
Chapter 99: Feels like Surgery

Chapter 99: Feels like Surgery

Miss Cryel rolled her eyes and tried not to stress her mind. In a way, she was happy that such a talented student had joined the blood summoning department. 

” I didn’t know you were also well versed in anatomy. This kind of information is usually known by blood ritualist students. Are you secretly taking classes there?” She asked in a teasing manner.

“I thought it was common knowledge. Anyway, I can’t hold my wisp for much longer… Care to tell me the next step?” Keith urged.

“Can you feel the central life force? If your wisp is near its brain, the life energy should be detectable.” 

Keith nodded in response.

“Use your wisp to attack the lower stem of the brain where the life energy is connected to the central nervous system. Cover the stem and inject your blood-qi slowly to separate the brain from the rest of the body.” She instructed.

“Isn’t that going to kill the beast?” Keith asked with some doubt.

“Not if you do it properly. You have to adjust the blood-qi like you did when you penetrated the wisp into the beast’s body.” 

“Can I get a practical demonstration? I’m afraid I will mess it up.” Keith pretended to be confused.

“Just try it once, if the beast dies, I will get you another one.” She insisted.

“I really like this beast… I don’t want to kill it by accident. Can you just show me how it’s done so I can do it safely the first time?” Kieth didn’t back down.

“Argh! Whatever.” Miss Cryel tapped her rune card and a door behind her opened and a dozen bats came out of that door.

These bats were larger than regular bats but not by much. The most prominent thing about these bats was that they could fly at incredible speeds.

Still, they were no match for Miss Cryel as she picked them while standing at her spot. She used some kind of blood-qi technique to restrain and bind one bat and the others quickly fled the room seeing the struggling bat. 

As the rest of the bats went back inside the door, she used her rune card again to close the door.

“They are trained like that. So every time this happens, they go back to their cave.”

Miss Cryel pulled the bat that was stuck to her invisible wisp threads and brought it closer. She put her index finger on the bat’s head and sent out a thin wisp which was visible to Keith.

When Keith first saw the blood-qi technique, he could sense the blood-qi extend to the surroundings but not their exact position. He couldn’t see the wisp threads until she intentionally revealed it now.

Keith watched the technique unfold and told the system to document and copy it properly. The system was also busy and keenly observing the technique.

She used her wisps to enter the bat’s head and quickly found its way to the stem under the brain. She then proceeded to wrap the stem with her wisp slowly and gently. She applied more blood-qi and the connection between the brain and the body severed.

“This is a delicate state, and if you hastily take out your wisp,  it will instantly kill the beast. You have to inject your own blood-qi to the brain and replace all the life energy with your own blood-qi.” 

“That’s how the brain gets our blood-qi and its mind will be attached to the blood-qi, instead of its life energy.” Keith pieced everything together.

“There is more. After you fill-up the head with your blood-qi, you need to create a barrier, to separate the life energy and other sources of blood-qi to contaminate it. So keep the beast with yourself and don’t let other vampires come near it. It might disrupt the flow of your blood-qi.” Miss Cryel warned him.

“But aren’t you here with me?” 

“High-level blood summoners can control their aura so it doesn’t leak to the beasts. Other departments can also suppress their aura, but they don’t know your circumstance. Even if they leak a slight aura without knowing, the blood-qi could still enter the beast’s system.”

“Alright, I will keep that in mind.” Keith nodded his head slightly.

“Now that you’ve observed how I did it, I want you to try it.” She let go of the bat and it flew around her head and landed on her shoulder.

“You replaced its entire blood-qi so quickly,” Keith said with a surprised expression.

“It is a small beast with barely any life energy. I could do the same with your beast too.” She smiled.

Keith turned his head and patted the beast, sliding his hand through its neck. He was trying to relax the beast before attempting to disconnect its brain from the body.

‘Oh god! This feels like surgery. Hey, did you copy the whole technique?’ Keith asked the system.

[The analysis is complete. She didn’t hide the entire process, but nothing profound was used. It was similar to her explanation, only her control over the blood-qi was very good. This controlled release of blood-qi will help us properly do this.] 

‘Then, shall we begin?’ 

Keith extended his aura and took out a thin wisp that entered the beast through his index finger. The wisp traversed the head and arrived at the spot that Keith was looking for. The stem of the brain. He wrapped the stem with his wisp and the system assisted him with calibrating the amount of blood-qi required for the technique.

Finally, the wisp completely covered the stem and it was time to separate the brain from the body. 

“Very good. You are doing it perfectly. Now inject your blood-qi slowly into the wisp.” Miss Cryel, who was observing Keith’s progress, instructed the next steps.

Kieth carefully exerted his blood-qi to the wisp. He used the lowest amount of blood-qi he could transfer and the system increased it one unit at a time. The system was way more accurate in terms of control, so it took the minimum amount of blood-qi as a measurement and increased it slowly.

The brain of the beast started to fill up with Keith’s blood-qi. The beast was calm and didn’t notice any difference, which was another indication that the implementation of the technique was a success.

But it was far from over. He had to stay there and inject blood-qi until the entire brain was filled with his blood-qi. He sat there, in front of the beast and sent his blood-qi without stopping. With the system’s aid, he could inject blood-qi continuously without breaking his concentration.

Miss Cryel watched him silently, but after some time she used her rune card to open the door and left the room without making a sound. The room was soundproof and Keith couldn’t hear anything from the inside.

The process needed a long time to complete and Keith didn’t open his eyes even when he sensed Miss Cryel leaving the room.

On the outside, Two figures were watching Keith from a screen-like artifact that showed what was happening inside the circular room. Miss Cryel was with Kyrel, the physical instructor of the first-year students.

“What do you think?” She asked her colleague.

“He is incredible. To perfectly perform this step and without failing once. I am seriously amazed. Are you sure he’s not using any hidden artifacts?” He asked.

“I’ve checked with all the available scanners inside the room. He doesn’t have a single artifact on him.” She replied with a smirk.

Kyrel’s gaze intensified after hearing this and he observed Keith with an even greater interest.

Back inside the circular room, Kieth was focused on filling up the beast’s brain with his own blood-qi. He already completed a quarter of the process. 

It looked way more difficult than he initially thought. Seeing Miss. Cryel do it so fast made him think it was not that difficult. But now that he attempted to do it himself, he realized how hard it was.

‘I am no doctor, but I think I can understand how they must be feeling while doing delicate surgeries. This is really stressful.’ Kieth thought to himself.

[ Are you forgetting who is helping you? Without me, you couldn’t even perform the first step.]

‘Say what you want, but you are under me. Everything you do is for me and I take that as my own achievement.’ Keith said.


‘I haven’t forgotten what you’ve done to me. Now that we became so close, do you think I will trust you more? Dream on.’ 

[ Forget it. You are still a child, so you can’t understand how desperate I was to leave the world. I recognize it was my fault, but considering that you were smaller than an ant to me, it was natural for me to not care for you. Do you look at the ground when you step on ants? I don’t think so.]

‘Well, you are under an ant now, so deal with it.’ 

As they quarreled inside the head, the blood-qi was filling up and replacing the life energy of the beast.

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