
Chapter 91

Starting with the pompous hen’s slightly smaller eggs and rounder eggs than Desmond knew, with a white shell with light brown striped patterns; Desmond proceeded to break off some of them and pour them into a container.

Picking up a fork he began whipping them with great enthusiasm for some time, when the mixture was homogeneous enough, Desmond proceeded to put some intense pepper into the mixture, which was roughly normal pepper, before whisking again.

′′ So what kind of experiment are you doing so that you need metallic materials from that part of the forest? Desmond asked as he set the plate with the scrambled eggs aside and began to wash the misty rice, which was quite similar to ordinary rice, just a little blue and slightly larger.

Hearing that someone was interested in hearing about her work, Sasha felt a passion that she hadn’t felt in years. Sasha had always loved alchemy since the day she learned it from her teacher and had always been very talented in it, but since her teacher’s death, although she did not lose her love for the profound art of alchemy, she had lost someone with whom to share your findings or frustrations in your craft.

So, with higher spirits than ever and a pride Desmond hadn’t seen him show before, he spoke about her new project.

′′ I am trying to create a liquid compound, which when used in a flexible material is capable of increasing its resistance and defensive capacity while sacrificing a minimum amount of flexibility, unfortunately, I have not yet found an active ingredient that has the desired result; so far the results have been quite flawed. Sometimes the material to be reinforced was damaged, at other times it completely lost its flexible characteristic and there were even cases where it was directly destroyed during the process. ′′

′′ Oh, I see, so you think the problem lies in some kind of clash or lack of affinity between the elemental nature of the mana that you have used as an active ingredient with the rest of the secondary materials necessary to infuse the features of the active ingredient in the flexible ingredient and I assume that in some cases the infused physical characteristics of the active ingredient were not compatible with the flexible material from the beginning. ′′ Desmond said in complete ignorance of him about alchemy based solely on his deductive abilities.


′′ Exactly, so I thought about looking for a whole new range of active ingredients, this time with metallic elemental properties to carry out another series of experiments, I hope that if I find a type of metal that already has a certain degree of malleability it will be more suitable for this particle experiment. ′′ Sasha exclaimed with great emotion to be able to have a conversation about alchemy with someone other than herself.

Meanwhile, Desmond had started preparing a mild tomato sauce and a few somewhat common ingredients that he found in the kitchen, simmering it for a few moments as a base to cook the misty rice.

′′ That makes sense, although I don’t know if the metal element will have a problem with the formula you are using as the basis for your experiments; But choosing a metal that already has flexibility should be a good idea. ′′ Desmond expresses without taking his eyes off him from the kitchen.

After which, she took the closest thing she found to a flat pan, where she poured the mixed eggs, then with great care and dexterity turned this mixture into a rather fluffy omelet.

′′ In any case, it must be quite difficult for a girl to live alone in the forest. ′′ Desmond said, apparently bringing the subject up out of nowhere.

because you said so? ′′ Sasha asked now without that passion that she had a few moments ago while she was talking about her experiment.

′′ Well, I can only assume that the whole thing about this new enhancement compound you are looking to create is to make your everyday clothes more resistant and still comfortable since I cannot imagine you wearing armor daily in the middle of the forest, but neither It seems to me that the comfortable clothes that you would like to wear will endure the conditions here a lot. ′′

After saying his part, Desmond proceeded to serve two servings of rice on separate plates and then put the omelet on top of this rice base, after which using a small knife he opened the omelet causing it to overflow from the center revealing its smooth soft interior. creamy; It might not be a restaurant-worthy dish, but Desmond thought he did a good job creating this rice omelet.

′′ Exactly, it is very difficult to keep clothes in good condition when living in the forest, that is exactly the reason why I decided to start this experiment; though I use some research details from my teacher as a basis. . . In any case, if you help me as an escort while I gather the materials in the rocky area of ??the forest, maybe I can do something with the upgrade compound to reinforce your armor; I’m not familiar with the process of creating it so I’m not sure how much it will increase your overall defense, but it should do wonders with strengthening your joints and joints. After a little pause in her speech, Sasha ended up extending an invitation and an offer to Desmond, but in anticipation of her, he got a different kind of response.

′′ First, we eat, then we talk about business, I am not very familiar with the ingredients, but I hope the food is to your liking; It is also true that I said that it was difficult to live in the forest because of the clothing issue. . . but it must also be lonely, what if for now we just enjoy a good meal and rest; We’ll talk business in the morning. Does she look like little Sasha to you? ′′

Surprised so much by the response to her attitude, Sasha could only lower her flushed head as she nodded and began to eat, even she let Desmond call her by such a childish nickname as “Little Sasha”; of course she helped that right now she was eating from Desmond’s plate-like there was no tomorrow.

′′ Thank you ′′ Only a whisper of thanks came from Sasha’s lips between bites, but it was enough for Desmond who was watching tenderly.

For the curious Desmond had done a good job and even the Hunter’s Book had to acknowledge it this time.

Of course, it only took Desmond seconds to think about how good this dish would be to take some beautiful and voluptuous milf to bed, but feeling that he really should change his mind a little too lustful before Claire ends up hating him or he will end up listening another sermon from the voice of the universe; Desmond pushed those thoughts away and proceeded to enjoy the food as well.

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