowed his head slightly.

“Very good! I see you learned some manners, unlike a certain arrogant individual.” 

She glanced at Deryn who was fuming with rage. Being raised with everything in his palms, the academy treated him like a normal vampire who greatly angered him.

‘You are just a marquis. How dare you look down on me!’ He emitted killing intent directed towards Miss. Cryel.

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