
Chapter 128 - Lagua City

\'Why do you have such a relieved expression? Did you do what I think you just did?\' Asked Olivia from afar as she watched me walk from behind a tree with a flushed and relaxed face. I looked slightly breathless, and knowing that I do not get tired easily, she had already guessed what had happened.

\'Don\'t worry. I wasn\'t thinking about you this time\' I chuckled through the mind link

\'How shameless. Doing it in public like this\' Olivia subtly shook her head before continuing \'But are you really still not going to tell me about why your voice is that of a guy? I mean, we\'ve known each other for 2 years and I literally cannot sell you out, even if I wanted to\'

\'Maybe one day... I\'d rather not think about it though\' I replied with a self-deprecating chuckle, making Olivia stay quiet and not ask any more questions.

\'Oh by the way-\' My eyes widened as if I had remembered something \'Juilam said that we should become adventurers. What do you think?\' I asked

\'It\'s a good idea. You are lacking experience so it would be the best course of action.\' she quickly calculated

\'I know right! Plus, with some of that money maybe I can buy a good meal, or maybe even a good escort hehe...\' I started drooling a little at the two different images I had in my mind.

\'SHAMELESS!\' Shouted Olivia through the mind link with a slightly flushed face

\'Ugh... Come on! I can get you one too. I saw how you look at those male corpses after I kill them. Are you perhaps a necrophiliac?\' I said with a smug teasing smirk

\'Ew! No!\'

\'Wow, Olivia! And here I thought you were some kind of angel. Look at you having naughty thoughts about the dead\' I chuckled

\'Ugh fuck off... Don\'t you have some self inspecting to do?\' She completely changed the subject.

\'Oh yeah, I do. Analysis: self-inspect\' and with a single thought, a status tab showed up in my retina with golden letters shining within.


[Analysis complete!]

[Name: Atlas Adler (Pandora)

Race: Human? (Divinity Detected)

Gender: Male (Mentally) Female (Biologically)

Age: 42 (Mentally) 8 (Biologically) ?̴̹̣̆͒͘?̸̡̤̩͛?̶͉̆̊̿ (Soul)

Power level: 49 391

Title(s): Humiliator of Deities (S), Tamer of Angels (Astral B), Interdimensional Transmigrator (Astral S), Prideful (SS), Possessor of χ̴̮̱̉̐͝ᾴ̵͝ο̷͎̳͍̹͗͌̕ς̴̡͙̌͆̋͠ͅͅ. (?̴̆?̸̡̤̩͛?)

Affinity: Divinity (48%) (Unusable)

Skills: Combination Magic (Lvl ???), Analysis (Lvl ???), Eyes of Vanity (Lvl 8), Eyes of Consumption and Redirection (Lvl 7), Foresight (Lvl 3)

Status: Lustful, Prideful, Curious


Humans: 10/10

Earth Humans: 9.5/10

Atlas: 10/10 (Pride)

Deities/Divine beings: 7.9/10 ]

\'hmm? Of course, I am a 10! No mortal can compare to me!\' I mused arrogantly while glancing at Olivia.



[Analysis Complete!]

[Name: Olivia of Garandale

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Age: 26

Height: 5 ft 10

Power Level: 41 009

Title: Avenger (C+), The Loyal (B+)

Affinity: Fire + Air

Skills: None

Status: Flustered, Excited, Slightly Lustful, Confident


Humans- 8.5

Earth Humans- 9.5 (Reason: Breasts)

Atlas- 9

Deities/Divine beings- 6.8 ]

\'Lustful? Hehehe. Maybe she is a Necrophiliac. Or maybe she just has built up furstuation.\'

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Olivia asked before widening her eyes and stammering "D-did you just use analysis on me" before covering her breast as if I could see right through the bandages.

"Don\'t worry! Your secret is safe with me" I whispered with a smug smirk. She was immediately alarmed since even though she knew that I had an analysis skill, she did not know the limits of it. What if I could read her mind, and then, wouldn\'t her secret be out?

"S-secret?" She asked, becoming more flushed.

"Yeah-" I leaned forwards, making her even redder before saying "I know you like dead people" I winked.

Her brain seemed to have short-circuited as her face went completely blank. However, when she finally digested what I had said, an angry expression appeared on her face before giving me a huge slap on the back of the head and walking away almost immediately while muttering "Dumbass" under her breath.

"Oh well," I simply shrugged before walking into one of the cottages made out of branches and leaves.

Half a day later, I and Olivia were standing next to the front gate of the tribe with Keaurin standing tall right next to us.

"I can only take you as far as the gates of the Lagua city. If I go any further I might get shot down" He informed us.

"I mean yeah, that should be fine. We can walk the rest of the distance" I gave Keaurin a thumbs up, making him sigh and shake his head.

"You do know you don\'t actually have to become adventurers, right? Juilam was just making a suggestion that you can take whenever you want."

"What, you already missing me? It\'s not like I\'m going to be gone for long anyway, at most a month, at least a few days." I chuckled

"In your dreams.Anyway, We should probably go before anyone comes to visit you again, holding you from going." He snarled

"Sure" Me and Olivia quickly hopped on his back before launching off to the skies with a flap of Keaurin\'s magnificent white feathered wings with yellow veins. His fur was soft and warm to the touch, almost encouraging a person to sleep on it, while the breeze of cold air as we increased in altitude gave a refreshing feeling.

I quickly shot my arms up and cheered as if I was on a rollercoaster.


30 Minutes later.

2 figures could be seen walking through the dense forest, both shrouded by the shadows of the trees that seemed to penetrate the skies. A soft warm glow shone on the forest in a warm embrace, while the winds constantly whistled as if the trees were put into a specific formation to create such melodious sounds of whistles and music.

"I wonder how those two are doing. It\'s been a while since I last saw her since she always trains like a maniac." One figure grumbled

"Yeah. It must be hard on her, she is only 8 years old. There is no way a child of that age can take basically being exiled from their own family, so I\'m pretty sure that she is using training as a way to forget all her worries" The other replied, the more masculine voice replied

"I hope we get to see her this time though." The first more feminine voice pouted.

"It\'s okay. I\'m sure she will be happy to see you too." The masculine voice, that was actually Rak\'s, my tutor, replied while rubbing the shoulder of Gen lovingly.


A sudden ferocious sound came from within the shadows of the forest as two yellow eyes glowed ominously.

"Uh. Uhm... We come in peace" They both raised their hands with warm smiles, making the noise stop and a wolf came out of the shadow.

"Ruf \'\' The wolf barked happily with his tail wagging behind him after recognizing the scent on them, completely opposite to how it was before.

"Good boy" Gen quickly ruffled his head before giving it some meat out of her dimensional storage ring.

"Can you take us to your tribe?" Rak asked the munching wolf. Only after it had eaten everything Gen had given it did it look at Rak with bright eyes before nodding multiple times and moving towards its tribe with both Gen and Rak following right behind him.

After they finally got to the tribe, they saw Juilam sitting down on what seemed to be a stage or pedestal, looking down at his tribe and speaking the beast language. Every Wolf was looking at him intently, some more serious than the others, but the main mood was serious in and of itself.

After they finally finished and the wolves dispersed, did Gen and Rak move forwards to meet Juialm who was already walking away.

"Oh? If you two are here for Atlas and Olivia, you just missed them." Juilam\'s voice entered their ears the moment they took a step, making them frown and sigh in disappointment,

"Really?" Rak asked in a tired tone and a hunched back

"Yes. They went to a city, but I cannot tell you which city and why they went. I understand that Atlas and Olivia trust the two of you, but other than her father no one deserves to know if she did not tell them herself." Juilam said matter of factly.

"When do you think they are going to come back?" Asked Gen while holding back Rak from shouting at Juilam.

"I don;t know. It might take a week or maybe a month."

"A MONTH!?" she shouted in surprise before calming herself and bowing.

"Thank you. We will come back in about a month." Gen said while pulling Rak by the collar.

"LET ME GO! I\'LL TEACH THAT ARROGANT BASTARD A LESSON!" He roared, causing Juilam to chuckle.


Lagua City

On the wall of the magnificent city called Lagua, also recognized as one of the main hubs for adventurers in the low or mid ranks, stood countless guards at both the top and bottom of the wall. While those who were at the bottom simply guarded the entrance and made checks on anyone who would enter the city, the ones at the top were there to spot any potential threats from afar or any powerful people to warn their city mayor, who was considered an A rank adventurer and one of the most powerful people in the city.

"Paul" A man who was leaning on a barrier made for no one to fall off the wall and maybe injure themselves.

"Yeah?" Paul looked at the man next to him while holding his spear with its\' butt on the floor and his hand in the upper-middle while using it as something close to a walking stick.

"Why do we work here? We barely do anything but watch, observe, switch shifts, and repeat. Why do we do this job anymore? I became a guard thinking that I would get the same thrills of being an adventurer even though I can\'t be a successful one. I became a guard since it was more efficient than risking my life with high-ranked missions as an E rank adventurer, yet here I am, earning just as much like an E rank adventurer while doing nothing but observing. Not a single threat had attacked our city nor has a single important person come to the city in the last 3 months\' \' Complained the man

"Jack, I know you are getting bored or angry. You know, even I feel like a failure to my son. He thinks of me as some kind of impenetrable warrior who protects the walls, but I\'m nothing like that. I am far from being that kind of person." Paul sighed with a downcast expression, however, it only lasted a second due to a shout from the distance.


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