
Chapter 108 - Recap

After a few words exchanged with old Kuniaki and another cup of sakè, Yoichi and Enatsu momentarily left the hut. The two adventurers stopped shortly after the door.

Sitting on an inverted wooden beam used as a bench, they contemplated the sky. The still high moon was slowly giving way to the typical glow of dawn, as if \'she\' and the sun were exchanging greetings before the work shift change. ​​

"Who would have thought we\'d be in such a situation?" Enatsu sighed. "Until a few days ago, if someone had told me that I would join a guild and travel south, I would never have believed it", he remarked, closing his eyes and stretching his arms.

"It\'s nice to be able to share all this with a true friend, Enatsu. However, I can\'t stop thinking about that purple-eyed monster," Yoichi replied. "That black smoke that healed its wounds twice... well, that thing haunts me, my friend," he added.

"The important thing is that you defeated it, right? Do you think we\'re going to meet other demons of that size? I didn\'t even think it was possible."

"After defeating it, Kenji didn\'t receive any XP points, nor did I get the chance to tame it. That wasn\'t a demon like the others, Enatsu... I have a bad feeling" – with his words, Yoichi explained to his friend that the security shown in front of Blackborough\'s villagers was only apparent.

In fact, he had been filled with deep anxiety arising from that still unknown mystery. What was the substance that wrapped the Hebigure? What was its real power? How could it be stopped if they didn\'t even know where it came from?

Many questions gripped Yoichi\'s thoughts, forcing him into a state of slight distress. The mission to the Blackvault Mines had switched to second place: the lives of all those people depended on the success of their new main quest.

"It didn\'t receive XP points? This is weird. Are you sure about it?" Enatsu inquired, touching his beard.

"Yes. I\'ll sound crazy to say that, but... I think there\'s a connection between Kenji\'s flames and that dark smoke," Yoichi admitted. Those unexpected words opened up a new scenario in the merchant\'s mind, who looked at his friend in confusion.

"Kenji\'s flames? What are you talking about? Hold on... you happen to be saying that your last attack..." – when Enatsu saw Yoichi nodding his head, he shut up.

"The flames I unleashed were not made of normal fire. The Hebigure\'s impenetrable armour, its bones, its teeth, even the spikes on its spine... all those were melted in a matter of seconds. I doubt a normal fire will have that effect," Yoichi explained. "What if it is the only way to counter the darkness?"

"When Shioko hit that wild demon, I was sure she had centred its head. When it got up, I couldn\'t believe my eyes," Enatsu recapped, trying to analyze in detail the last events.

"On the contrary, when you hit him with the flames unleashed from your arms, the dark gas evaporated from the reptile body of the Hebigure, as if it were undergoing a kind of purification process", the merchant acknowledged.

Continuing to touch his beard, Enatsu was slowly putting the pieces together. "Purification... yes, I think that\'s the right word," Yoichi spoke. Recalling the words of the wise Ryutaro, Yoichi knew perfectly that he could not talk to anyone about the true nature of his Oracle.

However, for the umpteenth time, Enatsu had given him confirmation that he was a trusted friend. Word after word, the young tamer tried to give some clues to his travelling companion, making him guess the importance of his dragon pet.

"Hey, hey. Hold on. I\'m losing focus! Kenji\'s a Nekage, okay? A fire-like demon. Even though I don\'t know by heart the skills of its species, I can tell you that no Nekage allows its tamer to wrap his arms with that magic fire, okay?" Enatsu stuttered. He shook his head as if he wanted to tidy up his thoughts.

"I really hope I can save these people. Shioko described them as grumpy and unreliable people, but it is evident that she was wrong. Their kindness saved her life. I\'m glad we spent our night right here," Yoichi stated.

For a few seconds, tiredness and anxiety had taken over the young tamer. Tired of keeping that great secret, he was about to give in and tell Enatsu about the dragon\'s vision.

Without further explanation, Yoichi decided to quickly change his speech, focusing attention on their next destination.

As the sunrise sun began to illuminate the thatched roofs of the hut that remained intact, one of the men previously sheltered at Kuniaki\'s approached the two Nightblades warriors.

"I found the map I told you. It had ended up under a heavy trunk, and... sorry, the side ripped a little. However, what remains is clear and legible. Here, take this," the bearded man said, delivering an unfurled scroll in Yoichi\'s hands.

"Thank you. I\'m sure it will come in handy," he thanked, bowing his head. The man nodded and walked away, turning the corner and disappearing through the village\'s narrow alleys.

Before the two friends saw the map, the door to the village chief\'s hut opened. The old Kuniaki stepped out, looking with his half-closed eyes at the two guests.

"We\'re here, Kuniaki," Enatsu called, holding back a yawn.

The shaman came out of the hut and, strolling, sat on their bench, next to Yoichi. "I have something for you, young warrior of Goldhaven. A little gift to thank you for your heroics," he spoke. In his hands, he swung a small leather pouch.

Yoichi grabbed the sack, looking at it closely. With accuracy, he pulled the lace that kept it closed and stuck his fingers inside. The fingertips touched a cold and rough object of a weird texture.

When he pulled it out of the pouch, Yoichi continued to look at it without understanding what it was. "I can\'t believe it!" Enatsu murmured.

"Thank you, Uncle Kuno. But what is it?" Yoichi asked, touching his nape.

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