
Chapter 120

"Realityis like a pair of shackles, chaining me I can’t escape..."

"Themystery of life sharp like a knife, time and time wounding me..."

"I knowthat the happiness I seek, lies in the higher skies..."

"I wantto fly higher, fly higher!"


BeijingSatellite TV broadcast hall is very quiet. Only Lu Chen’s passionate singing isreverberating, impacting...

Reverberatingin people’s ears, and impacting their minds!

Lu Chen’soriginal song is called "Fly Higher", which he once sang on the PK Theme showof [Whale TV], and then never sang it again.

And on thebig stage of Beijing Satellite TV tonight, he used his very recognizable voiceand powerful emotions to perfectly express the song again.

Comparedwith his singing during the live broadcast, this time "Fly higher"has been re-compiled, adding a rich timbre accompaniment, which made the worksublimated both in melody and rhythm, and more impressive.

In thissong, Lu Chen has put out his complete strength.

Especially atthe climax of the chorus, he completely opened his voice and challenged the newheight of his voice.

Thisnaturally dealt a great shock to the 1,500 audiences at the scene, as well asthose in front of the TV and computer.

At the sametime, it also deeply touched the four judges.

In thepreliminary round, Lu Chen sang "Life on A String". His style was a littlelazy and casual. He sang this melodious love song affectionately, giving peoplea feeling of comfort, sweetness, coziness, and even warmth.

In the top16 of 32 competition, Lu Chen changed his work into a folk song. The sad andnostalgic "You Who Sat Next To Me" touched the hearts of many people, remindingthem of their beautiful youth.

In terms ofthe value of the work alone, "You Who Sat Next To Me" is undoubtedlybetter than "Life on A String".

This youngand outstanding singer is the biggest surprise that "Singing China" has broughtto the audience!

Tan Hong, ChenFei’er, and Lin Zhijie were all anticipating this evening’s Beijing SingingArea Final, and whether Lu Chen could bring out the same excellent originalwork again, and bring everyone another surprise.

It’s justthat they all know it’s not easy.

It’s notsurprising that a young singer-songwriter to come up with one or two goodworks, but it takes a great deal of talent and a deep foundation to create one excellentwork after another.

Can young LuChen do it? Can he still show a refreshing inspiration?

Apart fromLu Chen’s die-hard fans, no one knew the real answer until he took the stage.

The resultis that Lu Chen did not disappointed everyone. His new work is still wonderfulor maybe even better.

Moreover,his style changed again, as if the repressed emotion in his heart were ventedthrough this song, completely letting go of himself, and struggled to breakfree of all the fetters and rushed to the highest peak!

"Iwant to fly higher, fly higher! Dancing like the wild wind, escaping earth’sembrace!"

"Iwant to fly higher, fly higher! Wings stirring up a storm, heart whistling, flyhigher!"

"Flyhigher. Fly higher..."

Many of the liveaudiences stood up, and despite the fact that Lu Chen’s singing was not over,they clapped their hands hard and cheered for him!

Such a warmand exciting scene has never been seen in any of the contestants before.

Becausethese audiences are not invited by the TV station, they don’t have any preparedlines in advance, and they are not assigned to any tasks needed for shooting.Their emotions are completely real, and their expressions came from their hearts!(TN: Not invited = not planted audience.)

Theatmosphere of the scene cannot be felt in front of the screen.

Until LuChen hoarsely roared out the last few lyrics.

"Iwant to fly higher, fly higher! Dancing like the wild wind, escaping earth’sembrace!"

Whish ~

The wholeaudience rose to give him a standing ovation, including the four judges.

Everyone is usingtheir warmest applause to set off a storm and help Lu Chen fly higher!

No words areneeded at this moment. Applause is enough to express everything.

Many peoplebelieve that this moment will become one of the most profound memories in theirlives.

The live footagewas switched to the waiting area of the big stage.

In tonight’ssinging area final, two more members of Lu Chen’s group of relatives andfriends came to the scene to help.

They are LuXi and Chen Xin.

After LuChen talked to Chen Xin that day, the girl from Sichuan resigned the next day. Sheformally joined Lu Chen’s studio and became Lu Xi’s assistant and office clerk.

After a fewdays of trial, Lu Xi was quite satisfied with her, so she brought her to theevening competition.

Chen Xinalso applauded. Because of too much excitement, her round face flushed, as ifit were a ripe apple, showing a bit of beauty and loveliness.

By contrast,Lu Xi was much more reserved and applauded at a slow pace.

However, thecrystal-clear shine on the corner of her eyes clearly tells people that herheart is not as calm as the surface.

This song"Fly Higher" also deeply touched Lu Xi.

She suddenlyrealized that her brother was no longer the innocent naughty child of thattime.

He has grownup, matured, and he already has the wings to fly!

She suddenlyfelt a little melancholy.

The applauselasted for more than a minute before it subsided.

Lu Chenbowed deeply: "Thank you!"

Wheneveryone’s mood almost returned to normal, Zhen Zhen first said, "Yoursong reminds me of "In Spring". The expression of emotion is very intense, andthe lyrics are also very meaningful."

"LuChen, do you know?"

"You makeme believe that the original works of domestic pop music will never die, thatthere will always be hope!"

She pressedhard on the scorer. "So, I’ll give you 10 points this time!"

The wholeaudience burst into thunderous applause again.

In the last match,Zhen Zhen gave Lu Chen only 9 points.

Lu Chenthanked: "Thank you, Teacher Zhen Zhen."

Tan Hongsuddenly stood up, strode onto the stage, opened his arms, and gave Lu Chen ahug.

"Wellwritten, sang better!"

His behaviorsurprised everyone. Laughter and applause broke out at the same time.

Tan Hong,who returned to the judge’s seat, also gave Lu Chen a full score of 10!

Chen Fei’er smiledand said, "Big Brother Tan likes to support newcomers most. I also likethis song."

"LuChen, you are an excellent singer-songwriter. I like all your works very much.So, I’d like to invite you as a guest at my concert in Beijing in the secondhalf of the year. Would you like to do that?"


Whether itwas the 1,500 audiences at the scene, or the hundreds of millions of viewers infront of the screen, they were all surprised and astonished.

Chen Fei’erappreciates Lu Chen. Anyone could see it, but no one expected that she wouldinvite Lu Chen to be a guest at her concert.

For anewcomer who just debuted, this is a great honor, and also a great luck.

Chen Fei’er hasalways had the reputation of being the Queen of Sweet Songs in the domestic popmusic scene. She has created a number of record sales records for a femalesinger. Although now without the glory of the past, she is still a big shot inthe circle.

With thehelp of Chen Fei’er, he will appear and sing at her concert, and the effect isno worse than appearing on the stage of "Singing China."

Lu Chen wasalso stupefied, but he reacted quickly and immediately answered, "It’s mypleasure!"

Chen Fei’ersmiled, and the camera accurately captured her look at that moment.


Chen Fei’eralso gave Lu Chen 10 points!

Finally, LinZhijie. After encouraging Lu Chen with some words, he added 10 points to LuChen.

40 points!

Lu Chen gotall the judges’ scores in one fell swoop. Although it was generally acceptedthat there was no doubt that he would be promoted to the top 10, this unsurpassedscore has greatly increased his chances of winning the top position!

Next are thevotes of both the live audience and the off-site audience.

The hostcame to the stage and stood next to Lu Chen, holding a tablet computer in hishand.

He is thereto announce the results of the real-time vote count.

Name ofcontestant: Lu Chen

Contestantnumber: 007

Song: "Fly Higher"

The judges’total score: 40

Live audiencevotes: 1,488 votes

Off-siteaudience votes: 1,275,280 votes

Overallscore: 98.71 points.


Comparedwith the previous match, Lu Chen’s total number of votes cast by off-siteaudience in the same counting time has nearly tripled, from 700,000 + to 1.27million +, which is enough to show his current strong popularity.

With a totalscore of 98.71 points, there is no doubt that he will be crowned first in thetop 10 in Beijing.

It should beknown that the first two outstanding contestants, Zhang Junhua and Zuo Qiuqing,only have an overall score of 94.23 and 93.17, which are far behind Lu Chen.

With thishigh score, Lu Chen’s name appeared at the top of the list on the big screen.

Once again,there was a big round of applause!

Similarlyseething with excitement are [Whale TV]’s Lu Fei live broadcasting room, andthe official post bar of "Singing China".

Especially inthe post bar, Lu Chen fans, who have endured for almost 10 minutes, are veryproud and elated. Everyone turned to those who made the previous skepticalposts and damaging posts, whipped the corpse in their face, and mocked themheartily!

All thepeople who were beaten in the face disappeared, and even if they wanted tofight back, they had no weapons.

Lu Chen notonly got the highest score so far, but also won the praise of Tan Hong and ChenFei’er, who even invited Lu Chen to be a guest at her concert.

How can thisbe questioned and discredited?

Only a fewIDs didn’t want to give up, saying the game is not over, and it is stillunknown who will be the winner.

However,they are doomed to be disappointed. The eight players who appeared after LuChen failed to break his total score record, and even Zhang Junhua and Zuo Qiuqingcould not surpass it.

Therefore,Lu Chen indisputably won the title of the top 10 champion of "Singing China" inthe Beijing singing area!

In additionto his chief honor, he also received an post-tax bonus from Beijing SatelliteTV.

100,000 yuan.

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