
129 Chapter 0129


Shura cursed again. He was unable to digest the fact that he had just lost such a huge opportunity.


Just when he was still busy agonising, the hill they were standing at started to shake wildly as if an earthquake had come.

"What the fuck is it now?"

Angelina, the group\'s magician, cursed out.

"Look at the river!"

Someone shouted, and everyone instinctively looked at the lava river that had been scorching their skins.

The place where the Flying Serpent\'s corpse had fallen suddenly started bubbling with lava, and soon a rock bridge started emerging from inside the lava river.

—-Crumble! Crack!

The rock bridge created a pathway from one side of the lava river to the other side. Soon, the hill that the others were standing at started falling apart and without much of a choice, everyone ran towards the rock bridge.

"Fuck, this thing\'s burning."

"Yeah genius? It just came out of lava! What were you expecting? An air conditioned hallway?"

Grant slapped the guy who was complaining and shouted at everyone to start running towards the other end.


Well, he had already forgotten about the monster\'s corpse as he ran for his dear life ahead of everyone else.


Just when the last person was about to reach the other end, the rock platform broke and that unnamed person went straight into the lava, becoming a burning skeleton and then ash within milliseconds.

"Rest in ashes, unnamed person."

Shura gave his condolences and started walking towards the only direction they could go.

It was similar to the other side of the lava river, and was a hill that had caves spreading around everywhere.

"I hate these maze games."

Yurika, the group\'s archer, snickered as she went ahead. It was common sense for everyone that archers were the pathfinder due to their high insight stat. So whenever a situation like this comes up, Yurika had to help even if she didn\'t like to.

After all, no matter how high her insight stat was, it wasn\'t enough to peek through the whole dungeon. Which often resulted in wrong decisions which she felt guilty for.

"This way—-"

"What are you all waiting for? Let\'s go."

Shura cut her sentence as he started walking towards a different entrance which according to Yurika wasn\'t the right way.

"But, this one has monsters ahead."

Yurika said as she started following behind Shura too, while letting him know about the monsters en-route.

"I know, but the others won\'t lead us anywhere fruitful, trust my eyes."

Shura pointed at his eyes, which turned into a weird combination of a black sclera and rainbow pupil for a split second before turning back to their usual red colour.

Yurika shook her head to see if she was seeing things fine, and so the group continued on with their journey.


On the other side of the dungeon.

"Get back to your coffin, you ghost motherfucker."

Iqol said with a cruel expression as he stared at the pale skinned bat bastard in front of him.

"I\'m a noble vampire, you ant! How dare you mock me!"

Iqol was proceeding inside the dungeon with brute force, butchering any monsters or players that came in his way. It was to the point that some players had changed routes to avoid bumping into him at all costs.

He had ended up following some mysterious room and ended up in a vampire\'s chamber. As elves were considered the highest non-monstrous race, Vampires were considered as the highest monster race.

Of course, it wasn\'t true for both elves and vampires as there were many hidden races that had never been revealed to the world, but common sense dictated their supremacy over the other races.

The enraged vampire violently shook his robe, and dozens after dozens of demonic vampires started attacking Iqol.

"Petty tricks."

Iqol smirked coldly as he took out the weapon that he had gained after so much bloodshed. The shining blade made a single slash, and directly cut one of the vampire\'s hands.


The vampire cried out as resentment filled his eyes.

"Blood polis."

A vampire\'s ultimate attack, an attack that utilised their powers that they had gained after sucking the blood of their prey. The utilisation, powers and magnitude of blood polis was different from one vampire to another, but one thing was certain.

It contained horrific power, enough to cause instant death to normal players.

"Hah, using blood against me?"

Iqol laughed evilly, making it hard for the audience that were watching him to distinguish if the vampire was the villain or he was.


"You idiots."

Malaika shouted as she saw her team struggling with a rhinoceros monster. Viking and the rest of her crew had reunited with Malaika at some point, and they naturally banded together to smoothly sail through the event.

But of course, not everything was as smooth as it looked.

The further ahead they moved inside the dungeon, the harder the challenges started becoming.

Malaika shook her head as she saw her pathetic team struggling against a freaking rhinoceros.

She jumped down from the high rock that she was watching from as she broke her knuckles, preparing to help the idiots.


"That\'s a hidden class…"

Lynch said with a bit of envy as he watched Fender gracefully dancing around with swords that seemed like ribbon. His movements seemed magical and he killed all the trolls that kept appearing.

Lynch, Fender and Bowser had reunited in the event pretty quick, and started to follow each other since it seemed natural to them.

With Bowser\'s amazing marksmanship, Lynch\'s wide area spells and Bowser\'s close combat skills, everything was proceeding rather smoothly for them up till this point. Bowser had picked the safest route for them every time, ensuring their safe journey inside the dungeon.

"I wonder what Shura is doing?"

Lynch said as he burned another troll down to ashes.

"Eh? Don\'t worry about him. I\'m sure he\'s doing fine."

Fender commented as he cleared all the blood that had gotten on his clothes. He was the tallest and burliest inside the group, so it was weird to watch him dancing with blades that were almost like ribbons.

"I am not worried about him not doing fine. I am just curious if he\'s still soloing."

Lynch said. They were well aware of Shura\'s nature. He gave more importance to NPCs than to players that he wasn\'t acquainted with. It was close to impossible for Shura to be in a group or something.

"Well, I don\'t think he\'d be partying up with anyone. So yeah, pretty high chances he\'s gonna solo the event."

Even Bowser had to admit it.

Well, the trio didn\'t know how wrong they were.


"Not another one! Fuck!"

A player shouted as his head was severed from his body.

He was a player from japan that was currently getting carried by Japan\'s own treasure, Elexis.

—-Swing! Slash!

Elexis was not bothered by the deaths of her fellow comrade. They weren\'t even her allies, they were baggage that Japan had thrown at her face and told her to carry around. Of course, she didn\'t care about their deaths.

Her only mission was to hone her capabilities and skills via these events.


The twin headed giant goblins cried out as they smashed everything that came in their direction, everything except Elexis.


"There\'s no end to these bastards."

Angelina cursed as she used another AOE fire attack in front of Grant. They were currently battling off wolves that had some of their body parts turned into lava.

Not to mention they were enhanced in almost everything from their size to destructive power.

"Get over here you bunch of burning furries."

Grant used his taunt skill to distract the monsters from the others that were struggling with them, to give them a chance to attack.

"Attack them, now!"

Grant said as every monster was basically biting down on his whole body.

He wasn\'t worried because of the HP potions that Shura had given him, and the shield managed to block most of the damage anyways.

"Razor Cut!"

"Fire wheel!"

"Knight\'s Judgement!"

"Killer knockout."

"Arrow Rain!"

Everyone used their skills on the monsters that were ganking on Grant, killing one monster after the other till there was none of them left.

Shura, who was standing with his back towards the wall while doing nothing, started walking ahead.

The group looked at him with an expression that was almost close to reverence. Not only had he saved them, they were also drastically improving under his watch.

None of them were complaining about him not participating or helping them during all these monster subjugations.

After walking inside more and more, the cave started narrowing down a lot before they could see the end of the cave with a bright light covering their vision.

When they reached the end, they were surprised to see that the lava river was flowing till where they currently were. They were currently standing on the small area that was connected to the bridge to cross the lava river again.

They looked all the way up and down the hill and saw various cave ends, probably the paths that they could have picked. None of them was attached to the bridge apart from the one that Shura had picked.

"Well, one could just walk all the way back and come back from the right entrance after seeing the bridge."

Yurika commented, and as soon as she said that, all the other cave entrances immediately crumbled along with the hill that they were connected to, turning into ashes as they fell into the lava river.

"After you."

Shura gestured with his eyes to Yurika, as he told her to go ahead on the bridge.

"No, no, no. You lead the way."

Yurika immediately backed out with cold sweat. She didn\'t want to imagine the fate she would have come across if they didn\'t follow Shura\'s path.

Confirming that nobody else had any more complaints, Shura used the bridge to cross the river again. On both sides far away, he could see similar bridges leading to the other side.

\'Guess we have reached the end-game after all.\'

Shura chuckled as he saw all the crimson lines, as thick as a human\'s hand going straight inside the giant door in front of them.

The door seemed to be made out of polished metal instead of just ancient rock, and there were many carvings on the door itself.

[You have reached the \'End Lair\'.]

[You have gained 1000 dungeon points.]

Similar notifications were presented in front of everyone in the group.

Shura\'s eyes closed for a second as he tried to follow the crimson mana with his mana understanding, and all the mana gathered around two eye sockets of a being he couldn\'t decipher the shape of.


The hollow eye sockets burned with crimson mana as a shiver inducing breath entered Shura\'s ears, and his eyes immediately shot open.


He took a deep breath to calm himself down. Aware that whatever that awaited the past that giant door wasn\'t going to be pretty.


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