
Chapter 284 - Outbreak Of Sha

"Since you have seven, I allotted you places near to one another." The Clan Head said and continued to hand out scrolls to the others. And, even Re\'Dha was allotted one. Upon receiving a scroll, Re\'Dha was startled. He then stealthily looked around, slowly slipping his scroll into the pile of scrolls in the hands of Re\'Kha. He then noticed that Re\'Gra too was of the same mind.

At the same time, they felt two gazes on them, turning around to see Re\'Fua and Re\'Rel gaze at them with smiles. Among them, the gaze from Re\'Rel was still fine, as it seemed he wouldn\'t punish them too much. But Re\'Fua looked like she would tie them up into a bundle and abandon them under some random bush in the wilds if they dared to do so.


Upon receiving the stares from their older siblings, the two retracted their scrolls. But, what they didn\'t know was the fact that Re\'Kha had swapped their scrolls with one her hers while acting like she was looking through the first scroll.

She had done so when her two brothers were looking at Re\'Rel and Re\'Fua, using the chance when their attention was away from her. This way, she could drag them with her while heading towards the mission objective.

At least, that was many times better than accompanying some other Harmoniser who may or may not stab her in the back. She could at least trust her brothers. And despite their nature, they were trained by her parents. So, when it was required, both Re\'Gra and Re\'Dha were capable of handling the situation.

Unaware of her minor stunt, Re\'Gra and Re\'Dha looked into their scrolls, frowning immediately. Then, they conversed behind the back of Re\'Kha, noticing that they had nearby locations, heaving a sigh of relief, planning to complete the mission as a team.

As for Re\'Bah and Re\'Rel, they too have noticed the minor stunt Re\'Kha had pulled. But upon thinking that Re\'Gra and Re\'Dha would be safer with her, they didn\'t say anything.

Re\'Kha looked into the first scroll, reading it mentally, \'Kill the newly birthed Sha in Gro Mining Village. First sighted three days ago.\'

That was the only information written on the scroll. Thankfully, there was a rough map drawn on the scroll that pointed the way from Burkurel City to the location. Re\'Kha then looked through the other scrolls, frowning when she noticed three of her seven scrolls were related to a Sha.

\'The number of Sha is too much.\' She couldn\'t determine the reason for their spike in number. At most three to four Sha would be birthed in Burkurel City per month. And in their early stages, they wouldn\'t even be able to move far from their shells and wouldn\'t have any ability to teleport.

So, once their sighting is reported, they would be swiftly located. After all, a newly birthed Sha wouldn\'t even be able to hide its shell from basic Elemental Qi perception. A Harmoniser only had to touch its shell to feel the Ghost Qi in it.

So, all the Sha were usually killed. There were rare cases like the Blinded Ghost that managed to develop until it obtained the ability to hide itself. And considering its ability, it was easy to do so. All it did was steal the sight of people when they slept. And, the duration was less than the victim\'s sleep, so when they woke up, they were still able to see.

So, they never knew their sight had temporarily been robbed by the Blinded Ghost. In this way, the Blinded Ghost passed through its initial vulnerable state and turned into an active Sha. Only Sha with tricky abilities like itself slipped through the guards and Harmonisers.

And, this was in a big city like Burkurel City with a staggering population of around 600,000 people. With more people, the culmination of negative emotions and feelings happened faster and more complex Sha were birthed.

But in settlements, the birthed Sha had simple abilities and were rarely birthed, at most one per season. So, in smaller villages where the population was only in the hundreds, it would be a wonder if a Sha was birthed even once in a decade.

But, the fact that there were three such villages where a Sha had been sighted confused Re\'Kha. And this was just among the scrolls she had been given. She didn\'t know how many scrolls were related to a Sha. And, this was just in her Clan.

There might be more such cases among the ones taken charge by the other two Elemental Clans. So, by a sheer estimate, the cases related to the Sha alone surpassed a hundred. And, this was a staggering number they hadn\'t witnessed before.

Though, Re\'Kha attributed quite a few cases among them to be present within the city. After all, the invasion by the Kalhas, the horde of beasts that had breached through the city walls multiple times, the betrayal of the Burkurel Ju Clan, the death of the City Lord and three Royal Clan Elders, and finally, the eradication of Burkurel Ju Clan.

And as the Burkurel Ju Clan members\' corpses were fixed in the city\'s central plaza, the most traversed through part of their city, the citizens were harbouring a lot of worry and fear. And as a month had passed since then, it wouldn\'t be a wonder if tens of Sha started to pop up within the city daily.

\'But, even if most of the cases of the Sha are within the city, it still makes no sense for there to be this much in the wilds.\' Re\'Kha frowned, knowing that something was happening to their land that she was unaware of.

Once everyone was given their respective scrolls, the Clan Head took his seat. And right at this time, the head Elder spoke, "Rest and prepare for today. At dawn tomorrow, head to your designated locations immediately. As for those assigned tasks within the city, complete them with a couple of days so that you will be assigned new tasks. There are more tasks than the number of Harmonisers in our Clan. So, we have to be fast and complete every task without fail. In the evening, we\'ll head out to welcome the new Burkurel Ju Clan."

"Yes, Elder!" Everyone bowed collectively, expressing their acknowledgement.

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