
Chapter 384

“What do you gain from ruling the world? Is it so much fun to make everyone afraid of you? And, how did you, a mortal, get this red fire, a power this great? Are you that famous fiery Vermilion red bird?”

Huo Li smirked, his voice echoing as far as Luo Xiang and the others who were still sheltering where they didn’t want to disturb Bai Ying who was fighting.

“Vermilion firebird? Is that the name? Hmm, that’s right, that girl looks really weird” the man grumbled to himself.

Bai Ying slowly lowered all his strength, loosening his guard, Huo Li who had a glint in his eyes took the opportunity and threw his red-lit of sharp flames at Bai Ying.

Luo Xiang widened his eyes, but he was too late to stop it, in a very fast motion, the flames blade pierced through Bai Ying who off his guard for a sec, right through his chest.

“No Ying Ying!”

Luo Xiang ran, quickly catching Bai Ying’s body which was falling with fresh blood floating in the air.

Chen Ming was no less surprised, he turned to Huo Li who smirked satisfied with his attack and was about to launch another attack, he and the two guards behind him rushed forward to Huo Li.


“God damn it!”

“Ying Ying!” Luo Xiang arrived just in time to catch Bai Ying’s body before the boy fell onto the wreckage floor.

Bai Ying didn’t expect that, the boy didn’t even realize what had happened until the Crown Prince was already there and caught his body which had fallen like a long broken pillar.

“Your Majesty”

Luo Xiang smiled, holding Bai Ying’s body and feeling the wetness on his back, fresh blood from his wound, which had pierced his chest earlier.

“Ying Ying, bring out your healing power, Ying Ying”

Bai Ying held the Crown Prince’s hand, unfortunately, he was too tired, as if all his strength had been used up earlier, and now, just wanted to close his eyes and hug the Crown Prince.

“Heh Your Majesty, you’ve come”

Chen Ming and Ge Lu, as also Su Lang, attacked Huo Li at the same time, the young man threw his flames blade, but the agile Chen Ming was able to dodge easily, he pointed his sharp sword at the young man’s head, but was held back easily by the young man who smirked at the sight.

“Hey, some morons!”

He aimed his fist that wasn’t too strong at Chen Ming, which almost hit him, although the blow didn’t directly hit him, still the wind was enough to make Chen Ming’s body push backwards. Just then Su Lang pressed the tip of his spear onto the floor and spun through the air attacking from the other side of Huo Li, while Ge Lu tackled the front to distract him. That was their plan, but who would have guessed that the young man’s combat ability was so shrewd, he could withstand attacks from all directions at once with ease, opening his palms up into the sky and making the wind blow the two of them hard.

“You guys are just ants at my feet, not even worth looking at!” Huo Li exclaimed, but Chen Ming who was pushed back earlier didn’t give up, the young man stepped forward quickly turned his body to Huo Li’s side and attacked him with his sword, making the young man have to look far back and hold Chen Ming’s sword with his, that’s when Ge Lu and Su Lang attacked from behind.

And their attacks were quite fruitful, at least it caused Huo Li to be pushed back a step and the flames disappeared, Chen Ming didn’t even give the man a chance to think, he again attacked Huo Li, aiming his kick hard at the young man’s chest sending him flying far into the rest of the building wall.

A loud crash was heard, Chen Ming managed to knock the man down, he and the two guards stood firmly in their place, even though they were overwhelmed and exhausted.

“Heh heh,” Chen Ming sighed, he had never fought this much in such a short time.

However, before they had time to enjoy their victory, at high speed the violent winds hit the bodies of the three and flew far behind.

Crashed into the rubble of a building and fell very hard onto the dirty floor.

“Ah!” Chen Ming groaned, the attack was so fast, that he didn’t even get to see the man get up from his fall.

Huo Li was already standing with red flames swirling all over his body, he was furious and ready to take out the intruders that came.

“God damn it! Annoying little ants!”

This time it was Luo Xiang who came forward, the young man grabbed his sword and charged toward Huo Li. He opened his palms, striking with all his might, a violent crash occurred, but Huo Li’s scorching flames had made the Crown Prince’s palms slightly scald.

He retreated back with one leg behind him, holding his body to lunge back at the young man who was still standing firmly in his place.

“Hiatt!” The Crown Prince was formidable, his attacks clearly overwhelm the young man even though he shielded himself with red flames and frequently blocked his sword attacks.

Luo Xiang aimed his sword in a high jump with one foot forward and backwards as his hand flicked his sword towards Huo Li, his agile body movements with his extraordinary inner strength made the two great powers clash fiercely.

“Shit” Huo Li didn’t expect his current opponent after the three ants had overwhelmed him as well. The young man had to raise his hands to cover his face when Luo Xiang’s sword was aimed at his eyes, not loosening his attack at all.

“Damn it!” he was pushed from his position, Luo Xiang’s barrage of attacks didn’t give him a chance to counterattack.

Luo Xiang whose body was so light that he jumped high aimed his kick towards Huo Li’s circle of protective fire, Luo Xiang’s spiritual energy glowed as his leg kick hit the young man, causing him to retreat while blocking Luo Xiang’s attack.

“Shameless, only dare to bully a kid!” Luo Xiang shouted angrily.

Huo Li was not an ordinary person, he opened his palms attacking Luo Xiang with full strength, forming a red fireball with tremendous heat that slammed into the young man’s body.

“Ugh!” Just as Luo Xiang launched his attack which cause the energy of the two to clash very strongly, of course the one who was blown very far was definitely the Crown Prince who had no defence at all.

“Ah!” The Crown Prince fell beside Bai Ying who weakly opened his eyes, see the Crown Prince who’s fell and groaning next to him.

“Your Majesty”

Luo Xiang growled, this is really crazy, that person is very powerful, not because he only has red flames and extraordinary profound strength, but his combat experience is no ordinary figment.

Luo Xiang pulled his body closer to Bai Ying.

“Ying Ying”

Chen Ming and his guards were also exhausted, their attacks were nothing to that person, he was still standing firm while he and the others were exhausted.

“Who’s he? Why is there such a great human being?” Chen Ming grumbled as he wiped the blood off the edge of his lips. Su Lang restrained his body with the help of his cane.

“Your Majesty, he’s not even hurt even though we’ve attacked him many times”

“This guy is more like a devil, can’t be left alive” Chen Ming continued, he prepared with his sword, even though his body was still aching after being hit hard by the wind by that terrible man. The three of them simultaneously charged back at Huo Li, which in an instant formed a huge red flame that blew everyone away.


Luo Xiang tried to get up, although they couldn’t beat him but they couldn’t just give up.

Huo Li with his read flames raging approached them and charged toward Bai Ying who was still lying helpless, at that time Luo Xiang got up quickly and hugged Bai Ying’s body covering him from Huo Li’s attack which aimed his big hand with blades of fire that was about to grab Bai Ying.

Huo Li didn’t stop his attack even though Luo Xiang was hugging Bai Ying, he could easily attack both of them at once, however, something shining on the Crown Prince’s waist made him dazzle and retreat quickly.

“Ah! What’s that!”

Luo Xiang opened his eyes wide, for a moment he thought the person would attack him, but he was pushed back. Luo Xiang just remembered that he has something now hanging on his waist, a small object that was given by Master Li Mo.


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