
Chapter 133

BeijingSatellite TV T1 Studio, "Singing China" National Final.

The newstudio, which opened just half a month ago, occupies the entire floor of thenew satellite TV building. It is not only fully equipped with advancedfacilities, but it is also on a large scale among all the satellite TV stationsin the country.

It canaccommodate 3,000 live spectators at the same time, with a total stage area of3,500 square meters. Its interior decoration is grand and spacious,demonstrating the ambition of Beijing Satellite TV!

At 6:30, thestudio was already packed and all the on-site staff were in place.

Tonight is"Singing China" last competition, and it is also the top 10 competition.

Differentfrom the Xiangnan Satellite TV’s "Super Singer", Beijing Satellite TV’s "SingingChina" has only one national competition. The really wonderful part of it isactually the competition of six singing areas, which is completely in line withthe program theme of "Life on A String" and "Singing China". (TN: TheChinese characters of "Life on A String" can also be translated as "SingingWhile Walking", which they did, they travel around the country and sing.)

But thisfinal competition still attracted the attention of countless spectators andfans!

Who can winthe highest crown? Who can win the grand prize of 5 million yuan? Who can bethe brightest star tonight?

All theanswers are about to be revealed!

T1 Studiobackstage, the top ten singers of "Singing China" are waiting.

As a set-upof the studio hall, the backstage is sufficiently magnificent and luxurious toaccommodate hundreds of performers and staff without the slightest problem, butthe 10 contestants simply can’t sit down at all.

Even if theyare accompanied by family and friends.

Everyone tacitlykept their distance. No one talked loudly or laughed loudly, and the atmospherewas tense with silence.

This competitionis so important that it will affect everyone’s future to a great extent.

Whether theysuccessfully embark on the path of a star, or this will just be short-livemoment has been noticed by thousands of people, which has never been seen since.It depends on their performance tonight.

Including LuChen, all the contestants are waiting eagerly!

None of themwant to lose!

By contrast,Lu Chen is the most relaxed.

He also hasfamily and friends around him. Besides Lu Xi and Chen Xin, Qin Hanyang and thefour members of the Wandering band, as well as Sister Na and Chen Jianhao havecome. The lineup is quite strong!

It was stilla while before he appeared. Lu Chen leaned back in a soft chair that smelled ofnew leather, staring at Chen Jianhao and Zhang Nana, opposite him.

Moreprecisely, staring at the hands of the two that are held together, with aparticularly deep look.

Sister Na,such an open-minded and frank woman, was also seen blushing, showing a rareshyness.

Chen Jianhaowas exasperated. Staring at Lu Chen, he reprimanded, "What are you doinglooking at me for? Go and properly make your preparation!"

Everyoneelse is taking the time to practice warm-up, while Lu Chen is teasing them,staring at him.

What’s thereto see? it’s just holding hands!

Lu Chensmiled and said, "Congratulations to both of you. When can we have a weddingdrink?"

As soon asthis remark came out, even Qin Hanyang and others laughed.

The peoplethat had long been in the Forget Worries Bar all know that Sister Na has likedChen Jianhao for a long time.

But she wasnot confident about her appearance, so she never made it clear to the latter, fearingthat her friend would not feel the same.

Of course,Chen Jianhao is also clear about this.

He’s alwaysbeen single, but has are also several confidants, and he has experienced a lotof things, and have a very light view of marriage.

He regardsSister Na as a friend, a good friend.

Until later,Lu Chen wrote a song for Sister Na named "I Want To Have A Home."

When SisterNa first sang this in the Forget Worries bar, Chen Jianhao listened and was unconsciouslytouched.

Then lastnight, everyone gave him a big surprise.

When SisterNa pushed the birthday cake in front of him and wished him a happy birthday intears...

ChenJianhao’s heart defense finally completely collapsed!

They haveknown each other for years, and he suddenly discovered the love that he didn’tbelieve, was in fact, has been waiting by his side.

Sister Nawas so beautiful under the candlelight.

So, ChenJianhao can only endure Lu Chen’s teasing now, holding Zhang Nana’s hand andnot letting go.

Sister Nawas very generous. After her shyness, she said calmly, "It’s enough to betogether. Marriage is not important..."


Chen Jianhaosuddenly interrupted her words and said, "On October 1st, National Day, we’llget married!"


Everyone wasstunned - so fast!

Qin Hanyangfelt very incredible. He is a true good friend of Chen Jianhao and Sister Na.He hasn’t previously been optimistic about the two people being able to betogether, but now they are talking about getting married.

The one thatwas even more surprised was Sister Na. She was staring dumbfoundedly, unable tospeak.

Chen Jianhaolooked at her and said with a faint smile, "I’ve already thought about it.Let’s get married, as long as you want to."

If this is amarriage proposal, it’s really not romantic at all.

Chen Jianhaois not a romantic person either.

But SisterNa was still moved to tears, choking with tears. "I would like to, but I’mafraid that you’ll.."

Chen Jianhaoshook his head and clasped her hand. "I won’t regret it!"

Lu Chen, LuXi, and Qin Hanyang...

Everyoneapplauded to offer their blessings. If it wasn’t for the place, perhaps they havealready cheer on the spot! (TN: They are in the backstage, so it’sinappropriate for them to make noise)

Nevertheless,it has attracted a lot of attention around.

Chen Jianhaoreached out to wipe the tears from Sister Na’s face and said to Lu Chen, "Areyou satisfied now? Your sister and I are getting married, and if you don’t winthe championship tonight, you are not allowed to come to our weddingreception."

"Ican’t afford to lose then!"

Lu Chen’ssmile suddenly turned into a wry smile - the pressure is great!

Everyonecouldn’t help laughing, and the atmosphere in the small circle suddenly became veryhappy.

Lu Chen hadto take out his guitar and sit aside to practice.

After nearlytwo months of hard work, he has traveled over most of China. If he loses the lastbattle to others, not to mention his relatives, friends and fans, he himselfwill not be able to accept it.

The entrieshad long been sent and had been rehearsed with the accompaniment band in strictconfidentiality according to the rules. He was confident in himself, but he darednot say the he was 100% sure.

The top 10National singers in "Singing China" are not necessarily the best of all thecontestants. But for them to be able to stand on the stage tonight, none ofthem are ordinary people.

Just likeduring the knockout competition in Bihai singing area, Lu Chen’s opponent, XiJia, once posed a great threat to him.

No one canbe sure that the other nine singers will not come up with a similar trump card!

So, despiteLu Chen’s seemingly calm attitude, but in fact, he’s actually prepared to standby, not letting himself be too nervous, nor letting himself be too relaxed.

Time passedquickly, and in a twinkling of an eye it was 7: 30.

"SingingChina" National Finals officially began!

Comparedwith the previous competition in the old studio, the final held in the T1 Studiowas far more spectacular than the previous one. The grand background displaycomposed of countless LED screen is excellent, with beautiful dancing lights onthe screen. It was dazzling to the extreme.

The numberof hosts on the scene has increased to two, and their passionate lines easilyset off a warm atmosphere.

At theinvitation of the two hosts, Tan Hong and Chen Fei’er went on stage and sangtheir respective famous songs.

Since theBeijing Singing Area qualifying round, the two pop stars have always served asjudges. This was the first time they sang on the stage, which undoubtedly gavethe live audience and off-site audience a great awakening.

Inparticular, Tan Hong has been in a state of semi-retirement in recent years,and he does not take on commercial performances, so there are really fewopportunities to see him and listen to him sing on the stage.

A Heavenly Kingis a Heavenly King. A classic old song "End of the World Prodigal Son",under his emotional interpretation, made the 3,000 audience on the scene sofascinated that they even sang in chorus in the end, which pushed theatmosphere to its climax!

Chen Fei’erdid not disappoint either. With her natural voice, she sang the famous song "SweetMemories", which made the audience reminisce the good old days.

The two big starssimply stole the show completely!

It’s justthat Tan Hong and Chen Fei’er have long enjoyed the glory. The two arecompletely free from such a spectacle. No matter how much the audience requested,they all returned to the judges’ seats.

Becausetonight’s stage belongs to "Singing China" top 10 singers!

The order inwhich the ten contestants will perform was arranged in advance, and the firstone to perform was Mu Xiaochu.

In the last round of the national tournament, Zhang Junhua lost toLin Meiru, one of the top 10 in Bihai, so she and Lu Chen were the onlycontestants left from the Beijing singing area.

With hersweet voice and the purity of a girl next door, Mu Xiaochu, though not as goodas Lu Chen in "Singing China" competition, she has also overcome onedifficulty after another and made her way to the final.

Even herfans couldn’t believe it. They talked about it on blogs, post bars and forums.

It’s allpraise, of course.

This final,Mu Xiaochu’s parents came to help, and Lu Chen also went to say hello earlier.

The song shesang in the evening was called "Mountain Lotus".

"MountainLotus" is not a very famous work. The style is biased towards the mainmelody, and it has a very high requirement for the ability of the singer. Ifthe atmosphere is not in place, the outcome can be bad. Many famous singersdare not try it.

Mu Xiaochu takingout this song means that she has really come to fight!

Lu Chenwatched the large screen LCD TV hanging on the wall and secretly worries forher.

However, thissoft and delicate girl did not disappoint. She fully displayed her vocalqualities through the song, fully demonstrating her unique talent in singing.

If one hasto point out the shortcomings, it is that the high-pitched part is stillslightly lacking, which is inferior to the original.

But it’senough to make people feel shocked.

After shefinished singing, the whole audience applauded loudly, and many of the audiencestood up and applauded for her.

Lu Chen alsostood up.

However, hehad just applauded a couple of times when he suddenly saw Lu Xi sittingopposite staring at her cellphone, looking a little strange.

Lu Chencouldn’t help asking, "Sister, what’s the matter?"


TN: As some of you may have noticed, the date of the final is different from what was stated a few chapters back (Chapter 130, it was stated the final will be on the 29, here, it’s on 28). I didn’t change it as I’m just machine translating this, and I’m not sure which is the correct date.

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